It is the year 2025... Someday you will likely realize the following insight, hopefully sooner rather than too late. The following deep worldview has been discovered, and accurately, by deep world historian Henry Makow, PhD of Canada. Fellow elitist-cult-researcher David Icke agrees with this most valuable knowledge as well.
So do you and your family actually want to know what is really going on behind the scenes??? If so, share this like your life depends on this knowledge, and proactively, because actually this is factual truth, and you/We-The-People do depend on knowing this.
In general, a number of global rich impostering "Jews", actually Satanists, being secretive society 'Freemasons', and representing two dialectic political sides, have for generations deliberately instigated World Wars to undermine and slaughter non-Satanists and common people, which they label as "goyim". That word is Hebrew slang for "animals".
Trump, Netanyahu & Putin and Jinping, each and all, discreetly affiliate with and are directed [behind the scenes] by the black-hatted organization named "Chabad-Lubavitch"; a supremacist Judeo-Satanic doomsday cult that requires future "social catastrophe" in order to usher in a [fake] Jewish Messiah.
This elitist cult, "Chabad", is currently setting the stage for more intentional global pandemics, along with a 3rd World War; which will be based on upcoming staged false-flag mass-casualty events and immediate twisted mass propaganda. The scope of events could include nuclear terrorism, cyber attacks, Internet or power blackouts, and even a staged fake "alien invasion" using secretly developed floating anti-gravity craft technology.
Large-scale wars are stage-conducted between two branches of Jewish Freemasonry - Communistic (Left) and Zionisitic (Right).
{Trump and Netanyahu (Representing Zionism) & Putin and Xi Jinping (Representing Communism)} These pre-selected leaders are not enemies but rather covert 'brotherly' global "Freemasons". * So are the cia-mossad-mi6 installed "supreme leaders" of Iran ! * This staged acting is of paramount importance for all people(s) to understand.
This new 2025 priceless up-to-date book shows how current events are being psychopathically orchestrated:…
Again, this global cult of Satanists start and use wars world-wide to kill commoners/goyim: especially Christians, national patriots, and ethnic, assimilated or conservative, Jews too. This is Biblical in full context.
Propagandized wars hamper global civilization, unalive patriots en-masse, and further concentrate wealth and power in 'Illuminati'/"globalist" hands.
Conspiring Freemasons on both sides of the dialectic initiate every major war using murderous insider intelligence agency run false-flag events and centralized-controlled media propaganda. The Ukraine, Gaza and next, Iran, wars are not exceptions.
This collection of articles in this book explains how this ancient diabolical conspiracy is now planning for and steering us into more societal turmoil and wide-spead destruction; if we, collectively on a large scale, don't stop it from happening.
In layman's terms, by 1913, We The People gave our national credit cards to people who despise what is good and conspire to destroy our current society/us. This central bank issued debt-based credit supply is the current lifeblood of our national, and the global, economy.
The Rothschild-led banking cartel, the core of this evil cabal, has long created the world's currency supply magically, directly out of thin air, as an unlimited debt investment, to and for themselves. Our governments are capable of printing money debt-and-interest-free but nations have long been economically shackled to the Illuminati bankers. The House of Rothschild's cabal are planning more pandemics, increasingly deadly/carcinogenic mRNA mandated injections, and a 3rd World War to ensure captured nations never escape their financial bondage.
Trump, Netanyahu, Putin and Jinping are affiliated with "Chabad", a Illuminati-funded sneaky parasitic Jewish supremacist doomsday cult that controls Organized Jewry, consequently the mass media and the world's beliefs.
To fulfill “biblical prophecy”, black-hat Chabad directors are plotting illegal insidious biowarfare-lab-spawned pandemic(s), mass mind-control, and a controlled/limited nuclear war to create global demand for and install a charismatic, yet only temporary, [fake] “Messiah"/ruler.
The Cult of Chabad regards all non-Jews as slaves born to serve elitist Satanic Jews. Perceived squatters on the planet Earth, “non-Jews”, are to be impoverished, robbed, evicted and militaritically holocausted (mostly in designated emergency or pandemic camps); unless we don't fall into the traps and comply.
The word “Jew” is now being largely redefined by the embrace of "Lucifer"(Satan); not by genetics. Non-Satanic ethnic or conservative Jews who are to reject the coming Israeli "Messiah", shortly after the 3rd Jewish Temple is erected in place of the to-be-destroyed Al Aqsa mosque, are to be misdirected and self-homicided; literally globally 'holocausted' in tandem with gullible Christians and along with common poor Muslim, Hindu & Buddhist peoples, etc.
As the source of most of our problems and addictions, Satanic/Luciferian Freemasonry has eroded and in far too many cases severed a deeper reverence and allegiance with the Father of Creation, the King of Heaven, for most people.
So quickly open your eyes and mind to 200 pages of factual detail showing how the world is currently managed backstage behind the scenes. You can request a copy here. At least pass this summary to others.…
And read daily important news @ (Jewish Deep World History Researcher, PhD)
Now text, email, and post this vital knowledge; and also tomorrow, to everyone world-wide...
March 2025 interview with Dr. Henry Makow:…
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