invest (v.)
The meaning "use money to produce profit" is attested from 1610s in connection with the East Indies trade, and it is probably a borrowing of special use of Italian investire (13c., from the same Latin root) via the notion of giving one's capital a new form. The figurative sense of "to clothe (with attributes)" is from c. 1600. The military meaning "to besiege, surround with hostile intent" also is from c. 1600. Related: Invested; investing.
November 8, 2022, Total Lunar eclipse: where-ever you are, is the right place for your transformation
The moon is how we identify ourselves as our bodies are wired through the nervous system via our e-motions, energy in motion.
The last few years with so much turbulence have made many nervous systems wreak havoc. As we don’t seem to be able to adapt to so many changes so quickly. The universe is asking us to let go of what has been known - to be brave and to trust all that has come within- everybody, every soul has a signature to tap into its wisdom. Whether you feel it or life itself has been showing its way-
As you learn to self-regulate and become more aware of what is needed, as you become more independent, accountable, and sovereign; as you fine-tune into your magnetic fields, and trust the wave that connects all fractals, pause for a second and recognize that you are in a great place.
- this is your awareness of the now-
Have you made a list of what is needed based on what you react, dislike, or in Jungian terms, can you feel your shadows? at the same time, the theme of sovereignty and value asks you to make use of them as they become lucrative and healing in time. Why? well, you are the expert in the areas that you have been more conditioned, as Gabor Mate implies, the trauma is the wisdom. Can it make you an expert of sorts?
The return of Pluto and its desire to deeply transform the whole society
I live in the United States of America since Sept.1994, it is somehow the place that has shaped a good part of my life, both my spiritual and artistic voices were shaped since I moved here.
-Yet I don’t let them solely define me-
This country was founded by people looking to flee religious and dogmatic persecutions, who organized themselves into federations with decentralized governments. At the time of inception, the second amendment of the Constitution protected the freedom required for the first one, one had to be courageous about speaking up, for having the valor of being critical of power systems that were corrupt. I am not an advocate of violence, I endorse education in many modalities that serve one purpose: individuation.
After a full circle, or 245 + years later, with Pluto’s return in the USA astrological chart, we are witnessing a rebirth on all matters pertaining to financial, and political institutions, the defragmentation of too much power held in government. Those who govern anywhere, are not working for the people, too many promises and favors need to be exchanged for every change of government. As the cross of planning is being dismantled, no bargain can be kept alive, and we are called to surrender to our individual truth. Now the persecution has been upgraded, and we cannot escape space– but we can understand and have a different relationship to time and value-
My portfolio of investments
I am going to share here where I have invested in the last 5 years…
I have invested in myself.
My education, my curiosity, and my sovereignty.
Some paradigms and systems correlate and overlap.
Thus languages such as Evolutionary Astrology - Human Design - the Gene Keys - Jungian psychology - Trauma therapies, Somatic therapies, and last but not least, a full understanding of what Fiat money is, why Cryptocurrencies, the blockchain, and Bitcoin have emerged since the last terrible bailout of the 2008 SNAFU. Inquiring about these psycho-technologies has been pivotal in the direction and the state of being I find myself in.
I not only do mentorings, evolutionary astrological, and human design readings, and create Art for public spaces– As of the last 90 days, I facilitate study groups. I have found so much power yet so much humility in the mirroring of others to empower themselves. After all, I was born in a family of innovative female pedagogues in Colombia, and the value of education was both a genetic and epigenetic imprint. As I write these lines, my dear mother who basically supported and encouraged my dreams is at the hospital in full recovery. These eclipses are affecting everyone, times are changing and I have to show up with an open heart.
Creativity and energy are one and the same - some months ago the idea of putting my art career on hold for a few months was anathema; it created anxiety.
Then I had an insight–
I am an artist in the present tense and also at all times, even if I am not producing, or exhibiting… I don’t have to be always on. Therefore I have dedicated and will continue to dedicate in upcoming months, to the reshaping and creation of safe containers where I hold space in communities geared towards sovereignty and evolution.
OMG- I found another of my callings…
Vocation is an inner calling - devoted and pursuing joy in the act of inquiring deeply, experiencing, and then sharing.
The time has come to be grounding your emotional body in something that will support the creation of more resources.
On the Horizon
Tools based on the observation of celestial bodies that have been impregnated with meaning through archetypes, mythology, or even navigation tools - the more I connect to these, the more it is a spiral that can be perceived as holographic.
As we move ahead and witness more chaos the time is perfect to sustain a practice of orientation -
A practice of generating nurturing qualities, assisting as the magnetism to direct attention to what is self-love, authenticity, and integrity. Surrendering to the creator and delivering self-worth by using the senses to meet the fractal family, is a pure act of awareness.

A passion is taking form –
In the next newsletter, I will be unveiling how I have directed the Mars in Gemini retrograde storyline, I will be plugging a set of fun study groups, courses, and new materials that support individuals in the next layer integrating emotional values with financial freedom as one becomes one’s own token/currency by using the Architecture of one’s own design.
The eclipse is releasing me from old ways of identifying myself with obsolete structures and offering the potential to expand as a mirror to what is needed in the collective. I am of service with joy!
Are you ready to be the receptor of such offerings?
In the meantime I would like to endorse the course that I took this year and a community I am very happy to be part of, meet Tansy at the Crypto Ethic. CRYPTO BEGINNER TO BASIC TRADER, A Powerful, Inspiring & Comprehensive 3-Month Crypto Program starting in January 2023, book a call and find out how education on financial matters can lead to freedom.
My relationship with Money/values has been forever transformed from the understanding of the mechanics, and the differences between standards to the capacity I hold now to read and interpret financial charts. I learned how to invest and comprehend the value of time both short and long term, and probably the most important, the awareness that I can hold my own keys, the price of individuation and sovereignty is indeed priceless.
-Do you like what you read? -Do you resonate with some of it? You know, you can use parts of it, but quote me like I quote others.
-Some ways you could encourage my writing: A.Use the like button even if you are shy. B.Do leave me a comment, and let me know how it feels. C.Share it with a friend! D.Subscribe to the newsletter. I love knowing you might read this. E. Keep coming back for more… F.Think of me and smile because you are alive and rocking this world. G.$upport my creative vessels in different ways by connecting with me or sending some $love; donate as little as you can. THANK-YOU
BIT ETH: monikabravo$paystring.crypto.com
Strike.me/monikaco - The Lighting Network, a layer 2 payment protocol layered on top of Bitcoin.
LINKTREE forest is full of ways to see my artwork, watch + read interviews, etc
Thank you, Monika! This is very timely for me! I'm glad your mom is so much better!
I have a list of books to read on money, and I've started one on money psychology. Will be interesting to see how the new perspectives by those you recommend (Robert Breedlove and others) compare to what I'm reading now. Going deeper into embracing my worth!