Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

Watching you on Tucker right now! So happy you are telling them the reality (Pfizer low sperm count). And the cannabis reconciliation underscores your ahead-of-the-curve perception. Thank you for your bravery and honesty (to quote Tucker). You are a true bona fide investigative journalist. Sadly we lack this rare breed, to our detriment. Thanks for all you do Alex.

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Marijuana’s wrongest man. Like you, I’m running out of conspiracy theories- they all turn out to be true. I’ve realized the world is now chock full of people living their lives pretending not to know things. There’s dang few adults in the room willing to admit and confront inconvenient truth. Easier to pretend not to know. What an age of cowards and pretenders we live in.

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Congratulations Alex! You were a leader and it paid off--or it may yet, we will see. And I recommend "Tell Your Children" very highly. Everyone needs to know.

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Hi Alex,

Your bravery on this issue is appreciated. I can tell you, anecdotally, that I have been guardian to a mentally ill sibling; she was diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder and bipolar at the age of 20 after heavy weed abuse from the age of 12. In my 30 years of hanging around psych hospitals I have seen a generation of young people ruined by marijuana. In Australia a very large portion of mental health service is now called dual-diagnosis: both mental illness and substance abuse.

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I also have a sibling who has had severe mental decline and a bipolar diagnosis after being completely fine until he started hanging around a certain crowd. Once I read tell your children, I became very suspicious that it was cannabis related for him. It’s heartbreaking.

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Kurt Vonnegut 18 yo son out of sudden onset schizophrenia by supplementation. Cannibus wrong medicine.

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There's a man living a few doors up the street from me who's known to be a heavy pot user. He has webcams all over the outside of his house; little plastic eyes pasted to his storm door, warning signs for trespassers. He's in his 60s by the look of him. The place is a shabby mess and those coming and going look paranoid. Really hard to look at that and think it's not related to the guy's pot use. Hoping he doesn't flip out and kill.

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Think cart before horse: proclivity to mental aberration led hand in relief of choice. Look to the microbiome and FMT to relieve mental pressure. THIS is science being squashed by FDA. try Dr, Sabine Hazan. Interview her, Steve.

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First responders in my city tell me about frequent calls to residences saturated with the stench of weed, where the resident is having a bad day: super obesity, cellulitis, sometimes maggots embedded in flesh, nausea/vomiting. The stink of animal and human waste in houses and apartments of these people has made volunteers puke. The weed seems to be the unifying factor.

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I am 64. I suffered 10 psychotic breaks (13 psychiatric facilities and 13 jails along the way) from my late teens until the last at age 54. In all cases, daily wake and bake weed of high potency was always in the mix leading up to the break. The last episode I had only smoked weed for the previous 15 months and no other drug. I am one of the rare ones that was never violent against another, only myself. I am lucky to be alive. Clearly after that last episode I "saw the light" - it was the weed. Ten years later - no weed (and no other drug including alcohol as that always leads me back to the weed), I have never had a single issue and in fact, have lived a responsible and successful life. Again, it was the weed.

When Alex's book came out, I soaked it up as I knew it was the truth. I gave one to all three of my sons BUT, sadly (and there's likely a genetic component in some cases), my oldest (aged 31) is in jail for violent felonies from his 5th psychosis. This is real. It is utterly ridiculous the situation with our media. Alex was right and I can't imagine how many lives have been destroyed or lost because the media protected the corporate mafias that lobbied for legalization and did like big pharna... turned the media away from the truth just to protect their profits. Disgusting.

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This is a powerful testimony. I am happy for you that your life has turned out well over the past decade. I hope your eldest will find his way… it’s been known to happen to many an incarcerated man.

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Thank you for sharing Chester!

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You're brave to post this. The attacks on truth by the pot promoters remind me of the behavior of people in denial about proclivity of pit bulls to snap with zero warning, kill and maim. If people can be objective the facts are staring us in the face. So much misery could be prevented if telling the truth weren't shamed and punished. So glad you're free now!

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As a physician - one of the best books I have read.

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As a physician, I second that!

Peds-here--practice full of dysfunctional teens who are apathetic, unmotivated, erratic and unpredictable, socially isolated (except their online worlds), sometimes violent and exceptionally anxious and depressed. Most are heavy cannabis users, the others are gender confused and on hormones, and some have both on board. When I sometimes say that the future looks grim, this is why.

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frontline reporting, this

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The vaping makes this even more dangerous. We are dealing with effects of vaping high doses of nicotine and THC here with one of our college age children. It's a nightmare especially when doctors say "it's just pot."

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This doctor does not say that! But I know many do, and it's very frustrating. I tell my patients that this isn't your father or grandfather's weed, and it doesn't have the same effects on your brain. I actually have used Alex's book clinically for several years and have recommended it to many parents.

