I found a few words after all. I want, I insist, I demand that there be no metal detectors, no firearms restrictions in any court or legislative body in this country, especially the Supreme Court. If anyone and I mean ANYONE can carry ultra-lethal firearms anywhere my grandchildren can be, then the judges and politicians should face the same threat. And for the same "reason" (something to do with having muskets at hand so you can join a militia to suppress a slave uprising). Let Brett, Amy, Neal, Clarence, Sam, and John face what we face. (That guy over there with violin case... he's really gonna take a violin lesson after this court session?)

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I agree David! If there's money for their protection they can damn well protect the citizen's of this country!

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I live less than an hour away from where the shooting took place. I was numb while watching the news coverage! It hit me, that today was our turn to witness the atrocities that an assault rifle is capable of.


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What a realization.

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It’s time to discuss the meaning of ‘well regulated.’ - @HondaResists

A ‘Well Regulated Militia’ doesn’t shoot up 4th of July parades, America 🇺🇸 #Ditch2A to #StopGunViolence

Colorado had 364 murders in 2021, Denmark had 39. We have the same population as they do. It’s the guns. - @jpbergl ☘️

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I like this comment, because it doesn’t call for violence against anyone! Just the same vulnerability our children and all of us are subjected to

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Holy cow. I've never read anything that good, that spot-on, that perfect-o about anything. I'm at a loss for words. Fortunately, Michael Moore isn't.

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I am a Vietnam vet who served in the infantry. I agree 100% with every word of it.

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Thank you for your sacrifice (I know you did) and for your continued standing up for a very different fight.

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Thank you for your honesty.

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I was just a kid when the Vietnam War ended. But my neighbour growing up was a man who fled the US, so he didn't have to fight in America's unjust war. He was a good guy. Unfortunately, he died just months before the amnesty was announced. Even with the cost, he loved your country. But he could also see it's flaws. In the end, I don't know if he came to Canada because he was afraid to die, or afraid to kill. He always came to our Canada Day barbecue (3 days before your 4th of July), and when we later had a "Friendship Festival" he always came to that. He was a great guy. But I don't think he every truly got over the guilt he felt letting others (like you) fight while he lived just a few minutes across the Niagara River. And I know it broke his heart to see you guys come home to the reception you received. So let's be clear. Yes, the United States was the enemy. But most of its soldiers (not all, but most) were not.

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In the midst of so much insanity, it is comforting to know someone with a large platform is willing to speak the truth. Our immediate task is to spread it far and wide. Thank you Michael Moore.

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Michael produced "Bowling for Columbine," the best documentary ever to address gun violence.

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Yep. great flick. tough to take. Americans and guns, I just don't get it.

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I'm not sure "documentary" is the right word for Bowling for Columbine. Don't get me wrong, I love the film and wish it had reached more people. And it was informative. But unlike true documentary filmmakers, Michael does not claim to be unbiased. He has an agenda and his films push that agenda. I don't have a problem with that either. He's been my hero since I met him at the Toronto Film Festival many years ago. I just don't think documentarian is the right word. TRUTH TELLER! Let's go with that.

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That is a gut punch, and you are so right. I have no words--- you have said it and I still feel it. Blessings, Michael.

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Others. Yes fear the others.One thing I’ve noticed when I visit my friends in mid Michigan is the lack of “ others”. My doctor is South Asian,my dentist Korean,my landlord and nephews wife Portuguese,my landlords wife a black woman from Dominican. Lots of “others”here in Canada.All of them very kind to me. The things we don’t have are open carry,the ability to buy a gun without a serious background check, and assault weapons aren’t available to civilians. We have about 600 gun deaths a year and rarely a mass shooting. As Michael has stated “ others” aren’t the problem.

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beautifully said

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At first, I was taken aback at the rage so evident in your words. And then I realized that you are absolutely right to be enraged. The time for reasoned arguments is long past. Thank you for saying what we all need to be saying right now!

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Amen! Michael can shake us into the reality of what is REALLY going on in this

good ol USA.....it does not resemble democracy! I fear for HIS life and only wish

he was running this country!!

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Where are all the photos of Crimo draping himself in a tRump 2020 flag? Should be front and center of every publication. You better believe it would be hot topic #1 if Biden had been his fixation.

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Why not rethink this matter? Maybe, I'm being simple minded, but it seems to me that the Second Amendment only grants the right for Americans to own guns. It places no such right for Americans to own ammunition. So, why not place limits on the ownership of ammunition?

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Yeah. If the SCOTUS really believed in worshipping the Original Text that would be perfectly acceptable. But as you and probably everyone know, the SCOTUS decides on the policy first and then makes up the constitutional arguments to back up whatever they want to do. Sophist scum.

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It's now a full-on, unaccountable legislative tool of Rs at the moment. They don't even pretend anymore.

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I wanted to say how deeply grieved I feel over these massacres and that the astonishing refusal of a huge body of people in congress to do anything constructive to stop it brings us right back to WW2 when people knew of the extermination camps and did nothing. The GOP _WANTS_ these attacks to go on, that's what we have got to face. Many democrats and voters also simply don't care except that now maybe they are becoming worried they will be hit next.

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It can also give a GOP dictatorial gov't (backed by their supreme court) excuse to forbid public gatherings -- as too dangerous. Divide and conquer. They don't want public transportation, for without it many people cannot move about very far.

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Thank you for saying it the way it needed to be said. We have become a country full of brutes and why? The supreme court justices got protection while making us all unsafe. None of my daughters wanted to attend fireworks this year because they said that it scared them and it reminded them of gunshots. Shame on us!

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Michael — While it was hard to read, you again have hit it “right between the eyes”. All these things are so true. I wondered as well why the officers were so quick to claim it wasn’t racially or “religiously” motivated in such a highly populated Jewish city. Your leadership is greatly appreciated.

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Words truer were never spoken. Spot on Michael.

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Alas, wasn't it easier when we had Middle Eastern terrorists to hate? Now we have to hate people who look just like us, eat in the same restaurants, occupy the same beaches or horse stables in the Crumbley case. We jumped over ourselves to enact new laws to stop Middle Easterners from immigrating to the US, added scores of spooks to the FBI. Let Trump fill the airwaves with venom toward those from elsewhere. When the bullet user, the drag queen murderer goes to an upscale town in Illinois, there's hardly a voice saying "ban AR 15s." I wish people could gather round, Daniel Defense, that specifically markets its AR15s at young, restless white boys. Heavy duty Trump contributor who fancies himself as a patriot. He sells video games with kids using his guns. Does it get any worse? We need to go after the gun manufactures. Otherwise we aren't safe anywhere.

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I agree with Michael completely here. In addition to writing accurate descriptions of the horrors inflicted on civilians made by military weapons, the press should provide a tally on a daily basis of the total number of Americans across the country to die from gun violence. If news outlets delete the daily Wall Street Market reports, they'd have enough space to report the number of innocents who died protecting the 2nd Amendment.

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Where is Biden’s outrage? I’m so glad he was elected, I supported him and I still do. But I feel we need more strength of conviction coming from our president over this outrage and other huge issues we have threatening us but I’m afraid he may not be the one we need at this time. I worry if Biden runs again he may lose the confidence of most voters and we end up with someone like DeSantis or god forbid Trump again and then we are truly fucked.

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