It’s not a conspiracy theory if they are actually lying to you. And if the WEF people have openly stated that the earth has too many people. I mean, I’m not building a bunker or anything, but I think it’s time we took people at their word. They WANT gas prices to be high. They WANT less farming and therefore less food. (I know they’re stupid and out of touch but even Trudeau knows his fertilizer pronouncement will reduce the amount of food produced.) why do you think Sri Lanka, the Netherlands, Italy, et al are having farmer protests?? I don’t know if Covid was planned or a happy little accident - I’m glad they tried to move too fast and blew it. I do think they’re a bunch of evil gits.

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Exactly! Can anyone explain why the globalists want less food, and fuel, in Western countries, when they KNOW it will lead to civil unrest? Do they WANT an excuse to declare martial law? They're taking a BIG gamble, if they think LEO, Nat Guard will side with the oppressors.

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As we've seen with the ChiCom virus lockdowns, they feel they can continue to implement their "Great Reset" agenda. They saw the success although their was a tremendous pushback in a lot of Western European countries.

In France, they protested every weekend, for months and months. The boot on their neck continued as it did in Italy and elsewhere. Omicron finally created conditions they could no longer maintain the boot but they kept it up.

They wanted to roll into a "Climate Change" global warming emergency and push the agenda forward. But that's been complicated as they can't control the implementation with Russia's invasion of Ukraine. That threw them off.

They will continue to push it ahead; the WEF will continue to be their point of reference and grooming drones like Fidelito Trudeau in Canada, New Zealand, Australia and elsewhere.

The battle lines are drawn. Currency will be the next major battleground as they try to convert into a cashless society where everyone can be further monitored with digital federal currencies.

That's part of the end game but destroying economic freedom in America is very high on their list of objectives. President Trump made America stronger and they were enraged by that but hey, back on track.

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Klaus Schwab was speaking at Harvard recently about how well Canada is doing since the WEF has installed like minded people into Canada's political system. They're telling us exactly what they're doing, no need for secrets anymore because it's working out for them.

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Great thoughts! How long, do u think, till SHTF? I'm hearing panic in Sept. re: food shortages, but CBDC wont be ready till Q2 of 2023. I don't see how they can they bridge that 6-9 mo gap.

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Bugs are lizard food. Wake up dear first world people. The rest of the world is already food short, heating, housing short. Because climate. Virtue signals will be the death of humankind.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

Thanks HJ

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Law enforcement and military will side with the people who sign their paychecks.

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My bf and I are not one of them. I lost my career of 23 years and he lost his career of 17 years as deputies (no test/jab). We know forcing an experiment on a human being is WRONG and goes against GOD. I was able to retire early and he lost everything. It came down to God…that’s it. From God, EVERYTHING else comes. Work on your FAITH and GRACE sometimes that’s all there is. And for me, that’s everything. We are fighting a spiritual war…together (all of us)!

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Bless you Renee, and your friend for standing strong.

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God bless YOU for standing up! This is a confusing, sometimes scary time for everyone. I know. We all must focus and critically think (I’m sure you are). We are God’s FREE children, we don’t belong to man. PERIOD!

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RENEE! OMG, YES, YES, YES. Thank you so much for your comment. And, I’m so very sorry about your friend but he does have his higher power plus,……….he has you.

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It won't let me hit like, but I like!

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Same here!


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Like also!

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Hearting this comment x100. Yep, same here--left a job over it; God's in charge.

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Satan is hiding in plain sight as he controls the Demonicrat party in the US and the woke establishments in the rest of the West….God’s permissive will. He will permit or ordain whatever is necessary for us to turn to Him.

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Exactly Kevin! Amen. Many Bible excerpts speak of this.

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This is why they are focused on abolishing the 2nd Amendment.

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For now. What about when they realize their wife miscarried because of the "safe and effective" poison? Or that their son cant play sports any more, because of myocarditis? The elites are profiting off of the deaths and injuries of the rest of us. Covid exposed their true agenda.

