Rudy A 


Not that I had any faith in the judicial system to start with but what little I had I've lost. It's naked now, America is a corporate state


Unfortunately, the DOJ has been weaponized. All three branches of 'government' have been corrupted. We need The Kingdom (or Government) of God. May this Realm be revealed soon.

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Marilyn, absolutely, we have no other choice! We cannot sit back and hope that somehow the fossil-fuel lobbyists are thinking of the people and have a whole-hearted reverence for life--I wish they did!

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Yes, Joan, this means our letters 2,3,4,5 and however many it takes for us to see results that might save our democracy and our Planet! 💕☮️💕


Yes and there are still only a minority of lawyers getting busy on the growing injustices that come from humanity being in the grip of collective unconsciousness( fear). As far as the topic of unlawful home detentions and constitutional matters go a lawyer in SA is a great risk pointing out his govts failures. Letting people know the PCR test is being misused used , the only so called proof of " covid" when the test cannot even d…


Thank you, Marianne, for your updates on the unfolding of Steven’s case today. Not only was Justice not served and the sentencing a blow, but the judge’s language was particularly malicious when she referred to the sentence as hitting Steven “with a (‘proverbial’) two-by-four between the eyes.” Thank you for all you are doing in raising awareness and championing Steven’s case. I am praying for him and his family on this dark day, and I look forward to hearing about the available options in moving forward towards true Justice!


It's like if a vegetarian were being prosecuted by a group of butchers, it's sickening. The man has served more than he should if he were guilty and the only people who think he is are associated with big oil. This deserves the attention of anyone serious about climate justice, certainly Biden's administration.


I’m afraid the Biden administration is a slave of the oil industry himself. Its only talking, but Im happy your on this case Marianne. Its not only oil companies, but big multinationals in general, like the pharma industry, who do anything to get there way, anything!