Pointless, arbitrary horseshit that could have no conceivable basis in any science or evidence or even reality
Please vote accordingly.
Bars, Restaurants, and Gyms to Close By 10 p.m. in New York
By Nick Reisman City of Albany
NOV. 11, 2020
UPDATED 4:54 PM ET Nov. 11, 2020 PUBLISHED 1:56 PM ET Nov. 11, 2020
Bars, restaurants and gyms will be required to close in New York by 10 p.m. starting on Friday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday announced.
Gatherings at private homes, meanwhile, will also be limited to no more than 10 people, Cuomo said, in an effort to control the coronavirus pandemic. …
N.Y., NYC Dining Restrictions Survive Latest Court Challenge
Feb. 9, 2021
Feb. 9, 2021, 3:34 PM
Imposed 10 p.m. closing time statewide, ban on indoor NYC dining
Court won’t ‘quarterback’ state’s Covid-19 response
Constitutional challenges to Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s (D) orders setting a curfew for restaurants across New York and suspending indoor dining in New York City, designed to slow the spread of the coronavirus, will likely fail, a federal court said Tuesday. …
Coronavirus: See which national, state parks are closed in New York state

Apr. 01, 2020, Updated: May. 07, 2020,
Keep in mind, the playgrounds, athletic courts and sport fields at New York state parks are all closed. Also, camping, pavilion reservations and swimming operations at NY state parks …
all one ever needed to know to conclude that covid was a hoax, or at minimum the panic was a hoax, was the early pronouncement that 'computer models suggest'......
You mean the same computer models that have been predicting climate doom in ten years for the past forty years ?
The objective of climate change has always been control over energy use in particular but standard of living in general.
All of those long term predictions were supposed to have gotten people to worry that 'gee, there might be something to this,' but forty years of failed predictions convinced people that there was no There there.
Covid provided the opportunity to do in one fell swoop what collectivists weren't able to do by measures ranging from gentle prodding to electric shock. This was the opportunity to impose in "2 weeks" what they had failed to do in 4 decades. Thanks to a few holdouts like Sweden and Florida, it became obvious that covid's predictions were every bit as much a hoax as climate change.
The new Republican House has the opportunity to defund the WHO, UN, CDC and Fauci's outfit in preparation for the next President doing to government agencies and employees what Musk just did to Twitter and its employees.
But, but, but...WE HAD GOOD INTENTIONS!!!
Standard leftist excuse for every failure.