deletedJul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022
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Funding something retroactively should use no more resources than funding it proactively. You just have a different chance of getting the result you want. (If investors are much smarter than you, you have a better chance with retroactive funding. )

But sure, if you offer huge amounts of retroactive funding for doing silly things, it will waste resources. Anyone moderately capable of recognizing utilitarian good, and funding proportional to that, should come out way ahead.

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"Otherwise, I’m not sure this is any worse than eg crypto, which already lets small investors lose all their money quickly."

That is horrifyingly low bar.

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From mildly interested reader: it sound highly complex and I am not entirely sure why someone would invest and how risk of not getting paid is for people participating in projects.

Are they paid and they work and investors risk money? How investors can earn extra money to offset risk?

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

The idea is if you fund a $1million project with $5 million charitable benefit and it succeeds, then the oracle funder pays *you* $5 million (or buys your credit shares for a floor price of $5 million) in retroactive compensation.

The people doing the project would either hang on to some of the shares or take a salary. The whole idea is to transplant the VC model to charity.

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Oh, thanks. Now I am getting it.

Presumably funder may be operating also in way that he pay 2$ million for 5$ million benefits and so on.

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I am confused as to why the oracle funder would pay out the $5 million. Presumably there is no contract, so it would be out of the oracle funder's good will or based on a promise? Generally, I would not hold my breath for such a promise to be kept with no legal repercussions. Also, couldn't this money be better used for another problem that hasn't been solved? Seems like a waste of $5 million for charitable causes unless the recipient pays this forward to the next problem.

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I guess that strategy is that when oracle funder announces it earlier, and people act based on their reputation?

And paying ensures that reputation is not lost and this can be repeated?

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Suppose there are 10 projects asking for $1 million, and 9 of them are useless. The funder can't tell which is which. (until afterwards looking at results) But the investors can. So the funder promises to pay $2 to any investor that funds the one project that actually works.

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I'm a bit baffled by the extended discussion of how an investor could somehow own the credit for the good work – you point this out briefly early on but then in a later section it seems to be taken as possible that a 100% equity holder could be treated as having done whatever the charitable thing itself is (beyond merely having funded it). Surely that kind of social consideration arises from interactions like interviews and accounts of how the work was actually done, such that nobody would seriously conflate the two. At best I can imagine perhaps someone wants to give the charity founder an award and they contractually have to ask that it goes to the funder instead, but I think the audience at that awards ceremony would likely find it strange and awkward.

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The optimistic take is that the EA space is possibly one of the few where you can seriously say "well I bought the credit for this by investing early" and then everyone of your peers agrees to credit you. (Why would they do this? Because they want the market to work.)

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If you bought the tokens of a project that then turned out to successfully do something good and valuable, you get, a) profits, and b) some social/moral credit for having correctly predicted that project would succeed, and for caring about helping that problem get solved (although this gets diluted the more profit you made). The market works just fine on these terms - and no real person will ever think that you get the credit for coming up with the successful idea or for executing it well. Anyone who wants to do a similar project and wants advice/someone to run the project will obviously go talk to the founder, not to you.

This concern is nonsensical. You cannot buy third party's awareness of who actually did what, simply by buying shares in the possible financial profits.

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The concern is incentivizing the oracular funder, not the investor, since they're the ones who end up owning the credit and need to want to pay for it for this to work. They won't be getting any profits, so there needs to be some other benefit for them.

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Charitable foundations whose reason for existing is to fund beneficial projects do not typically need to be incentivized to do the thing they're trying to do anyway, but more effectively. They are already being judged (and donations being made to them) on the basis of whether they are effectively allocating money - and they will get social/moral/effective altruism credit for having *funded* good projects and enabled those projects to happen. They will not get credit in anyone's mind for having *done* those projects.

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To me, it seems like the point of doing this is to bring in people/perspectives/information from people who don't already care. The focus on the EA space doesn't fulfill that here.

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Agreed here. I think the problem this is trying to solve is that currently oracular funders have poor information. So the proposed solution in this post is a market mechanism that would combine all the information together thereby reducing waste and improving asset allocation. In order to succeed in doing that, the market mechanism must incentivize a wide array of participants. My gut says the proposal around social credit would not attract sufficient number of market participants and would also attract a very narrow/specific segment.

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Sorry for being late to the party, but I fail to understand the central argument: why would anyone bother to buy the credit? Even without the premium this would hardly make any common sense.