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Unless their paychecks aren’t enough to buy gas and food

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

Good thought. Sad to think it could come to that, isn’t it?

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When ordered to shoot at their own countrymen, soldiers will usually resist. Sometimes they reluctantly comply, but they are equally likely to turn their guns around on those giving the orders.

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....Until the 2A kicks in.

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They won’t side with these monsters. Why would they? They have families they love. They aren’t all government machines as they are often portrayed. In fact, you mess with their family…FUBAR.

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That’s why they are pushing woke, even in the military. Recruitment down 40%. That’s what they want- military and LEO who have already shown that they will tolerate what’s going on. No need for a purge. The purge was in the self-selection of those who leave or no longer volunteer. Voila- they have their compliant military and LEO without appearing to force it.

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

And actually, many do tolerate it, but are against it. Before I got forced out, most were worried about their children, house payments, etc. Thats totally understandable. But, experimenting on me or my children is not acceptable. Threatening me with my livelihood is not acceptable. NO MATTER WHAT. That should be the issue. Too many people have been lazy and didn’t care enough to research what is being forced into THEIR body. I hate to say it, but they take the “easy” way out. Period…if you won’t fight for your body autonomy, my God.

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Who doesn't believe that the corporate/government establishment stole the election, too? That's the lie they are protecting with the most vindictive energy.

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Everyone outside the USA knows that TRUMP won and are laughing at dementia Byedone.

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No. News about the USA in other countries is CNN, copy+paste. So, imagine.

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Not true in many other countries, CNN is not watched at all, truth be told they too call CNN CBC and others fake news, therefore many don't even get it in Europe, except in certain Airports and no one even pays attention.

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I did not mean CNN is watched. But the journalists watch and then repeat it in the local channels.

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Yes that I agree with, they do that here in Canada as well. In the serbian language we call them "papagaj" meaning parrots, which they all are. Journalists, they are not. Best wishes. Cheers to you from Turdistan.

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This is not true in Eastern Europe. They recognize propaganda when they see it.

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One can understand just how badly the 'powers that be' blew the handling of Covid. That does not mean that Trump won the election or that fraud occurred. Get real. To paraphrase the movie slogan: "show me the money". In this case, show me the evidence (and that is real evidence - not the delusional shit that has been thrown out)

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There is TONS of election fraud that’s been proven, especially in swing states. Go find it yourself. It’s blatant election fraud. I don’t spoon feed adults.

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I can't like your comment, but I do. Cheers.

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It let me hit like!! Yayy!! I DO like!

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One thing to seriously consider. we are supposed to believe that more blacks voted for Joe Biden then they did for Barack Obama twice. their Lord master and God. The chosen One, who could walk on water , Bring about hope and change. that guy!!!. more blacks voted for a senile old white man ??Then they did for Little lying Berry, twice??? that should tell you right there that something is very very wrong. Not to mention what's come out of Wisconsin where 6 old folks homes that they house the people who are full blown alheimer's disease And Demetria who can no longer do anything for themselves. but all 6 of them voted 100% With ballot harvesters paid for by Facebook that's rather amazing. nothing to see here right ???and the fact that I can remember when elections were called on election night. not 2 weeks afterwards. Sometimes you need to look around, I don't care what they tell you. when shit don't add up that means, Something is wrong And considering all the lies and bullshit these same people have been feeding us for the last 4 years now. you're gonna take their word on this? I've got some fantastic land I would love to sell you sight Unseen, trust me it's worth a fortune. . send me $500,000 cash and I will mail you the title next Tuesday ,It's worth at least 750 million dollars if not 800 trillion dollars It's got A champagne river flowing through the center of it with several diamond islands And golden trees that are full of $100 bills. and Joe Biden won the election fair and square . And we're also supposed to believe that more people voted for this Senile old cheating good-for-nothing low down dirty stinking thief than any other president in the history of our country?? having a hard time swallowing that bullshit line!!!! Not to mention all the fake mail in bullshit ballots with no signature verification. the deeper you dig the harder it becomes to accept this blatant lie

