Jason F Hall 

CS Lewis is my dog!
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That was my first big clue. Early symptoms of flu, call your doc for Tamiflu, treat early. “Novel” virus - go home, isolate till you can’t breathe? Huh? I called BS early on … loaded up on zinc, Vit D&C.

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Vile people. Absolutely horrific!

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Knowing the treatment worked why did the administrators demand the doctors stop treating the patients.

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TX Children's Hospital, which relentlessly pushes the mNRA shot in Houston, 'suddenly' has an interstate highway billboard advertising its expertise in children's cardiac medicine. Just a coincidence, no doubt.

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It was a case of "safe and effective" myocarditis.

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Before you go for a mammogram, they tell you that you have to wait a month or so after you got jabbed. That's reassuring!

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Hell they are normalizing pedophilia so nothing surprises me anymore.

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Yep, already happening

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I think it was swollen lymph nodes. Your body detoxes through the lymph nodes when you have an infection so it makes sense that your body would respond that way.

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A nurse out of Fresno was saying something similar with drug overdoses. They would put them on the covid ward because they couldn't answer whether they had respirator issues or been around anyone with covid and voila, they came down with covid.

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They ask that now on women getting breast exams in my area. A friend was upset about being asked if she had been jabbed and they explained why they were asking

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And if you are really unlucky it can develop into cardiomyopathy. :(