In „normal“ markets patents, companies or brands are bought with an expectation to gain more profits with these later. It makes sense as an investment.

Products and services are bought as a means to an end. It makes sense as a purchase (or as an investment, too).

Buying the credit after the fact seems to me to make sense neither as an investment nor as a purchase. Just „bragging rights“?!

What am I missing?

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I think the same reason any charity funds any project (i.e. some combination of altruism, fuzzies, and bragging rights). The proposal is that, instead of the current system where the charity gives money in advance to fund a project that may or may not work, they give the money afterwards to a project that did work.

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Opportunity cost: Why would a charity pay 5 M$ retroactively for a 1 M$ project, giving up at least 4 M$ to fund other projects?

Definition of charity: If a charity is generating profits for private investors, is it still a charity? Or selling of indulgences?

Bragging rights: Even beyond the point of doubtful bragging rights, aren't you diluting the signal of the original contributor? Don't we want to have them the bulk of the reputation in the hopes, that their hopefully good future ideas are funded again?

This market seems to lack a credible buyer (beyond the initial motivated creators of the market).

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Why wouldn't they pay $5M for a project with a guaranteed $5M outcome, rather than gambling $5M on five different projects none of which might work?

And it's only a "$1m project" in the sense that a $500 pair of designer shoes whose raw materials cost $20 is a "$20 pair of shoes".

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

> And it's only a "$1m project" in the sense that a $500 pair of designer shoes whose raw materials cost $20 is a "$20 pair of shoes"

Yeah, that's how *non-profit* works. The project is: costs including salaries + 0 USD. No excess of revenues over expenses. That's what makes it different from business.

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And that's part of the reason why most charities don't do much good.

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It's part of the reason why people are willing to spend money on charities or work there for a less-than-competitive salary, effectively donating their time.

Please, let's not get into ideological 'market is better than state' or vice versa arguments, I'm tired of ideological arguments on 'market is great' or 'market sucks'. Especially when they come as a side effect of whichever other topic is discussed.

I didn't compare non-profit and profit for effect and didn't intend to do so. Whether you define 'a 1M project' as '1M is what people would pay for it' or '1M is the actual costs of the project' is, well, a matter of definition. But it's worth noting that one is typical for a market logic and the other one is typical for non-profit logic - and that there are two very different groups out there, who function primarily according to one of those (and sometimes despise the other).

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I understand the argument, but I fail to understand how a charitable project can be valued higher than its actual cost (similar to the shoe example). It still seems to upend the definition of charity. Some other commenter here asked the same question: How is that value defined?

Is it all just banking on the vanity of billionaires and charity funds? If so, whats the real fundamental difference to today? A billionaire fund can already enjoy the glory of the Good Deed. The only addition would be to funnel away some charity money into private hands (and attempt to slightly shift who gets to bath in the glory, but thats just a technicality and no difference in principle).

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> I understand the argument, but I fail to understand how a charitable project can be valued higher than its actual cost (similar to the shoe example).

Lets assume that one may distribute life-saving medicine at cost of 5$ per person, with medicine cost 5$ per unit, with 1 life saved per 10 distributed units, with all overheads doubling cost.

This unrealistically optimistic case would give 200$ per saved life.

I think that we could find plenty of people willing to pay over 200$ per saved life, therefore reaching case where charitable project can be valued higher than its actual cost.

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>Is it all just banking on the vanity of billionaires and charity funds? If so, whats the real fundamental difference to today?

The difference is that the charity is not taking on the risk of allocating funds and is not expected to singlehandedly know what projects should be funded for maximum impact. Private invididuals/funds who think they are better at evaluating the charitable impact of a project take on the risk, and the charity only spends money on stuff that works.

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Compare to a question like "why bother punish criminals for crimes, when they've already committed the crime and the punishment won't reverse that?" Although the punishment itself doesn't help, the fact that everyone expects crime to be punished decreases crime, and people won't expect that unless you follow through. So punishment "causes" less crime, even though it never directly changes the behavior of the specific crime it's applied to.

In the same way, if you accept the arguments I gave at the beginning for why funding charity through impact certificates is better than the normal way, by buying the certificates (ie rewarding good purchases), you're causing the impact certificate system to exist, and causing more charity. That is, the system only works insofar as everyone expects their charitable projects to be rewarded, and the best way to produce that expectation is to make it true.