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Billyjoe you are so right, ignore Realty Based (he either sells houses or misspelled Reality, but either way he's not seeing reality, ha) obviously to anyone with a brain w/o fear there was massive fraud, like mountains of it, and I mean this sincerely: if anyone doesn't see it, then they won't see the stuff that is truly happening around them on the macro scale because it is all intertwined, and I am so tired of carrying these people around the battlefield when there is a war going on for the soul of this country (It's like being dug into a foxhole with some guy who thinks the fox hole is just a dip in the road) The suppression of the New York Post and Hunter lap top story alone constitutes massive fraud, and the rest of it was so much bigger than that, to not see that is like a dog not seeing colors. Or that fox hole analogy I just made. Ha, Im going to calm down now cuz I see so many of you replied the same way I did, thank god for you who are not blind. Sheesh, that guy.

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Well said! I read you loud and very clear. I was on this crap a few years ago when the entire world would look at me and say, “Huh? What are you talking about?” EVERYTHING HAPPENING NOW, HAS BEEN CENSORED from the normies. They are truly living in a completely different world: geo-politics, the jab, Russia, Plandemic, going back as far as Russia, Russia, Russia and Trump…if you want truth, you must look for it. And it’s not on television or any msm.

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The political and media establishment have been lying about the vaccine. They lied about the COVID death statistics, the lockdowns and the masks. It's not so hard to believe that they would be lying about the election, too. Especially seeing the vehemence with which they attack and censor anyone questioning it. As Hamlet said, "The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

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A rose by any other name ,You are correct sir , William definitely got this one right Words from the past still ring true today

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All due respect, you have a right to your opinion. Eyes that do not see, ears that do not hear.

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Jane Goodall Says Global Issues 'Wouldn't Be A Problem' If Human Population Was 94% Lower: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oUheKiH_GqM&ab_channel=LockdownTV

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Jane is welcome to take 20 jabs and lead by example to lower it. Dumb, ignorant, evil Globalists. Enjoy the lake of fire all of them together. God Bless the rest of us that believe and trust GOD!!!

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

Jane is Bill Hate's grandmother and Prince Phillips younger sister.

And KSchwab's cousin.

See,it's a disease.

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Well everyone who believes this should be the first to volunteer for their “solution”

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Jennings, I think you meant to write "it's not a conspiracy theory if they tell you what they intend to do." Bill Gates has said in public forums (and there's audio recording of this which many people have heard, including me) that he wants and intends to use vaccines to reduce Earth's human population. He said this decades ago. This catastrophe we're living through has been in the works for a long time. I agree, it should not be called a conspiracy theory. It's out in the open.

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Gates has a history of pushing population control with the Gates Foundation and his father was a member of the American Eugenics Society.


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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 26, 2022

Why attribute to malice aforethought what's probably simple idiotic virtue signaling/naked greed?

"They". Who are "They"? Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab are cranks. Fair enough. But to think this is a unified depopulation effort is to suppose they have marshaled an army of flunkies in complete agreement with their program. I don't buy it. Human stupidity is the simplest solution.

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Jul 26, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

I wish Gates was just a crank. He strikes me as a quiet megalomaniac. He is a true believer in his own wisdom and the right to impose it on others. How else to explain all this farmland he’s buying up. It’s unnerving.

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He's a creep. A rich creep. He may be a megalomaniac. It happens when you get very rich: you get surrounded by sycophantic butt kissers and start to think you're God. I've seen it happen at close range in my own family though not on Gates' scale.

Still, all the rest of this wave of destructive idiocy is probably best explained by inertia and greed.

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He has got to be one of the creepiest guys I have EVER laid eyes on. No amount of alcohol would make him prettier at closing time. Take THAT to the bank!

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You're obviously not cut out to be a sugar baby. No shortage of them. They'd sleep with Gates... For a price.

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Jul 27, 2022·edited Jul 27, 2022

It is unsavory to say, but “for a price” or worse on Jeffery’s Island. The whole Epstein debacle does make one wonder if there isn’t in fact a pedo ring out to control things … speaking of conspiracy theories.

