Thomas des Garets Geddes 

Founder and editor of Sinification. Associate fellow at the Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). Former analyst at MERICS. BA at SOAS and MSc at Oxford.

Highly recommend this censored interview with prominent 🇨🇳 historian Xu Jilin: "In my view, hope for the future lies not in [hashtag#China's] public sphere, but primarily in its private sphere. A friend once said, 'Have grand ideals, but do small things'."

Xu's observations in a nutshell:

1️⃣ The rise and fragmentation of online media i…

Xu Jilin on China’s Intellectuals and the Rise of the Private Sphere (Part 2)

Essential read by Peking University Postdoc Researcher He Pengyu (何鹏宇) on why China is winning the Chip War against the U.S. — and why 🇨🇳 should keep investing in its legacy chip industry.

With a wonderful introduction by the excellent


Why China Is Winning the Chip War Against the U.S.
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Faced with tech restrictions, China is searching for new ways to push ahead on semiconductors. Finding such alternative routes could help China "overtake on the curve” as it’s done in other industries like electric vehicles. Cross-posted with

’s fantastic Sinification.

Chinese semiconductors and alternative paths to innovation