
Not being a writer myself it would be ill advised of you to take any advice from me on how to make a living writing. I’m a retired technocrat that has always been troubled by the hypocrisy of the state. And my mistrust has been validated throughout my 70 years and continues to deepen as I observe the psychological manipulation and trajectory resulting in further erosion of our human identities and agency.

I read a lot. I’m always looking information I can use either near term or as a sort of legacy library. I don’t have time to understand, nor follow all the rabbit holes to the end, nor be an expert on most topics that interest me. I try to keep my mouth shut if I’m out of my depth. Learn more listening anyway. I don’t get enough info out of video so it’s kind of a time waster unless it points to a more thorough source. So I search for authors who I can trust and summarize for me. Trust is the key word here. To me gimmicks are a manipulation and marketing tactic. They immediately put me on guard that there may be incoming bullshit. And I have a highly tuned bullshit detector. There are a lot of insincere, agenda driven grifters, and AI in the wild as you are well aware.  My reading list may even contain some. I’m always alert and connecting dots in multiple sources. Kind of know your enemy thing. And it’s difficult to commit cash in such an environment. Not saying you are. I’ve read enough to conclude you are sincere. I am disappointed that social media does not allow direct interpersonal relations with the authors as that is the quickest way to build trust. I do buy books for the library and have considered yours but have not pulled the trigger. Perhaps I’m not generous enough but I’ve got 3 finance draining generations of what should be 3 self sustaining family units under my roof including 2 energy sucking narcissist.  I do understand it takes a lot of effort to develop working expertise in a field of interest and everyone needs to make a living.

BTW. Your comments regarding mopping floors, selling drugs and buskers were on target. If I stop to listen, I do drop money in the cup. But it’s a fleeting enjoyment. Is it entirely analogous to writing? Perhaps analogous to buy me a coffee which is not what you’re looking for. And it does seem at times like we haven’t progressed beyond the Middle Ages. I think largely due to unseen powers that don’t want us to. But I’m confident we will transcend eventually. May not be our time. But eventually, or we are extinct. Your work is a piece of that transcendence. And my mind will never ever ever understand only fans.

I know these words of encouragement don’t put food on the table buts it’s all I got right now.