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Fair point. But when the media and governments goose-step to the same narrative, it makes everyone justifiably suspicious that there's a plan afoot. It's natural to speculate about who's benefiting and what the goal might be. I happen to think it's the goal is suppression of individual rights in the world's democracies.

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People comfortable in their well paid posts are going to follow the path of least resistance. I don't think there's a coherent goal in this except for individual to hang onto their paychecks and what status they have. Every nefarious movement in history is like that. Hate to trot "Hilter" out but he was pretty good at destroying neighbors and then Germany itself because a lot of empty suits went for the ride: it was easier than standing up to him and his Nazti party.

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Well said. The rise of Hitler is a good analogy, especially if you study how the Nazis crushed political opposition within Germany before their conquests.

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original antigenic sin

DARPA, gene drive

pathogenic priming

furin cleavage site

4,000 patents

gain-of-function research

pseudo-uridyl to resist degradation

codon optimization

prion disease

dose-range finding, bad batches

Event 201

Pfizer Corp. is an admitted felon, largest fines ever

greatest wealth transfer in history

2 extra prolines to lock in pre-fusion conformation

ID2020, vax passports

G quadruplexes

psy-op fear campaign, mass formation

pcr test is a DNA grab

boomer virus, targeted bioweapon

Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination

negative efficacy after 4 months


lockdowns, loss of freedoms

prion disease

sudden cardiac death


LNPs that concentrate in the ovaries

refusal to acknowledge natural immunity

no jab no job, vax mandates

deleting death reports from VAERS

refusal to do autopsies

S2 subunit interacts with tumor suppressor protein p53 and BRCA

The biotech was done by Ralph Baric and others. Gates and Schwab are rodeo clowns, paraded on tv, to make us think the planners are too dumb to be this evil.

Theyve been plotting against us, for decades, with OUR tax dollars.

The harm from the virus, and the shots, is very sophisticated, and very intentional!

The evil plan probably wouldve succeeded, if they werent in such a rush. Why are they in such a rush?

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I think 10 80 10 applies: during any crisis 10% lead, 80% follow, the bottom 10% freak and make it worse. Hitler, Mao, Stalin, et al had a few around them that wanted extinction of certain crowds, and many went along not totally understanding what they were doing; it is impossible to be inside the mind of a true sociopath and it is hard to believe that anyone can truly want, or not care about, the deaths of so many people, but it has happened in recent history, and it's not like the world has been sprayed down with Pam since then: the sociopaths are not just sliding off. That quote "One death is a tragedy, a million a statistic" is exactly how some people will always think, and some of them have a billion bucks just lying around.

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I guess Hitler is the easiest example of a destroyer but actually the Marxists were the kings of disposing of human beings like kindling wood. Wasn't that last quote Stalin's?

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100% on point

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They are killing us, sterilizing our children, infecting our minds, dividing us, destroying energy, destroying food. The 'soldiers' are the bureaucrats who think their retirements (why do gov't employees get defined benefit retirement plans?) are all that matter. They aren't speaking up. They are going along. All done because of the global debt bubble: US alone has $30T on the books, but far more in liabilities. The bill is coming due and this NWO is their way out.

See y'all in the gulag.

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Inflation is the way out, coupled with controlling government spending. The former is already happening. I'm not holding my breath for the latter. I'm not sure there's a coherent plan behind the other idiotic policies, because they all lead to failure and regime change.

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It's hard to imagine almost a quarter million Americans are still lining up for this snake oil, until you realize that's about the same total monthly viewership for CNN.

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Relax. I think they are the same 250.000 people every day.

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The eighth shot gets you a free toaster.

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For the ninth a Funk & Wagnalls. And by the tenth you ARE toast.

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Jim, I can't believe I'm wasting your time with this question, sorry, but where was the Funk & Wagnalls reference comedically used, was it Rowan & Martin...?

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Laugh In!

