Comirnaty and Pfizer are not one in the same. I heard a doctor say just yesterday but can’t remember his name (yikes) that said the only thing that was authorized was a license to start producing it. It’s not available and may never be available because to get non EAU use they have to pass animal testing. So essentially there is nothing you can take that is FDA approved. Period! It’s just smoke and mirrors!
Decades later, when we look back during this time of covid, people are going to wonder why so many people put their faith in Fauci, a person who has spent 53+years as a government bureaucrat. People lining up to get a shot when they are perfectly healthy and masking up their kids with plastic filters, not realizing the long-term respiratory issues their children are going to face. With information available with a keystroke, this generation is certainly the most gullible and raising their kids to be the same.