"Memoir of Growing Up Fat Forces France to Look in the Mirror," yeah, no kidding
"Fat acceptance" doesn't exist in the real real world
"Memoir of Growing Up Fat Forces France to Look in the Mirror." That's because, to put it crudely, fat people typically demonstrate a lack of some combination of intelligence, conscientiousness, and knowledge. Intelligence, because they might not understand why the sugar they stuff in their faces makes them fat; conscientiousness, because they may understand but lack the willpower to change; or knowledge, because they may simply not know or never have been told.
Do you want to hire a stupid, lazy, or ignorant person? Neither do I… unless they work cheap.
France may have fewer fat people because the country better prioritizes building mass transit and urban areas that facilitate walking. Simply walking more in daily life is one important key, but the United States’ car-dependent suburbs and exurbs make that difficult. We have “planned” ourselves into obesity.
This is total nonsense,
Unlike in the United States, where TV regularly features programs urging viewers to take a positive view of their bodies
It is true that TV features fat acceptance, but in the real world of dating markets and employment markets things are quite different. Even if someone will try to virtue-signal about fat acceptance, in reality no one who can avoid dating such people will date them.
The “fat acceptance” movement also only ever talks about women… probably because no one cares about low-status men.
Every loser guy who hits the Internet gets the same advice: hit the gym, quit sugar, quit video games, develop hobbies that bring you into contact with other people, and learn how to dress yourself. TV, video games, and social media suck up insane amounts of time, and quitting them allows a man to better himself.
The more a guy is in shape in a fat society, the more he stands out.
I've met lots of overweight women via online dating, although only by accident when they lie in pictures. I don't want to date them, but I sometimes invite the ones who seem nice to the gym. Few come. Of those who come, almost none come more than once. Fat people primarily have themselves to blame, at least those who are past the age of majority. I'm that obnoxious guy who, in the presence of a fat chick hitting on him, only talks about the gym and dieting. Boring topics, but the right topic around fat chicks.
A man who wants to date better has to knock down the barriers between him and dating better. Will you?
It would be fun if you illustrate this with... you know... a fat chick...