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Yes! Thank you Jim and Jade! A nice momentary distraction from angst

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Yes. Stick that in your Funk & Wagnalls! I have a childhood memory of getting one or two random letter volumes of the Funk & Wagnall animal encyclopedia from King Soopers. I think our family was inconsistent with getting the necessary stamps, or the promotion had ended. But it was very exciting.

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If you have the privilege of finding bread in your grocery store.

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I hate the thought that half-a-million kids under 5 have been jabbed.

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Same kids whose parents who post shots of their kids getting their immune systems destroyed on Facebook.

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I would highly recommend pulling up the video of last night's 7/25/2022 Tucker Carlson Tonight.

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I second that recommendation.

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I tried to find it...but looks like it's gone?


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I suppose the truth can't be told, the powers that be can't handle it. Regardless it was told and Tucker did an amazing job, my jaw dropped. The best of his so far. So sorry you could not watch.

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I wonder if we'll hear heartbreaking stories of little ones who died. I pray their youth will protect them from the worst outcomes.

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Chances are many children will be harmed. Unfortunately the CDC etc. will ultimately squelch the data.

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137 infants and toddlers, horrible deaths 2 1/2 weeks out! Disgusting!


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There’s a 9 year old on dailymail who did just that -- died unexpectedly in his sleep ...

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Zefram, when did this death occur? I'm helping Mark Crispin Miller compile reports of people who have died suddenly and unexpectedly. I need this info. Do you have a link to the article by any chance? Or know the name of the child?

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It’s time to speak up! I’ve been for a couple years. If you’re an adult that crap is on you. Not children. The masks are simply child abuse. ENOUGH!

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Yeah, um, I don't know those half-million kids, nor their parents, so I can't exactly "speak up" to them.

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You get it smart ass-lol! You never see them on the street? At a store?

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They're not wearing a "I Jabbed My Toddler" sticker, so, no.

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If you can’t see their mouth, they’re wearing a nasty piece of cloth with bacteria they’re forced to breath into their lungs.

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So if I get the math right then 250,000 a day is 7.5 million people per month. That is still a lot of jabs. I know a lot of people are still being forced, particularly college kids and I am just waiting for the school boards to turn on us. None of this is over.

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Was thinking the exact same number. Hoping my original comment would allow me to have some peace.

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Seriously??? You're going to poke fun at "conspiracy theorists" who have been right about almost everything the past few years? (two weeks to slow the spread would balloon, mandatory vaccines, the lockdowns used to transfer wealth from small businesses to the very wealthy) "is gasoline for the fire of conspiracy theorists. If they’ll lie about the vaccines when everyone can see the vaccines don’t work, what else will they lie about? And why did they lie in the first place? Deeeeepopulation, it’s a thing." You are the journalist. Why aren't you asking about why they won't admit the vaccines don't work? It may not be depopulation but it sure as hell isn't anything good for the average person.

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Yep. Definitely Alex at his worst here. "Nothing to see here people. They just really want to defeat covid. Nothing more than that. Please move along now and don't be such conspiracy theorists."

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Alex was (and still is) instrumental in exposing the COVID statistics lies and then the big vax lie. I'd give him the Pulitzer just for that. The fact that he's an establishment liberal journo for the NYT is what got him enough traction to spread the truth. Don't expect him to become Alex Jones Berenson overnight.

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The "Good Club", 2009. Gossypol. Kenya - Tdap vax. Syncytin-1. All-cause mortality. The big CO2/AGW lie. The current food and fuel shortages. I'm sure I'm forgetting some...

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100% agree. I always loathed conspiracy theories. Refused to delve into them. But noticing that certain powerful/wealthy people choose the worst possible path for us 10 out of 10 times does not make you a conspiracy theorist.

NOTHING in their behavior indicates to me that these people were just “super dedicated,” overly ambitious, conscientious scientists who “just wanted to save lives.”

Something is wrong. Noticing it is not a crime.

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What's Dr. Birx motivation for coming clean on all the Covid lies? Admitting the vaccines don't stop infection or spread etc. Why isn't this the biggest story in America?