To put it another way: suppose a charity credibly promises to buy impact certificates. Lured by that promise, an investor funds a good project and makes it happen. The charity's promise has caused the good project to happen. Then the charity has to decide whether or not to keep its promise. If it breaks the promise, the good thing will already have happened, but nobody will trust the system ever again, and they won't be able to make more good things happen through the same method.

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Ok, this clarifies it. Let me try to summarize:

Creating an impact market in the hopes of creating a higher rate of (effective) charity projects than existed before the market.

The tradeoff being, that due to the generation of pure profit, total expenditures rise faster than the total amount of Good done (product of number of additional projects times charity done).

If this is correct, isn't this somewhat antithetical to the idea of EA? More good is done in total, but less efficiently per dollar. A counterargument could be, that the profit generated could be invested into more charitable projects. But private investors could also just build another mansion with it.


What about gaming the market? I.e. exploiting the market by producing a problem in the first hand, like delivery of faulty or low quality medicine and then get yourself funded to fix the problem with That One Easy Trick.

What about cannibalization of existing charitable efforts by creation of the impact market? Some companies already engage in charitable efforts for example. Now that there is a market, they could be forced by these market forces to capitalize on their charitable efforts. Is this good? Is this exactly what you are looking for?

I can't get around the fact that in the end, somebody has to pay the investors. Does this really solve the problems that charity is trying to solve? Couldn't the market just devolve into an incentive to keep societies, countries, people that need charity in an everlasting state of needing charity?

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I don't see the tradeoff. Why do you expect profit to make things worse?

Private profit oriented companies are extremely efficient compared to most alternative forms of organisation we've tried at scale.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Imagine all funders together are willing and able to spend sum M to make the world a better place (to create impact in areas deserving of their charity). Now, without 'intermediaries', you can spend M directly on achieving the impact, the sum available for impact I = M. Enter 'profit', in total of sum P. Now the money you can spend on I (1) (impact) = M (total money available) - P (profit).

So if you add profit, you lower the total amount of money available for achieving impact. I(1) < I (0). That's the tradeoff. The higher the profit P, the lower I(1). (given that the overall amount of money M available through funders is fixed).

The inefficiencies/efficiencies you're talking about relate to how efficiently we spend whatever I or I(1) is available.

In an ideal world, we would be able to spend all of M on I, the impact, and spend this money I in a extremely efficient way. The world is not perfect, it still makes sense to strive for max. efficiency while max. limiting profits.

The tradeoffs come into play, where more of the one cannot be achieved without more of the other.

As usually there are additional side-effects that are not included: eg. would more efficiency raise the interest of additional funders (M(1) > M) or would more profit-orientation deter other funders (M(2)<M).

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Right but the size of the effects matter.

Average market net profit is ~5%. I believe there are very few charities that are operating this close to private sector efficiency. There are charities whose efficiency could easily be improved by an order of magnitude or two. This is far more waste than the 5% profit margin typical in for profit companies.

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> If this is correct, isn't this somewhat antithetical to the idea of EA? More good is done in total, but less efficiently per dollar.

If selection process is better than alternative selection processes it may be worth it.

For example, lest say that we have Scott with 5 million dollars in funding willing to fund this way, but unwilling to go through manual grant selection.

In such case you either get projects funded this way (with some losses) or nothing, making the first solution more effective.

Or maybe Scott should donate that 5 million to anti-malaria nets.

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> If this is correct, isn't this somewhat antithetical to the idea of EA? More good is done in total, but less efficiently per dollar.

I'm pretty sure EA mostly cares about the total amount of good done. It tends to focus on efficiency per dollar because often that's easier than increasing the total number of dollars, but that's not the core goal.

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This makes complete sense, but I think it's still quite counter-intuitive to pay for a good that has already been achieved. People want their money to go to creating new good things. The fact that over-all the system might be better with retroactive funding doesn't change the fact that that specific step will feel like an odd way to spend their money.

This is rather unlike punishment for crimes, where many people seem to share a visceral belief that those who commit evil acts should suffer for them.

The 'prize' idea is the closest parallel, but even in typical prizes, while the prize is given after the fact, it's committed before the fact, so at commitment time, there's still no retroactivity.

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I think it just seems weird because it's different than what we're used to. That doesn't mean there's anything fundamentally wrong with the idea

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

No indeed, in fact I really like the idea, I'm trying to work out why my feeling is that as presented it won't get much public interest. Perhaps it's possible to educate people to pay for goods already achieved (and to pay more than they cost) on the basis that it'll bring more good in the future, but it seems like it might be working against the grain. Even if it is, perhaps rationalists control enough charitable money to make it work.

