Why would you expect anything from a career politician who plays the game and does and says nothing more then what will further his own political career He has had excellent teachers in recent years, Obama and Biden. After supporting a coup with a bunch of neo-nazis in Ukraine and ousting a pro-Russian government then he dutifully gets all upset about Russia annexing the Crimea. Of course he supported the war in Iraq and under Obama getting rid of Assad. He claims he champions democracy and …
The point is that there is no way to save the bulk of the cancerous speculative debt. You have to start there. You're going to have to make a decision on what you can save and what you can't. Much of the debt is worthless, it has no intrinsic value and it's not tied to anything with intrinsic value. Period. Glass-Steagall was done before, so maybe look into how it was done in the past? There will always be corruption, that's not an excuse for not coming up with solutions or avoiding a bankrupt…
'President Obama — who so flamboyantly campaigned in 2008 on the promise to close the camp — instead had his Justice Department appeal the ruling in Slahi’s favor in order to keep him encaged. ' The same man who got a Nobel Peace Prize imprisoning a man who - by all accounts - sounds like the embodiment of peace.
What a farcical world we live in.
Glenn: A little off point, but I think this is an idea whose time has come:
Big Tech has amassed historically unprecedented levels of wealth and power by selling Americans' personal information in return for “free” access to their respective sites. In short, instead of Americans paying for product, Americans ARE the product, to the point where they are being tracked and data-mined 24/7/365--at levels of intrusion that make George Orwell’s Big Brother seem benign by comparison.
In Australia, the …