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Just saw a Kristi Noem commercial spending taxpayer money to promote herself and thank Trump. If we want to DOGE something how about that corrupt garbage?
Of course, the shingles argument is nonsense. You can argue that the risk of the illness does not warrant a vaccination risk, but the presenter in the video has no idea what chickenpox and shingles are.
Once infected with chickenpox, you will never lose the virus. It hides in our brain. And just like cold sores it can pop up back. Shingles is an outbreak of the virus you contracted at childhood.
This is important, as the chickenpox vaccine isn't actually preventing chickenpox, but giving it to yo…
Once a virus is blamed, there is no need (or danger) anymore to look for poison in the food, water, or air. Instead of prohibiting then that big corporations keep using these poisons it opens a new vaccine, drug and treatment market. No health ministry or health government institute has ever scientifically proven a virus to exist, there are no control experiments. It's just a fear tactic, that has worked so well. The controlled opposition is also trying to keep it up with their spike proteins and lab leak, getting angry at people that just want to know how an image generated with electron microscopy can be related to a genome assembled by a software, and then without being able to watch in vivo, is related to all kinds of things in the body. And don't mention Graphene Oxide... The controlled opposition goes nuts. If it's so obvious that there is none in the covid shots (and now in all other childhood vaccines, too), then let's look at all the evidence. Graphene Oxide is visible under a normal microscope. Everybody who has access to one, can check.