Jane Clare Jones 

Writer. Philosopher. Radical materialist feminist. Anti-fascist. #ProfessionalAntiBullshitMerchant
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Daddy’s Home: Notes on the Vibe Shift
The Plot Against America

FINALLY, some good news! I ❤️ NY.

Further notes in ‘we haven’t learned a fucking thing and yes we fully intend to carry on being rude, entitled and high handed assholes to feminist women because there couldn’t possibly be anything more important going on in the world right now to pay attention to.’

It’s true…

This sense of absurdist sabotage just might save us.

BREAKING: ICE just announced it is pausing the hotline where people can call to report undocumented immigrants because 90% of the calls are from people reporting Elon Musk.

Twenty Lessons On Tyranny


“As usual, feminism is here to tell you your binary is not one.”


Medusa Rising is the new project of Esmee Streachailt, a former editor at theradicalnotion.org, continuing the collective work of radical materialist feminism on a digital platform. Check it out.

From my latest, more at the link!

RadMatFems have long argued that as long as women are the one's being kind and making space for TQ folks, the movement is just more patriarchy, just more using women as resources for (mostly) men's projects of ‘self-realization.’ But, here now we have a change that means men have to accept these ‘differen…