How parents can support educators right now
In light of the Executive Orders on Education and potential ICE raids in schools
Preface: After the Trump Administration released its Executive Order on Ending Radical Indoctrination in K-12 Schooling (jeez) a few templates circulated for parents to communicate their feelings about those orders to their schools. While these are valuable, the tone of these existing templates leaned heavily on demands to the school (essentially asking “what are YOU all going to do about this”) rather than offers of solidarity and support.
As a parent, educator, and somebody who has had the opportunity to train thousands of parents and teachers across the country, I’d like to offer another alternative— one that is more focused on collective care between parents and educators.
Ideally, this kind of letter would first be circulated amongst parents to get a number of people signed on before sharing it with teachers. Afterwards, as alluded to in last paragraph, there’d be an informal community meeting for parents and staff with whom it resonated (both for practical planning purposes and emotional support). I recommend holding it off school grounds, with lots of good food and beverages.
If you’re reading this, I assume that you’re a parent, educator or community friend concerned about schools as democratic spaces where every child belongs. Thank you. Please reach out if you have any questions and let me know how I can help.
-Garrett Bucks, dad of two, Milwaukee
Dear [educators],
First off and most importantly, thank you.
Thank you for loving all your students. Thank you for helping our children navigate pandemics, lockdown drills, and a world that far too often does not make it easy to be a kid. Thank you for showing up for a job in which you are underpaid, overworked and frequently maligned. Thank you for loving hard even when our country so frequently doesn’t love you back.
In light of a wave of actions from the new Presidential administration, particularly the threat of ICE raids at schools and the Executive Order on Ending Radical Indoctrination In K-12 Schooling, parents at our school wanted to make sure that we offered an unwavering statement of support and solidarity. We have no idea whether these orders will be enforceable. We don’t know if you will experience any pressure to modify how you teach or the way you affirm students and keep them safe. We hope not, but if so, we want to make sure that you do not have to weather that pressure alone.
Whatever stand you take in the name of taking care of students— be that affirming their gender identity, making sure they know their immigration rights, or ensuring that they have access to an affirming, challenging, historically accurate curriculum— we will be there right by your side. That includes fundraising for you if you face financial penalties, supporting you if you face disciplinary reprisal and problem-solving when external circumstances make it difficult to live your values as an educator. The phrase “school community” means that we’re in this together. And though we can’t take away the pressures you face right now, our hope is that we can at least stand together in the breach.
If you would be open to it, we’d love to coordinate an informal community get together for parents and educators to share our feelings and brainstorm ideas for what this moment will require of us together. Please let us know if you’d be interested.
Thank you again for everything you do,
[Parent names]
End notes:
-I will be updating this post with links to resources for educators and parents if and when they emerge. If you know of any, let me know (either in the comments or via email— garrett at barnraisersproject.org).
-If you’re interested in a free, virtual training on how to build communities of support (like, for instance, between educators and parents) I’ve got some of those coming up.
-If other parent-focused writers would like to cross-post and collaborate, I’m totally game. The name of the game is spreading resources far and wide.
-Thank you for keeping this space going, you all. Every little thing helps— new subscriptions, shares, kind words, feedback. Love you all.
I am not a US resident and so I can only imagine the level of insecurity, and anxiety coming at you in a myriad of directions right now. I am here as an emotional support Canadian if you are in need of one.
As the parent of a trans teen, as a community organizer, and as a school board member, I thank you for this.