Catherine Pippitt 

Over the past 5 days I have been warned to "stay in my lane" and "stick to decluttering". I've been reminded (not so nicely) that no one cares about my political views. I have received a handful of 1-star reviews on Apple Podcasts which threaten to tank my show. I have also lost hundreds of email subscribers.

Still, I must ask: What's the point in having a platform if you don't/won't use it when it matters?

Really love this cartoon from the great Michael De Adder. The outpouring of support coming in has been truly amazing! Thanks everybody!

Hey Everyone!!!! I'm the Trans Handy Ma'am. Come and learn with us.

This is Duke. My rescue beagle. He is anticipating a lot more walks now.

BREAKING: Senator Bernie Sanders announces he will introduce legislation to cap credit card interest rates at 10%.

Who else supports this?

BREAKING: AOC - “Let me make myself clear. I don’t celebrate rapists”.

I just love them

Kamala: Not today Satan

To my readers, I didn’t expect this would be the way I’d start out my Substack in the new year. I evacuated my home in Glendale yesterday. Me and family are thankfully safe and we are anxiously monitoring the fire situation as it unfolds. Thank you for all your messages.

A Christmas gift from my wife.

Being in the Now, the present moment… it is one of the ultimate contemplative clichés, and therefore potentially deeply annoying.

And yet, like pretty much all clichés, it points to something urgent.

Right now is the only time it ever is. The past and the present are just thoughts in your mind.

At age 3, I ‘accepted’ Jesus into my heart. 

At age 12, my mom still hadn’t told me what my period was. She never would. 

At age 13, my mom wouldn’t tell me anything about ‘sex’. And, she never did. I found out what fucking was through the encyclopedia. 

At age 14, we stopped ‘home-churching’ and went to a ‘real church’. This was both exciting and humiliating. I hated being the homeschooling weirdo who had to wear modest clothes while everyone else was sooooo much cooler than me. 

At age 15, I was …

Cake aux Olives, gluten-free! Recipe on Substack now, for this mash-up of a quiche and a loaf of bread made with lots of egg, ham, cheese, olives, herbs, and white wine 🌱