Old Pussum 

Racquet Mailbag, August - Ask Me (Matt) Questions
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Thanks for the thoughtful response Bergo. Want to just respond to this bit in particular as I agree broadly with the rest:

You write: "As far as press conferences are concerned, a key point imo is to clearly differentiate between post-match press conferences and other more general/promotional/social/etc press gatherings. Press conferences after matches s/b focused on the match just played or matters directly related to it (injury, incident, etc), period. That's what's often rather frustrating ab…

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What astonishes is how little there is written about the tennis being played on the court. I'd like to hear about that. As to press conferences, golfers used to just begin by going through the round (which they can do with perfect detail) and tell what shot they had and what they tried to do and what went wrong if it didn't work. I'd like something like that to start press conferences. Please, provide us with an analysis of the match. Or, please take us through the main moments in the match. Co…