Pennsylvania license MD 043511 E. Look it up.
Jim, you keep referencing this one site, which I never heard of, but both ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine are generic drugs and have been for decades. No one, and I mean No one is making millions of dollars off of them. Fake News or Medical Misinformation (depending upon your political slant).They cost pennies to make overseas (in FDA inspect factories) and a course of treatment costs at most a few overseas, and even with US costs of importation, …
It is really as simple as that only to people who take a simple minded approach to this very complex disease. see my comment to your original comment: the fact that you cite the ethically challenged and compromised FDA, show that you are the one who has drunk the KoolAid big time. So sorry for you. Should you get COVID-19 (and I hope you don't), don't come begging to me for help. Roger Kimber, MD.