That Old Trump Magic!
Trump is now responsible for losing three successive Senate seats in the state of Georgia.
The fact that Herschel Walker barely lost his Senate runoff in Georgia demonstrates beyond a doubt that ANY OTHER REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE WOULD HAVE WON.
This is kind of important. Raphael Warnock's victory Tuesday night gives the Democrats a 51-seat majority in the Senate -- 52 with the vice president. Moderate Democrats are irrelevant now. It's going to be pedal to the metal for the progressive left.
We have to get to the bottom of who chose Herschel.
OH! Look -- it was Donald Trump.
In March 2021, Trump put out this statement:
“Wouldn’t it be fantastic if the legendary Herschel Walker ran for the United States Senate in Georgia? He would be unstoppable, just like he was when he played for the Georgia Bulldogs, and in the NFL. He is also a GREAT person. Run Herschel, run!”
It’s not as if running for office had been Walker’s lifelong dream. Trump picked him. Why? Because Walker had played for Trump’s United States Football League and was a contestant on “Celebrity Apprentice.”
That’s how Trump picks candidates. He knows the guy.
GREAT CALL! I sure hope he has some more brilliant ideas for can't-miss Senate candidates. Omarosa maybe? Carrot Top? Ghislaine Maxwell?
The former president is now responsible for losing three successive Senate seats in the state of Georgia. That’s in addition to losing 40 House seats in the 2018 midterms, losing the presidential election in 2020, and losing seat after seat in this year's midterms -- a year that should have been a Republican sweep. Instead of crime, the border and inflation, Trump demanded that GOP candidates fixate on his “stolen” election.
But it’s Georgia that got the full benefit of the Trump magic.
After the 2020 election, two runoff elections in Georgia would decide the balance of power in the U.S. Senate. When we really needed all hands on deck, Trump went down to Georgia and was a wrecking ball. He insulted everyone, refused to talk about anything but himself, viciously attacked the state’s Republican governor and secretary of state, blamed them for his loss, claimed the vote was rigged and told his supporters not to vote.
Both Republicans lost.
This isn’t California. We’re talking about Georgia. What’s next? Will Trump lose a Republican seat in Alabama?
Oh yeah, he did that, too, miraculously turning the seat vacated by his attorney general, the great Jeff Sessions, over to Democrat Doug Jones in 2017, then destroying Sessions’ bid for his old seat in 2020 with acrid attacks. The state of Alabama is now represented by Trump’s pick, Tommy Tuberville, the stupidest person in the Senate, bar none. (Except Sen. Patty Murray, obviously.)
Still enraged with his loss in Georgia a year after the 2020 election, Trump recruited a primary opponent to challenge the sitting Republican governor.
Guess who Trump got to run?
Former Sen. David Perdue, who happened to be available, having lost his runoff -- because of Trump.
Driven by spite, Trump finally cracked open his $100 million political PAC to fund something other than his own businesses, giving a half-million dollars to Perdue to take out a GOP governor.
RESULT: Kemp trounced Perdue, 74% to 22%.
Another focus of Trump’s rage was Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Remember him? He’s the guy Trump called after the 2020 election, demanding that he produce another 11,780 Trump votes. Raffensperger won his primary this year by nearly 20 points.
I think the voters were trying to send a message: Please just give us a normal Republican.
Trump: Message not received!
Kemp and Raffensperger each won their reelections this year by 8 points. So we know the Trump price: 8 points. Trying to save Walker turned an election that should have been a cake walk into the most expensive race in the country -- money that Republicans really could have used elsewhere.
Naturally, Trump refused to give Walker’s campaign any of that money he stole from small-dollar donors. (In addition to spending it on his own businesses, apparently Trump is using his campaign war chest on legal fees. He needs it!)
Tuesday night, conservative commentators responded to the debacle in Georgia by saying the Democrats had a better "ground game,” and Republicans need to get comfortable with early voting, etc. Not a word about how the candidate was forced on the party by Trump.
Aren’t you getting tired of losing?
Prediction: Eight years from now Ann will explain to us why DeSantis is responsible for Republican losses at the polls in the midterms following his single-term presidency. Of course that assumes Ds are charitable enough to let the GOP hold the office.
It still won't have anything to do with the way elections are run, i.e. fraud.
Thank you for your perspective Ann as well as your astute observations of celebrity, career politicians and “politicking”. Message received. In the spirit of debate only, one of the reasons Mr. Trump did get some important things done while in office was because he did not waste time. Instead of the long and drawn out “affairs” imposed upon all of us now and prior to his holding office, we are now back to being drawn into these lack-of-solid-reasoning-for-these-never-ending-affairs matters. Cannot/will not accept this path and will go “kicking and screaming” away from the madness. Thank you again for providing this important forum where a person(s) can be allowed to think for self/selves!