Oh! My other exciting incremental-progress thing of late: I have begun learning the Hebrew alphabet, and for whatever reason I am able to recognize when I make progress in that: the way the marks go from vaguely-familiar shapes to distinct, specific, distinguishable *letters* with known associated sounds is incredible. Before this I'd only ever taken some mediocre high school French and limited junior high intro to Spanish, which in addition to being not very well taught also didn't involve lea…
I am so colossally bad at seeing incremental progress when I make it; this prompt has me rather stymied.
Pull-ups! I would be very interested if you'd like to share the advice you're looking at about it; I got as far as acquiring a pull-up bar and then hit the "oh no, what doorframe??" blocker and there I have stayed (there are no actually convenient doorframe options available to me, and I never managed to commit to just using the bathroom and finding somewhere to store the bar when it isn't ac…