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She's trying to get ahead of it. Doesn't want to get lumped in with Fauci when the whole thing comes crashing down. As Shaggy famously sings, "it wasn't me."

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Oh I like that even better.

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She may feel she needs to come clean before meeting her maker OR she just wants to sell more books. Although I DO believe her. It was all a scam.

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Scarf Lady is in full cya mode and this is part of her effort to distance herself from Mengele Fauci.

Imagine her testifying at a hearing run by Dr. & Senator Rand Paul. He brings her in and has her detail of this. Then he puts Mengele Fauci up there and we already know Fauci will lie his ass off.

It may lead to Fauci being forced at least to resign.

Scarf Lady was the first to exist stage left and she doesn't want to go down with the ship. Some of what she said almost seems accidental like how the jab prevents severe disease but then she admits 50% of the Omicron deaths are in the fully vaccinated.

So, clearly, she knows there is bigger trouble ahead as we are seeing with the damaged immune systems of the vaxxed who are falling ill and being hospitalized. She's not a dummy. She knows the trend is not a friend.

She's getting out to create some daylight from the other criminals.

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She will have some plausible deniability regarding current deaths in the vaxxed because of the proliferation of variants but that's a distraction. The truth is that her, Fauci, and many of the other "experts" said things they either knew were false or had no way of knowing if they were true or not. Not a good look. We need to reform the "public health" apparatus in this country so this doesn't happen again and we also need to reform "emergency powers" at every level in government. An executive branch office holder (president, governor, mayor) shouldn't be able to unilaterally declare a state of emergency that goes on indefinitely without any review by a legislative body (congress, state legislature or city council).

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Good points, but ... (1) The public health apparatus should be dismantled. It may have made sense when we needed clean water and better public sanitation, but it's basically useless now. Better to give more autonomy to doctors who actually treat patients (unlike Fauci et al.). (2) I'm pretty sure the governors don't have unlimited emergency powers now, but that hasn't stopped them, and the legislatures apparently don't care.

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“We need to reform the "public health" apparatus in this country so this doesn't happen again and we also need to reform "emergency powers" at every level in government.”

I couldn’t agree with you more.

As most people know, the Governor of California, gruesome Newsom has relished in the additional powers he bestowed upon himself when he declared a state of emergency in California at the beginning of the PLANdemic. When it happened there were those of us who said he would NEVER relinquish said power once he had it and we were right. California is still under his state of emergency declaration and there are still mask mandates in many areas of the state. LA and San Diego school districts recently declared that all students must wear masks when school resumes after the summer break. Masks are mandatory for everyone in all hospitals. In addition to masks, if we want to visit a friend or loved one in the hospital we are required to show proof of vaccination or a negative Covid test. Our attempt to recall Newsom was unsuccessful because we all know how legitimate elections are, right? This is what tyranny looks like.

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MarineWife: Born and raised Californian. The last time California had a chance to survive is when Ronald Reagan was the Governor. But, I want to thank you for YOUR service and your HUSBAND’s service.


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Well put - you make some outstanding points.

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It is on Tucker. And yes, why is he the only one talking about it?

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We can only speculate: Because he agreed not to talk about the stolen election (Dinesh D'Souza's guest appearance aside), tucker has more leeway on other 'untouchable' subjects. None of the other hosts have that kind of juice.

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If you ever get the answer (or even AN answer), SCH, let us know 🤗.

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“SCARF LADY” needs to tighten her scarf. This is how stupid these people think we are.

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The fact that she brazenly declared on tv that she knew the vaccines wouldn’t work and made no apology or feel embarrassed spoke volumes to me how they think how superior they are………fuming and seething here.

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I couldn't believe that evil bijoch, she even changed her appearance, long hair etc. The things I was screaming at my TV when this witch was on!! Thank God there are no small children in my house. These freaks have no soul, hence no shame etc. Burn in hell scarf bijoch.

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Yeah, I noticed that as well……….she’s trying to sell her book. I would like it if she tied one of her ever-so-lovely scarfs around her sagging neck, then fling it over a 2x4 joist and swing……….shame on me……..but, all of a sudden I like myself again.