You can look at the state of free software funding. Lots of very cool projects do make money from donations after the fact by fans, but the level of recompense most projects currently receive is far far below commercial equivalent costs, and for this to actually work, there has to be an expectation that the works will be rewarded commesurate with their value.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

I'm still confused by the idea of selling equity in a moral action. Outside of Section 2, and 11a and 11c, I think the post makes sense. But the idea of that we can meaningfully transfer social credit for a successful intervention, in whole or in part, from founder & investors to the oracular funder seems totally absurd, to the point that I question whether I really understand other parts.

Say Alice the Microbiologist founds the End-Malaria-in-Senegal project. She sells 90% of the impact shares to Bob the Impact Investor for $900k, and keeps 10% for herself while investing $100k of her own money. The project ultimately succeeds, and Carol the Oracular Funder buys Alice and Bob's shares for $5 million. A week later, Alice, Bob and Carol are attending the same social gathering. People ask each of them what they've been up to.

Alice: "I founded and lead a project that successfully ended malaria in Senegal through impact equity funding. I funded 100k of the project myself, and sold my shares for 500k."

Bob: "I spent $900k to fund 90% of a project that ended malaria in Senegal, then sold my impact shares for a 5x return."

Carol: "I spent $5MM to buy 100% of the impact equity for a project that ended malaria in Senegal."

Is everyone supposed to be 0% impressed with Alice and Bob and 100% impressed with Carol? When I imagine myself among the guests, I notice that my internal moral value function is assigning the most points to Alice, and a nonzero amount to Bob as well. And if I'm the dean of the medical school where all three of them studied, Alice is the only alumna I'm excited to brag about to my social rivals at the next semiannual medical school deans' wilderness retreat.

I also notice that my feelings don't shift much if instead Alice and Bob keep half of their respective stakes after the project succeeds. I can tell myself that Carol should get 50% of the credit, Bob 45%, and Alice 5%, but I can't make myself feel that to be true in a meaningful way. Maybe I could, if I'd grown up in a world where impact markets already existed, but even then I'm skeptical. And I think Carol would realize this too, such that buying the credit for the project wouldn't be worth $5MM to her.

OTOH, if we insert another event at the beginning of the story, where Carol publicly precommits to paying $5MM to whoever can end malaria in Senegal, then everything makes sense again. In this version, Carol doesn't buy any credit from Alice. Instead, Carol gets (an entirely separate pool of) credit as soon as she makes the commitment. Her virtuous act isn't curing malaria, it's pledging $5MM to a system that makes things like curing malaria possible.

When the project succeeds, and Carol pays out, Alice keeps all the credit, just as if she'd funded the project through philanthropic grants. Bob mostly just gets rich, with some vague added bonus of being able to tell people he did it via impact investment, rather than fossil fuels or child labor or whatever.

The crime/punishment analogy makes perfect sense, and I don't see need to introduce the idea of fungible fractional shares of some ethical activity.

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This is a great summary thank you. I think your 2nd to last paragraph describes the necessary outcome:

Alice gets social credit as the do-er

Bob gets rich as the investor

Carol gets satisfaction as a committed effective altruist

There's no need to play games around distributing social credit post-hoc (as if we could anyway).

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I should add, Carol either gets a different set of social credit as you describe or (more likely in my opinion) has to be willing to walk away feeling satisfied. I think Carol, if they are a good effective altruist, ought to let Alice get the social acclaim to incentivize future founders.

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Maybe you addressed this point and I simply missed it, but otherwise it seems as if you're glossing over what looks to me like as the most difficult problem with this idea: how does an "oracular funder" evaluates the outcome of a project, and assigns it a specific dollar value?

Without a well-designed, aligned, transparent and fair mechanism to produce such evaluations. everything falls apart.

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Well, that retroactive mechanism just has to be better / easier than our current mechanisms that require funders to predict the future.

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Not necessarily - the evaluation of people working at an anti-homelessness charity of whether or not to do a particular intervention would only have to be as sophisticated as, "Homelessness will probably reduce if we do this, so let's do it". The literature on charities is littered with examples of charities doing stuff that sounds good on paper but doesn't work in practice.

However the oracle needs to identify *how much* homelessness reduced by; merely saying it seems to have gone down 'a lot' (or even "Between 10% and 15%") is insufficient. They also need to either directly assign a utility value to ending a marginal case of homelessness or indirectly do the same by quantifying utility before and after the intervention. And this then raises the problem of whether all homelessness is equally serious; what if the intervention 'cherry picks' the least severe forms of homelessness because they want to make money off the "$2000 per homeless sleeper housed" bounty announced by the oracle?

