Blondes, the Trump Curse, Libertarian Suicide Pact, Woke Single Females, Twitter vs. Free Speech, Kavanaugh, Clinton, Clarence Thomas, and MORE!

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Ann, when you said that Tourette’s Syndrome is your favorite disease and you’re always trying to acquire it I had to pause the video and laugh for about a minute. That was just priceless, and reminds those of us with a sense of humor and those who have been following you for decades why you are so very beloved by so many. Standup comedians used to be able to make lighthearted jokes about Tourette's, and there was even an episode of South Park where Cartman faked having Tourette's just so he would be able to get away with swearing. It's one of those reminders of a time when people were still able to laugh at themselves in a good-natured way and we hadn't yet been besieged by the Woke Police who demand that humor be tied to a stake and burned in the village square so that nobody would ever run the risk of being offended by anything ever again.

You're right on the money regarding the reasons why young single women flock to the Democrat Party. I remember hearing from so many single women that the reason why they wanted to vote for Obama was to get free healthcare. That was their overwhelming reason in so many cases, and I could cite reason after reason, all backed up with solid evidence, of why Obama would be terrible for America and send us down a really ugly path but none of it made the slightest difference. They would listen with a blank expression and then vote for Obama because they wanted free healthcare. That whole era was so very disheartening in so many ways.

I have also been baffled by this whole business of "white people want to touch black peoples' hair". I had never experienced such a feeling and I have never heard any white person ever remark "gee, I wish I could touch that black person's hair". This is another one of those baseless, manufactured lies that some people create when they are desperate for something negative to broadbrush white people with. Everyone knows it's a lie.

Thank you and Mickey so very much for another GREAT podcast; it's sincerely appreciated!

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Ann is the quite obvious the GOAT!!!l

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Isn’t it odd that we look back at Anita Hill’s accusations against Clarence Thomas and Christine B. Ford’s against Brett Kavanaugh and no one uses the word “baseless”?

I thought the New York Times had established that word as the go-to choice for unconfirmed charges.

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Slightly OC, but I hung out with Christine Blasey Ford's brother last week, and even he said his sister was bat-sh*t crazy.

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Oh boy, I hate to be the one always bringing up race (I swear I have other interests: architecture, dance, music, politics) but here goes. I'm a black woman, the reason some black women hate blondes is because in general black culture worships black men. Black men are 'our babies' and boyfriends at the same time. Black culture infantilizes black men and makes every excuse for them. They didn't rob the store, the white man oppressed them. Black women hate each other because they want attention from oversexed/marriage adverse black male cads so you better believe some black women hate white women for that reason. They hate anything that stands in the way of them and the loser black men they adore.

Obviously I don't feel that way. Black men leave white women single mothers in higher rates than they do black women so when I see a blonde woman with a black men I usually feel sorry for her and almost always wonder a few things: if he actually married her (black men avoid marriage), if he has money (I hope he does), and if he is a burden to her (second shift when she gets home/if he's cheating/or has a secret child she doesn't know about).

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Feel sorry?! I congratulate them if they choose blk men cuz it's less stress for me. I just wish black women would be more open to dating outside the race cuz why wait in a black king who don't see u as royal?

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Lol 😂. I shouldn't laugh, but you congratulate them. I'm 💀. I'm thinking moreso long term and what's best for society, nobody should be dating most of them but I see your point.

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Dear Ann.. you are the most important female polemist since Harriet Beecher Stowe 170 years ago . As she single-handedly moved public opinion on slavery; you have on immigration. Are you having an affair with Mickey . Seems so

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1. I would put Phyllis Schlafly up there with both Ann and HBS. 2. Ann has not proven effective--that is the flood gates are still open. If we/she can get Ron DeSantis elected, then she will be awarded her place in history.

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Mickey shouldn't refer to a "fat person" or "overweight".... he should say a "body positive person".

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Stop with the liberal PC rhetoric!! Body positive is not about being fat. It's about accepting the flaws ur body has. Fat women just inserted themselves into that for attention and lizzo

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you didn't pick up on the sarcasm.

I was suggesting we do what the Left always does with language... change the meaning.

just use "body positive", or maybe "very body positive" in a sarcastic way to mean "fat" or "overweight".

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My bad. I thought u were being serious 😂

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Hey Ann, I have a different take on the upcoming Senate elections. I have never seen this much anger + disgust over the unholy 18 Senators who voted fot the Democrats' monstrosity of a bill! They all got their 30 pieces of silver, they all should be primaried if not I would bet 12 of the 18 will lose easily!

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I sure hope after Ann's terrific explanation of former President's Clinton's effect of lying under oath (and his behavior) would give Mickey Kaus pause before ever considering voting for any Clintons again.

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This episode has not gone out in the Apple podcast feed, thanks.

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After Mickey did that 'hocus pocus' thing with his fingers at :50:30 I started having these strange liberal sensations. 😵

Next time I pick the 'Audio Only' version! 😄

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The problem with having *no* algorithm is that you would have to scroll past far more totally boring tweets. At one point, Twitter did (and still might) have an option to show you tweets from people you follow in chronological order. I tried it, but it made my feed 95% prolific tweeters.

An ideal algorithm would be completely agnostic to the actual content of tweets. More like YouTube’s recommendation algorithm before they caved to people insisting it was “radicalizing” conservatives.

If NPR listeners are so worried the algorithm is “radicalizing” people and turning them into nutty Q adherents, they can buy promoted tweets targeting people they think are being radicalized. Try to convince them they’re on the wrong track. It’s not Twitter’s job to secretly hide Ann’s tweets to suppress opposition to indentured servitude labor for big tech.

