To the Women of VR, AI, Biology Research, and Technology, we need a CEO.
The Neural Lace Talks is a podcast about Science and Technology. Main website http://vrma.io Contact via micah@vrma.io
The Neural Lace Talks is a podcast about Science and Technology.
Main website http://vrma.io Contact via micah@vrma.io
We are looking to hire a Chief Executive Officer for a new soon to be announced media & technology solutions company.
Visit this group for a hint of the focus of this company:
https://www.facebook.com/groups/IFLNeuro/ .
Article by Micah Blumberg, journalist & neuroscientist, vrma.io vrma.work radicalsciencenews.com sfvr.net to reply to this letter please email micah@vrma.work
From the inception we want to plan to be a company that promotes diversity and inclusion.
For this reason we are primarily seeking a female CEO, but we are not excluding males from being considered.
We have a great business plan, but we need a CEO to execute it. I’m positioning myself as a CTO. There are others being considered for CSO, CFO, and COO.
The job of the CEO is to sell the company, you would be a Corporate Salesperson in a sense.
Ideally you would already have great contacts with large corporations, universities, and highly sought after speakers.
You would help to create several new monetization strategies, and help us to close deals with new clients.
You would ideally have some experience with or some interest in running a membership society.
You would ideally have some experience with or some interest in running a variety of types of publications, and also collaborations with other publications.
You would ideally be able to close financially lucrative contracts with Fortune 500 companies.
You would be able to handle public speaking, to represent the company on television, and in interviews with journalists.
You would possess exceptional leadership skills, with experience running an organization.
You would create and optimize our sales operation.
You would be responsible for working with legal to make sure that all our new IP is protected, including patents.
You would be able to draft partnership decks rapidly.
Ideally you would have a superb executive presence in meetings with any company.
Have a strong knowledge and or interest in Deep Learning AI, Neuroscience, Biometrics, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Blockchain, Encryption, and more.
We would like your help to maximize our monetization capabilities, and help us to create new kinds of business models, and new categories of technology products.
You would ideally possess some interest and or experience in retail tech solutions, wearable tech, fashion, art, user experience design, and a keen eye for solutions that can scale.
We are looking for someone who is eager to work hard in the start up culture, but at the same time is a social lion, ready to excel in any social situation, who will fight for the team, protect our people, and make sure we are all focused on what matters.
We are looking for a CEO who is driven to do what is right, and willing to listen and ask the right questions to find out what the right thing to do really is.
We are looking for someone who is not afraid to confront critical conversations and ask questions even at the risk of appearing to be a dummy.
If this job sounds like fun, even if you do not think you match all of the qualifications that we are seeking, please email me so I can schedule a time with you to talk.