So better, probably. Easier - no way!

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Isn't retrospective evaluation at least as easy as prospective? If an anti-homelessness charity has done something, we can always evaluate their claim prospectively without taking any measurements of actual outcomes.

You can't go the other way and turn a (truly) prospective evaluation into a retrospective one, though.

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Thinking about it, maybe the difference is in how we're viewing this. I was thinking from a "partial derivative" standpoint --- hold the level of thoroughness of the evaluation constant, change the timing. From a "total derivative" standpoint, asking for a more thorough evaluation makes it harder, even if changing the timing makes it somewhat easier (that is, some questions that are literally impossible to answer prospectively might "only" be extremely difficult to answer retrospectively).

These markets probably do require a more thorough evaluation. That is, it's important to identify specifically which one out of five interventions actually succeeded, or to at least narrow it down to maybe something like 50% confidence in two out of the five. Thus, I now think you're more correct. I'll leave my comments here in case others find the thought process helpful.

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I think the problem is that you have to prospectively commit to a payout criteria. That criteria must be pre-defined, measurable, legible, etc. And there's a Schrödinger's cat problem here, where the act prospectively creating these payout criteria incentivizes some bad apples to solve the problem in an unsatisfactory but technically-acceptable way.

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If this is true, then why is there no scrutiny towards charities today that do not/cannot prove they are allocating resources efficiently? Because otherwise this is an isolated demand for rigor.

The choice is the current system, throwing money into projects that we have little way of knowing if they work, and a different system that forces those involved to actually work out/prove if they're spending money efficiently. And given that investors won't invest until such a time that proper, verifiable criteria are established (and have interest in helping establish these criteria themselves), it's not as if there will be a bunch of money invested and then somebody realizes they can't tell who was successful and the whole thing suddenly collapses.

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Under the current system there can be good faith disagreement about how well a charity works. If I think charity A works better than charity B then I donate to A and you to B. There are a number of problems with this system - not least the one you describe where ineffective charities with good PR are overfunded - but at the end of the day we can both be happy with our choice.

Under the proposed system there *cannot* be good faith disagreement, and this is why I am not making an isolated demand for rigour. The oracular funder needs to specify to the dollar how much impact a charity has had, and then defend its decision against financially-motivated backers who disagree with it. Both the requirements of good faith attempts at quantifying impact and the cost of arbitrating disputes are different between the current and prospective system.

I don't think the original post has any discussion about funders helping establish criteria for effectiveness. I'd be very concerned if people with a significant financial stake in X rather than Y being true were invited to offer their opinion on X vs Y; it is a significant point of failure in pharma regulation but it is unavoidable in pharma (because the company owns the data) whereas it is avoidable here

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I agree overall that this problem exists, but I think the idea would is this word "oracular." As in, what the oracular funder says, goes. And that's a risk that must be priced into the market. Of course, the oracular funder should, as good practice, pre-declare criteria, but they could refuse to pay out if they perceive something was done in bad faith, even if the outcomes technically fulfill the criteria.

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You do seem to have missed it- this is discussed in section 9 of the post.

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It's discussed yes, but not with recognition of the challenge it represents. It's the single biggest problem for this idea

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This is absolutely the limiting factor. Evaluations of impact in the social space are incredibly opaque and expensive right now. In Capitalism markets work because there are clear 'market tests' - the person who is supposed to benefit (the consumer) is the one deciding how to value the product/service, and paying for it. Incentives are perfectly aligned for markets to generate social benefits. This is not at all the case in impact markets as outlined here

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I think this is supposed to be solved with the word "oracular." As in whatever the oracular funder says, goes. They should pre-declare some criteria, but they could also refuse to pay out for real or petty reasons. This is a risk that the market will need to price in.

A good effective altruist with a reputation to protect (such as Scott Alexander) or equivalent people would play that role.

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I don't get the problem with the capitalistic option, if I'm a normal employee at a for profit company or a charity and I get paid the market rate, I still kinda get "the credit" for being a good worker, right? So why can't I get the credit for being a good founder while also getting the market rate money for it?

The incentivizing evil issue kinda broke the beauty of the idea for me... could it be solved somehow with fines? Like say the oracle funder requires that you publicly buy the shares. Then if the project turns out to do harm, they tell you to pay to offset this and you do it because...

