If Covid has taught us anything it is the entire medical profession is corrupted and has an agenda counter to reality. I no longer trust 98% of doctors. I always knew doctors lacked common sense which was a prerequisite of getting into medical school, but now we find out they do not actually live in reality. With apologies to the 2% of doctors like Dr. Atlas who have common sense and live in reality.
Nothing is noble(ish) when you have to censor scientists, physicians and early treatment drugs.
Nothing is noble (ish) when you know before celebrating euas & billions that adverse reactions and deaths were unprecedented.
Nothing is noble(ish) when you request internal documents be sealed for 75 years.
Big lies are never noble(ish).
Suggest you read the Friday mansion section of the 7/22 WSJ to read about the multi million dollar real estate buying spree by Moderna & Pfizer executives.
Nothing …