

This Israeli ambassador to the UN wants these terrorist kids drawings removed from the UN! Listen, you pleb. We would sooner remove Israel from the UN than those drawings.


Netanyahu just sacked Yoav Gallant, Israel's Defense Secretary (with hints he may soon fire the IDF Chief of Staff and the head of Shin Bet, Israel's mighty secret police), and this is an excellent opportunity to say something about Netanyahu's role in the great scheme of things.

Two things I have been saying consistently for the past year: Israel will only escalate, and this is its demise.

I want to add one very crucial layer of meaning to this, regarding Netanyahu's role in exposing fully the f…

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“What is happening in Kamal Adwan Hospital is a complete crime; the Israeli occupation forces after targeting the rooms of sick children, burning the medicine store, and destroying the water tanks, are now deliberately targeting the hospital and its residents directly.”

- Anas Al-Sharif, Al Jazeera

Jewish exceptionalism means nothing will happen to the Israeli criminals committing these war crimes.