1) they'll refuse paying you for other project shares and harm your career as a charity funder?

2) all oracle funders cooperate on 1) and super ruin your career as a charity funder?

3) other entities cooperate to not cooperate with you and be mean to you unless you pay the fine?

4) it turns into a dystopian court system where the oracles can randomly ruin your life?

idk but something like that

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Super interesting. Re "whoever snaps up the shares first will get most of the surplus", two possible solutions

1) have an IPO window, and if it's oversubscribed, allocate by lottery. This has the advantage of being easy and the disadvantage that you under reward people for spotting the opportunity (though I think that's ok - when it's oversubscribed, there wasn't much value in spotting the opportunity)

2) have an IPO window with a more complex allocation eg if it's oversubscribed by a factor X, everyone gets 1/X of what they ask for. When the UK government sold the Royal Mail to retail investors about 10 years ago, I think everyone who applied got what they wanted unless you applied for over £10k worth in which case you got that amount

Happy to expand on either of these if helpful

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Both of these options sound way inferior compared to an auction.

Especially the Royal Mail example.

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I think not letting founders get rich is going to be crucial to public support for these things. Purely my personal feeling, based on working in the third sector in the UK for the last 7 years, including for a funder for the last 5

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Is an auction incompatible with a kickstarter-style approach?

If I sell 1 million shares for a project needing $1m (i.e. $1/share), and I only get $0.50/share, netting $500k, then the project shouldn't happen.

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Fundamentally, for a charitable action, I would think that a founder asking for $1m, but only getting $500k, means that we should not go forward. The project won't be half-as-good project. Most likely, it will just fail?

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Why is "whoever snaps up the shares first will get the most surplus" is "unfair" in some way? Isn't that just the way the world works?

I mean, if you buy it up first, you are taking a risk on a project. As events unfold, the price of that share goes up or down. You could have waited to get more information and if the price goes down, then that's your fault. I don't see the unfairness here.

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Good question. I don't think I am saying "it is unfair" as I haven't thought about it enough. I am saying "it will be perceived as unfair by enough people to undermine public support for it". This is based on a decade working in policy and politics in the UK and may not apply to public opinion elsewhere.

The comparison that came to mind when I read that the winners would be "fast investors who may not have added any value" was professionals/bots that buy up concert/sports tickets as soon as they go on sale, and then list them on resale websites at a huge markup. This is very unpopular.

I think my argument is: In the UK, enough people will be concerned about anyone making a profit from charitable work that any new funding mechanism will be at risk of being seen as unfair, even if there are good logical arguments why pragmatically it's still right. "Fast investors profiteering without adding value" falls into the category of things that will be seen as unfair. This will undermine the new funding mechanism.

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Let me know when you've worked it out - happy to invest my money in impactful ways, but have been around funding long enough to be impatient and sceptical of new/innovative impact models & evaluation frameworks.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Regarding the auctioning off of the tokens: I think this could be done with a Liquidity Bootstrapping Pool [0] [1]. You would have to first sell some tokens personally (over the counter) and then you put the proceeds from that and the remaining tokens into the balancer pool, which then uses an automatic market maker mechanism to sell tokens at a fair market price until a previously set percentage of tokens has been sold.

[0]: https://docs.balancer.fi/products/balancer-pools/liquidity-bootstrapping-pools-lbps

[1]: https://docs.alchemist.wtf/copper/lbps/what-is-a-liquidity-bootstrapping-pool

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Why not just use an auction?

Like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiunit_auction#Uniform_price_auction

They are used in practice already.

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To me, this seems too exotic and hard-to-understand.

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Optimistically, it feels like a lot of these concerns will ultimately be circumvented by the market. In theory (ideal end-state, as you call it), you don't have to worry about who "should" be allowed to reap financial benefits, for example, because funders and project runners will simply decide for themselves which kind of operation they want.

It seems like a pilot could be run on KickStarter right now, to be honest, and would provide more concrete data for future investors/charities to reference.

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Great idea around just using kickstarter as a way to ... kickstart! ... this. This is one of those practice over theory things. We've argued this stuff to death.

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(and if Kickstarter has silly rules preventing this, just use indiegogo)

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Actually thinking about this now, we'd need to only sell this to HNW individuals, which precludes kickstarter and indiegogo, but I bet there's a HNW version selling non-liquid assets.