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She can ditch the scarves since she went under the knife.

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LOL! Good point! Book ‘em Danno!

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Omg, you’re right!

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To slip it in there when no one's looking, so the establishment and media can ignore it as 'old news' when the rest of their lies are revealed and their narrative is completely consumed.

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I have been talking about this since she’s been spilling the beans. What’s her angle? Self preservation? Why is nobody talking about this! Fauci earns his spotlight but she needs it too!

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"We knew it wouldn't work, but Trump..." They will admit it all when they see the best chance of putting him down once and for all, and depressing his base into submission.

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In the next several weeks, if not sooner, the ‘Voting Variant’ is scheduled to emerge. 

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I trust a lot more Americans will be prepared to extend their middle fingers when asked to quarantine and wear masks next time around.

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Recovered? My sister who foolishly followed her doctor's recommendation to get vaccinated early on contracted Covid 10 days ago.

She foolishly followed her doctor's recommendation to take Paxlovid - like Uncle Joey(the Pedo).

She also "recovered!" Even tested negative!

Except not.

3 days after stopping the Paxlovid she became sick again. Fire engine red on the antigen test.

She's sicker now than the first round. 4 days into the second round still fire engine red on the antigen test.

Alex, stop promoting Paxlovid.

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This is a common clinical course following the use of this new miracle cure! Not seen with IVM or HCQ cocktails.

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Alex trusts big pharma even though he should know better. He pretends he doesn't trust them.

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Paxlovid RELIEVES SYMPTOMS for a few days. That’s all. It’s for 💰💵💰💵. You don’t need a doctor for CONvid. Many knew this a couple years ago. No one wants to listen. And stay away from “vaccines” , flu shots advertised at Walgreens, CVS, etc. Stop being lazy and trusting doctors. Do your own research and stop using Google!

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Ummm are we forgetting the Paxlovid rebound?

It ain't over until it's over.

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My Flag Canadian is in a bag in the basement, has not been flying proud for the last 5 years.

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Donna, If it’s any consolation, and I hope this helps, Trudeau, is the world’s number one twit and coward……..yeah, I’m pretty sure he’s pond scum. HOWEVER, I bet you’re a true blue Canadian and that you would agree that “Pond Scum” will be replaced by a real man with honor…….AND I can’t go without saying, GO TRUCKERS! So, fly your flag even if it’s on a post at the foot of your bed. You have thousands of Americans cheering you on.

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Same. I'm half tempted to hoist the Union Jack and tell the Queen she can have Ontario back.

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Indeed, she can live in Scarborough and enjoy the view. Cheers from Hamilton.

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now, that’s funny!

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I sure hope he rebounds ... I guess that makes me a bad person ...

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Why are so many "conspiracies" coming true? I'd love to believe that this is just that--a big hoax. But who can deny that store shelves are becoming bare, Gates pushing fake meat (while simultaneously buying up hoards of farm lands) and the China businessman, Blackrock, etc. buying up the rest? At some point you need to open your eyes Alex and see that things still are not right!

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I don't doubt the evil intent, but did they all get in a room or on a conference call to plan this? Sure, WEF types probably do have plans, which can be defined as a conspiracy. I just think that there are so many evil and selfish people out there that they cannot help themselves but to take advantage of open season on everything following the destabilization caused by the even more evil idiots who invoked global lockdowns, school closures and panic (Fauci and Birx... RU listening?)

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Bill Gates = biggest supporter of Planned Parenthood, daddy believed in eugenics, believes Global warming is biggest threat, inventing fake meat, buys up the most farmland in the US, WEF member, Epstein friend.....yeah, I'm sure it's nothing. I wish I could be as naïve as you Alex.

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It’s not that bill gates wants de populate the earth for the sake of having fewer people, he wants to save the planet and the ends justify the means.

