The December 12, 2022, meeting of the Hayden Urban Renewal Agency (HURA) included the unexpected outcome of the resignation of John Young from the HURA board on the following day.
We have exclusive video of the Dec. 12 HURA meeting. (Thanks to our intrepid videographer who captured the meeting!)
Full Video
Ed DePriest’s Public Comment
At the meeting, Ed DePriest was asked to give public comment on the public’s perception of HURA. (Chairman John Young had to reopen public comment as the board had moved on to other action items.)
Listen to Ed’s comments about social media disinformation and the necessity of educating citizens about how urban renewal works.
The Hayden Citizen agrees with Hayden City Council Member Ed DePriest about the need to educate the citizens of Hayden about how urban renewal districts work.
Urban renewal districts can and should benefit the citizens. The Hayden Citizen hopes by bringing awareness to how HURA operates that it will lead to improvements in how the board is run and in increased accountability to the citizens of Hayden.
Matt Roetter’s Surprise Twist
We applaud Matt Roetter for his efforts to hold HURA board members accountable and ensure compliance with relevant state codes regarding urban renewal districts. In this video, Matt reads from Deputy Attorney General J.J. Winters’ response to State Senator Mary Souza regarding state code disallowing urban renewal board member acquisition of property in an urban renewal district.