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I originally parsed "We don’t get the “coolness” boost of using crypto" as an obvious joke, but the following paragraphs appeared to suggest it was intended unironically. It's fascinating that bubbles exist even today where "NFT" and "crypto" signal the precise opposite of everything they do in my techy bubble.

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Plenty of EA is currently funded by crypto billions, so it's inevitable that this bubble is abous as positive about it as any.

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Right. When I read that I thought "What about the crypto lameness drag?"

But I suppose if the right people believe it's still cool, it doesn't matter what most people think. I suppose when Crypto.com Arena changes its name (I give it two years max) it will be harder to credibly claim it is still cool.

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Does the final oracular funder announce in advance what outcomes they're willing to fund, eg. we'll definitely pay $2,000 per QALY? Otherwise, the funder has a perverse incentive to only pay out in a fraction of cases (whenever they can find a flimsy justification) as by that point the good thing has already been done, so it's in their interest to keep their money as an incentive to further projects. This seems doubly so if these are being done for profit.

These also have the potential to become Utilitarian Indulgences - companies that want to rely on child labour or pollute a few rivers can buy these as a moral carbon offset.

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Surprised no one else has drawn a parallel between these markets and the growing carbon offset market. The fundamental challenge of the market seems similar: people want (but aren't obliged) to pay for a good thing to happen, but measurement of the good thing is hard to do.

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Absolutely here. The measurement is by itself hard but then pre-committing to a set of hard-to-fake measures adds an additional layer of complexity to the oracular funder.

On the other hand, as I mentioned above, I think while it is important for funders to pre-declare some set of criteria, we don't need to over-insist on it. We can still rely on the funder's good faith that they will follow through, but they have the right to call shenanigans on people who try to game their pre-declared criteria. Funders who do this in bad faith get their initiatives discounted by the market going forward.

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I think this is supposed to be solved with the word "oracular." As in whatever the oracular funder says, goes. They should pre-declare some criteria, but they could also refuse to pay out for real or petty reasons. This is a risk that the market will need to price in.

A good effective altruist with a reputation to protect (such as Scott Alexander) or equivalent people would play that role. Fundamentally, that oracular funder would be relied on to care about that reputation.

I think the moment they get a reputation for not paying out, investors will de-value shares targeting those oracular funders' targets and fewer founders will therefore attempt them.

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I agree with your summary of the market structure, but don't find it particularly reassuring. Even the most reputable effective altruist surely has less of a reputation to protect than Microsoft or Google or any of the other large corporations funding the carbon credit markets. Yet the gains from these markets have proven extremely hard to quantify and considerable resources have been poured into making them "seem" good. The same problem would seem to plague these impact markets: participants splitting their investment between *impact* and *the appearance of impact*.

Which is all to say: if you're an oracular funding (or Microsoft or Google), please please please fund improved measurement methodologies.

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I agree in general but with some ifs and buts. It is definitely not reassuring at all, IF you are thinking about this in a very global sense of building a giant huge successful impact market. I think this approach I've outlined above is probably good enough for Step 1, which is just ACX grants done through an impact market. In that sense, we don't need someone with the reputation of Microsoft or google to serve as oracular funders. Any amount of scale would require actors like that though. One step at a time!

To your point about better measurement methods for carbon credit markets, I think a major constraint on funders will be their ability to measure outcomes. That's why I almost wonder if we're thinking too big. Carbon credit markets, curing malaria in Senegal -- so hard to measure! I wonder if the way to kick off a working impact market is low cost, low impact, but high-frequency projects such as "$3k to do a classical music concert in my town center." Then those get more and more ambitious. Of course, that's gonna require a lot of patience and might not work.

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>This post isn’t about the theory. It’s about the annoying implementation details. It may not be very interesting to people who are neither effective altruists nor institution design wonks, sorry.

I actually enjoyed this, for whatever it's worth, despite having no particular interest in EA (too poor) or institutional design. Any chapter of The Chronicles of Moloch is gonna be interesting reading; coordination problems seem like the fundamental difficulty of human history.

Also, now I wanna see a noir story about retrospective assassination funding...perhaps call it "Killer Prophets".

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"Wanted: Dead. $5000 Reward. No Questions Will Be Asked" is not a new idea.

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I don't see why we have to go to assassination funding as weird things you could get an impact market to do. (though it's hilarious and dark!)

Impact contract for a concert on your town square? For someone to streak a sporting event? Possibilities are endless as long as there's an oracular funder.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Interesting piece. Quick thoughts on this:

a) you end up with 5 million spend on a project that costs 1 million. Given that money for charitable work & great EA projects is limited, why is this not a major disadvantage?