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Do blondes have more fun? That is the real question! I used to think so but Ann made a really good point about Nicole Simpson(May she RIP). I find my blonde friends to be very useful. They are great as decoys for obnoxious men who harass you especially at the gym.

I was riveted to the TV set during the Clarence Thomas trial. As the old joke says: What is the worst pick up line of all times? I see a blankety hair on your coke can! Ann is also tall and thin so that is also a trigger for women! Work it girl!

I can relate to Ann because I didn't get the girl gene of keeping my opinion to myself so I get in trouble with women alot. But one of my favorite lines of Ann is: Girls we have it made just take a shower and brush your hair and get a man to take care of you. That's what I did and I am a domestic goddess in my home and my hubby brings home the bacon and treats me like a queen!

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I am totally confused by Ann stating that the only anti-discrimination protection that should be retained is banning discrimination against blacks (and she quickly preceded that by saying "in business").

Would Ann or somebody please clarify that position for me?

Does that mean in college/grad school admissions that discrimination against Whites or Asians is acceptable?

After listening to that section of the video several times I am still confused by Ann's position and must be having an obtuse moment because it is not logical to me.

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I don't want anyone touching my hair unless they are willing to style it the way I want it and I can care less about a black man with a white woman because black men are too much of a problem if I'm being honest. If white women or non black women want to put up with all that, kudos to them!

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Really enjoy your podcasts Ann. But your outro hurts my ears every time. Most things that sound like rap have that effect. Not a fan when there is blues and jazz and so many other pleasing forms of music.

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Another great episode Ann. One question for you, as a new subscriber and someone you single handedly turned toward Trump in 2016 (among millions of others no doubt) there anything he could specifically do to ever earn your support again?

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That ship has sailed. He could have built the wall, like he said he would. He is dead to Ann.

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Want Ann’s response, not yours

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It's a comment board, and you wrote on it. That's how it works.

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That guys tie kinda triggered me 🤦‍♀️

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Thank you Ann and Mickey K for another round of sane discussion. Modern technology makes making the moral argument more difficult except when you two individuals converse. Thank you for sharing. In my opinion, your influences are vital, needed and necessary. Personally absorb your (two) articulations of the “devil in the details”. Most importantly, I draw on the wisdom in protection of young adults (who are close to me and not close to me) In re: the ADA. Discrimination is rampant. It exists, especially in sports. A haven for abuse. In the interest of fairness, as a self described “bottled blonde”, please look up Malcolm Gladwell’s book about post world war sales of (boxed) hair dye. Follow the money, Interesting. Culturally. Thank you again Ann and Mickey K.

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how about you can't discriminate against someone because of their politics?

that'd be nice...

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But they do if they are republican or conservative

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and I'm suggesting that political affiliation should be one of those things protected by the law.

race, relgion, etc. and political affiliation.

it should even be covered by hate crime laws.

again..... turn the Lefty tactics against them.

but of course it would never happen. it would never be enforced.

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Sad but true.

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luckily I'm taller than Ann.....

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Great pod, Ann. You and Mickey make for an interesting listen.

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Married women realize their husbands are "safe" under republicans but "free" females don't need no stinking men with democrat pandering.

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This resentment against white women by black women stealing their men points to a natural alliance between white separatists and black women. Is there a National Organization of PO'd Black Women or something?

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99% of people with Tourette's do not have utterances of epithets. That's extremely rare.

I was kicked out of the College of William and Mary for Tourette's. ADA protections are a joke. Colleges should be more bound than most but their only goal was driving people with disabilities off campus. I just needed a single dorm so I could have a place to tic. Holding it in 24 hours a day is like being waterboarded. The Dean of Students literally told me, we want "young, healthy students." This was in 2001. The Washington Post has done series on how students with well managed mental health conditions go there and end up having their lives ruined by their draconian policies policing students with mental health issues like some communist state. There is a literal form to rat out students with mental health issues, which are responded to with involuntary hospitalization and getting the student off campus, for common, well managed conditions.

When we had suicides on campus, we got e-mails from the dean with zero empathy for the victim. The only thing they wanted to inform us was that the suicide was completed off campus, like literally an e-mail announcing a suicide became a fever dream about the technicalities of the perimeter of the college as if any of the students care that one of their peers died fifty meters from the legal limits of the college's property—as if anybody was relieved by or interested in that.

The number of students they've sent to involuntary commitment is astounding to a psychiatric facility in Williamsburg, VA that is known as a torture shop, where people have been raped and died from medical negligence.

Sorry I'm sensitive about the topic of Tourette's. It really is no issue in life for many people unless you happen to step foot onto the campus of WIlliam and Mary where we better rush them off campus because it might have some tangential connection to suicide and we'll end up in the WaPo again—which they do anyway time and time again for policies that create or exacerbate mental illness.

If the ADA had any teeth at all, that college would have had its house cleaned for denying basic ADA accommodations and driving students to the edge.

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Why couldn't you have just lived off campus?

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Required for first year students to live on campus. Full meal plan also required, whether yo use it or not. That's how they get a lot of their money. It was probably more than tuition, IIRC.

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Since you apparently have not been awarded 8 figures in punitive damages in a civil suit against William And Mary, one must suspect you of being a member of the class who are so privileged they are practically denied access to the justice system. My sympathies.

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Jan 25, 2023
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LOVE Anntensity. Like you say, second best thing on twitter after Ann.

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Jan 24, 2023
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Because hair is apart of a person and touching the hair is a form of violation and ppl r too touchy now and days

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