I've described what we're in right now as the First Reality War, and I think that this very moniker explains why we're held back from acknowledging the fight we're in—it's a new kind of fight, a metaphysical one that's in many respects as dangerous as a physical one (consider that almost the entire COVID-19 death toll is a toll exacted as a result of the First Reality War), and because it's a new kind of fight it's hard for people to see or understand it. As a Cultural Studies scholar, my feeli…
I think the odds are moderate to high that mid-level insurrectionist leaders—at least a couple of them—ultimately face *some* justice. Those at the very top? The odds are very long. Our system treats the rich, powerful, and famous with kid gloves you would never see in any case—*any* case—involving a "regular human."
I think it will depend on whether Arizona state Republican reps claim Trump won the state post-audit and whether other states (particularly GA, MI, WI, and NV) are due to that in the midst of new calls for such a (fake) "audit" when September 18 arrives. That could turn September 18 into a massive event to protest a now-"proven" stolen election. Which would make it very dangerous. The speaker list is already almost certain to be full of people pushing insurrection and implying violence. I just …
I get frustrated when pundits say (paraphrasing) that since there are no FBI or DOJ press conferences or "leaks" on the investigation of the kingpins' participation in the insurrection, they're likely not investigating them. In a case this big, what information should they provide the public and how often? Couldn't they tip off the guilty parties?
I don't think people want pressers—though an opportunity for media to meaningfully ask questions of *some* kind would be appreciated, as Congressional oversight has at times seemed lackluster and settled for answers I think some journalists wouldn't—but the sort of public (and/or quickly-revealed) actions that *do* come with investigations: subpoenas, document demands, interviews, interrogations, raids, and so on. The only downside to being a rich, powerful, or famous person in the cross-hairs …
Starting with 30,000+ lies in office, abject coward throughout his entire lifetime, and a demonstrated unwillingness to put anyone ahead of his own self-interest even if it means hundreds of thousands or millions will die. He also believes himself invincible, which CIs must me made to understand they very much are not.
First I Just wanted to say thank you for everything you're doing to expose what the media is not. My question is- how do you keep your brain from not exploding connecting all the dots, organizing the information and then writing such long and detailed articles? I'm sincerely impressed with how your brain 🧠 works 😊
I have had to clear out nearly all the stress in the rest of my life. Before I did that, it was... hard. Writing the Proof Trilogy was a truly grueling and gutting process. It was physically, psychologically, emotionally, and even spiritually harmful. I'm glad I'm working in a slightly different format and on a different timeframe now.