
Listen to what they say. Then watch what they do. “Why” is a very deep rabbit hole.

I’m old enough to remember what happened to school kids like me when Russia launched Sputnik.

It was all hands on deck. The following year the National Defense Education Act (NDEA) was passed in 1958, massively increased funding for education at all levels. Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). The National Science Fo…

Well That Didn’t Take Long
A Boxing Day Reply to a Friendly Reader about Israel

Be careful what you wish for, Little Donny Boy.

The Republican Party is a Russian nesting doll of rapists.

Gotta Love JoJoFromJerz. I owe her what’s left of my sanity.

The Republican Party is a Russian nesting doll of rapists.
Replying to

We will be apologizing forever for this. I wouldn’t trust America anymore. I remember visiting my relatives in France, and apologizing for W. He had a negative effect on the world with the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The felon is a whole other level of fucked. Shit, I don’t trust my fellow Americans anymore. I really thought we had this one in the bag. I really believed we were better than this. We’re not. In the United States, 21% of adults, or 43 million people, have low literacy skills. This …


and this level of truthtelling is why they canceled his show

Five Steps To Resist The Coming Tyranny

When you use Bureau of Labor Statistics data instead of lobbyist talking points derived from right wing think tanks.

What really happened after California raised its minimum wage to $20 for fast food workers

I’m coming back to this article. Have a plane to catch.. but TFN feels surprisingly fresh to me this morning.

Biden Lock-Blocks Entire Trump Transition

America now has 815 billionaires who currently hold a record $6.7 trillion in wealth.

The bottom 50% of Americans control $3.7 trillion in wealth.

When 815 people control more wealth than half a country’s population, we have a very serious problem.