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I treated untold numbers of cannabis hyperemesis syndrome in the ER for years. And without exception, after I told the patients, many whom I saw over and over, that marijuana was causing their symptoms, they became angry and indignant. They would accuse me of being a liar and an idiot, and that they’d been using MJ for years and these symptoms just CAN’T be from marijuana. They would demand , of course, high doses of narcotics and anti-emetics to ameliorate the pain and constant vomiting. Such a vicious cycle.

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You can likewise be attacked for mentioning that autism, now 1/35, correlates with the rise in childhood vaccines. Parents don't want to think they might have let something terrible get their kids. It's a side of human nature we all have to some extent.

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Sad world that we are living in Look at Uncle Joey taking showers with his own daughter. He himself has been abusing hard drugs and alcohol 🍸 chronic liar destroying our country with all this nonsense and policies and cognitive decline you're not seeing the picture for 40 years now. When you see the harms and changes everyday is a Person you Know what Berenson is saying is true. I have stuck by Berenson on this issue as well.

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Dr. Jill had one job - be a good wife and mom. I blame her for the mess that family degenerated into. She seems to be the only one skating free with no baggage or scars.

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The Bidens: lost diaries, lost laptops, lost minds.

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

Even the dogs are messed up! Excellent summary AJB!

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Sunshine; Except 81 million Americans decided they would rather starve than read mean tweets. Hope they do....

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Jun 24, 2022·edited Jun 24, 2022

They will......if they don't freeze in winter first.

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The saddest Part of this is that Berenson knew this before the diary was exposed. The FBI is just as guilty as the Democratic party.

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Lol. One of the dogs kept attacking the Secret Service praetorian guard, so he couldn’t have been all bad!

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She has to keep herself prepped for her next sugar daddy post-Brandon.

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The parents remembering the good old days when weed wasn't very strong are either ignorant or no longer smoke it. I firmly believe it is not for children or people with existing mental issues. Most sane parents wouldn't condone your kid turning into a teenage alcoholic or coke head. Drugs and kids are a bad combo. The early 90s of my youth were mild by today's standards.

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I miss the 90's.

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The 80's were even better.

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Try the 60’s. Think the stuff today is something completely different by the time bought.

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Half brother is 22 he smoked weed since age 13. Schizophrenic now. Family history of it too. My dad smoked hash and weed and he is in a terrible mental state

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In Michigan, recreational marijuana is legal, and my small town now has a number of businesses growing the plants and producing the cannabis products. In the town next to me, a new "provisioning center" pops up on the main streets every day, it seems. It feels as if there are more pot stores than gas stations. I don't understand how they can all be doing enough business to stay afloat, but they must be doing great or there wouldn't be all these new ones opening up. Depressing.

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I’m glad someone else in a Michigan small town sees what’s going on. Pot shops have completely infiltrated the small rural area we live in. Billboards on the main road into town encourages people to “Come In And Say High!”

Never thought I would live to see this day. Very sad & depressing.

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I won't forget Obama, at his oiliest and most smug, mocking those who raised concerns about marijuana legalization.

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You are just earlier figuring these things out then other people and they don't want to hear it.

It's interesting how people come out so strongly against a different opinion. I think they just don't want to hear it. I have two friends using it and I tried to lightly say something about it and they shut me down quickly. It's because they really didn't want to hear it. Still it's surprising when news sources act so emotional about a topic...they should be more reasonable about differing viewpoints.

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Absolutely you have this correct. Time will prove you right. With marijuana use and with Covid.

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Let's be clear that it's smoked cannabis which NEVER in history was considered therapeutic - until the legalization propaganda BS campaign of the 20th and 21st centuries. Cannabis is a legitimate medicine when used legitimately, not given to already imbalanced people to smoke bushels of. Also, you might look into how the "new" cannabis is grown and all the anti-fungals, toxic weed killers and chemical fertilizers are used to grow indoor crops. People are smoking that too, a recipe for brain damage.

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100% agree Ken. Hemp was the original. Henry Ford built his Model T to run on hemp oil, hemp was used for textiles and clothes. Hemp grew wild. It was God-given. CBD oil is medicinal and practically no THC. Mankind meddled. Now "weed" has no seeds when sold. This is a red flag of GMO. What could have been fuel, clothing, medicine, animal food and a human food supplement has been prostituted into a psychotic drug masquerading as "good medicine". "Industrialized Madness".

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The seeds are a marvelous food too. Proteinand mineral rich. No child on this planet would ever be malnourished had this plant not been first suppressed and now perverted. What's going now is the SECOND government cannabis scam. First it was suppressed. Now it's being released in an utterly perverted and degraded form and as a tax revenue cash cow.

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I know of people who busted a urine test using CBD oil. The THC can be enough to show up. No thanks

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Unfortunately a huge number of scammers have gone into the CBD oil business, quality is all over the place, and the government regulators lets the bad players get away with it.

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I use CBD oil the whole time and always test negative for THC. They check the ratio of THC to CBD. The people who get busted for THC are using the wrong oil. A lot of CBD gummies have THC also. Always look at the list of ingredients!

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