Amy McCarthy 

Regulatory scientist in the throes of perimenopause.
Hormone Therapy and Dementia
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Let's start with the correct terminology. I am a medical doctor; I practice evidence-based medicine. I believe people deserve evidence. The term "allopathic medicine" is from Samuel Hahnemann, the inventor of homeopathy, meaning it was coined by a scam artist. Hahnemann came up with the term to distinguish homeopathy from medicine. The term was intended to be derogatory. So let's not start with you insulting me, okay?

I believe women deserve facts; if you don't and prefer a more religious type o…

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Too many successful people outside and inside medicine are reaping rewards on the suffering of many people, not just women.

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I saw the ad for the first time today and knew there would be a write-up coming. As I watched Drew talk about how confused she was and she couldn’t find a doctor who could/would help her. And I wanted to tell her, “Dr. Jen Gunter. She literally wrote the book.”