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I agree that that is way more likely than oh he's just a nice guy who wants privacy. Everyone seems to want to 'change the world' but really, as Tears for Fears put it, "everybody wants to rule the world." If everyone just did what I say, it would be better.

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His end goal of having lots of sex also justified him having sex with multiple women, several underage, allegedly, on many islands and not just the ones around Seattle.

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You are a conspiracy theory kook. Only a knuckledragger would believe such a thing. Sarcasm

To me, the most interesting thing going on is Tucker Carlson. Does he have a terminal disease that we don’t know about?

Last night he absolutely took down pharma and their govt ‘regulators’.

I would like to know why/how he is able to say what he is saying. Does he have pics of gates in bed with a live child or dead prostitute?

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Why are you still watching television? Lol…it’s so passé. Why do you think it’s called PROGRAMMING?

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No one said TV, there are other ways of watching Tucker, or any one else.

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Yup saw the video, I was stunned that Fox would allow that take down.

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Ummm wake up. His wife divorced him bc she was tired of hearing about all the women and allegedly girls he f**ked. In case you can't read between my initial lines, I was playing sarcastically off of your end justifies the means.

Oh, and I don't watch or care too much about Tucker. Bye

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You missed his sarcastic tag.

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Yeah. He is such a nature lover, camping, hiking, fishing, preserving the forests, really granola.

That's what I love about him!

Have u ever seen a spec of dirt on him?

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Yours kidding, right?

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Of course. He is pocket protector kind of guy with 66,000 Sq ft ! in just one of his homes of AC and Heat on demand. Does he live all alone in that 66,000 sq ft now that he and Melinda parted ways?

Well you know, with climate change and everything.

Computer Servers create the most heat of most any typical machines.

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No, he is just a Homicidal Psychopath. They do not need REASONS!

Stop speaking for BG.

Why do some murders eat their victims? Do you need to ask them? Do you think they have reasons? Can you speak for them?

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I can speak for gates, who you are not assessing correctly at all. He thinks he’s god period

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NOT my GOD!!!

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When the same people who said that Trump was a Russian agent and they had proof, when those narrative spinners said that the vaccine was safe and would prevent infection, And when Those people said they wouldn’t take a Trump vaccine and then fell all over themselves to take the same shot as a Biden vaccine, I called bullshit.

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Alex, I beg to differ. I think many billionaires do care about population and getting rid of "useless eaters" like most of us. MRNA shots may not be the tool of choice, but fertilizer restriction might be.

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Sri Lanka is a big testament to the impact of fertilization restriction

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And Denmark…it’s happening everywhere. There are no coincidences.

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Turdistan as well. Castro's bastard son here.

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So Canada's response is to implement similar restrictions........wonder how many farmers are going to get their bank account (and farmland) seized?

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"Rafael Kubelik"! Excellent handle.

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Bill Gates is not about privacy - he truly thinks there are people that are a scourge to the earth and need to be dealt with in whatever way he sees fit. In addition, I travel the country and since Biden got Covid - the masks and rubber gloves have come out in liberal areas. Lastly, this whole Biden Covid had perfect timing to remove key stories from the news. Let’s try to keep our focus and not let them adjust the binoculars for us.

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To be fair, there ARE people who are a scourge to the earth and need to be dealt with. I refer you to the Biden administration.

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What could go wrong with a state-run news media like CBC/BBC/etc? Oh right, they could declare themselves the sole source of truth and try to destroy all alternatives.

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The Ministries of Truth, maybe?

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“If they’ll lie about the vaccines when everyone can see the vaccines don’t work, what else will they lie about?” Alex, of all people, who has done research on big Pharma and the cannabis industry should be the first in line to wonder “what else will they lie about?”. I would think you’d have that line printed on a flipping T-shirt!

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"As for what else they’ll lie about? I don’t know."

Wrong question.

"What else WON'T they lie about?" is the question today, tomorrow, and forevermore. And it applies to every level of government and its bureaucracy, Big Pharma, and the American medical community top-to-bottom.

They have lost ALL credibility with many millions of us, and so the ONLY relevant question is: What *won't* they lie about?

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