All the other questions on how the 'extra' money gets distributed, result from this.

b) publication of project ideas or: how do make sure that ideas are not stolen or (deliberately or unconsciously) copied?

The *founder* has two functions: having a good idea/ designing a project (*invention*) and executing the project (*implementation*). Imagine my collegue has a brilliant, but - in retrospect - very simply idea on how to make projects 'raising the sanity waterline' more efficient. He designs such a project and wants to implement it, but he has only so much experience, and investors are hesitant to invest. CFAR and everybody else interested in 'raising the sanity waterline' read the idea, set up a project based on this, back it up by all their experience and clout in the field, and get the money. Good for the impact, but the inventor will probably know this, and not put out their idea. Again, with *very* specific things, you can have a norm of 'respect that person x wrote that first'. With a lot of great project ideas (which are often some type of improvements of existing things), it will be very difficult or close to impossible to distinguish between what was 'stolen' and what was 'we just thought about that obviously'. (Even more, people will suddently have this great idea when thinking about a project they are planning, and be totally unaware that they actually *read* this in a slightly different context some months ago.)

Solution: you need to make sure, that ideas / project designs are only available to investors but not to other potential founders.

Disadvantage: I have no idea how to make this work without contradicting other intended mechanisms.

Other solution: you need to reward *inventors* for their great project design, even if they're not getting the investors' money for implementation. Don't know yet how to do this in the context of this design.

Question: How does this work in VC? You don't put your business idea out on the www to see if it attracts capital.

c) I understand that you want all the elegance and mechanisms of a real market with lots of options. Looking at the difficulties and disadvantages, there could be intermediate solutions. EG: Founders put out their project to potential final oracular funders (for the moment a limited number of players known beforehand). A funder says: I find the idea to cure malaria in country x with the planned amount of 1 million USD great, if it works, I would be willing to pay 3 million for this. Now, all the projects that have a backing by a funder, go to the potential investors. Those project that find the necessary amount of investment, get funded.

d) The measurement. How do final oracular funders know how well the project worked out? There is *lots* of incentive to distort this in the reports. (When this whole thing grows bigger; hopefully less so in your next rounds of grants.)

Related: Most projects I know of don't fail on the account of the few measurable indicators they commit to. They fail on everything else. You mentioned this, but I think it's underaccounted for in the reflections on the set-up. Maybe EA has long solved this, and I'm unaware.

e) re 2. In the charity/grants/projects worlds I know, funders would take all the credit for *funding* the greatest projects, and organizations/firms/... would take all the credit for *implementing* the greatest project. (In fact for *designing* and *implementing*.) Makes sense to me, because we're talking about two different tasks.

When the EU funds a project, the 'EU funded' is plastered on each infrastructure project built, each tractor bought or each scientific article published. The firm that built the infrastructure will claim 100% of credit for carrying out this magnificent (EU-funded) building or scientists x for doing that magnificient research. For both it's important.

I guess this goes in direction of 2B (without having read Ben H. article). I find the 'sells all the credit' or 'sells part of the credit' is unnessarily complicating things. I think those latter might be unproblematic or even attractive in certain circles (VC/rat.adj./ EA? ...), but I would be worried it might have a chilling effect when selling the method to many other groups of people, including those usually engaged in non-profit projects.

Admitted, I 'cured malaria' sounds better than 'I funded that malaria was cured' – but I think it still sounds pretty good ;). You could partly solve this by selling 'cure malaria (funding)' certificates and when you're talking about this as 'I cured malaria', everybody at the party would know you're the funder, not the one implementing this. Or vice versa.

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> you end up with 5 million spend on a project that costs 1 million. Given that money for charitable work & great EA projects is limited, why is this not a major disadvantage?


> Why wouldn't they pay $5M for a project with a guaranteed $5M outcome, rather than gambling $5M on five different projects none of which might work?


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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Thanks. I don't think that's an answer. I'm not questioning (as the commentator above) that somebody would be willing to do that. I'm asking this in the context of 'we want to achieve maximum impact'.

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I think Scott is making an inaccurate simplification when he says that the final funder would pay $5m for $5m of impact. In actuality, the final funder might be hoping to pay somewhat less than $5m for $5m of impact. Or more precisely, the final funder is doing this because the impact market is offering a higher return in terms of impact per dollar than is available without the market.

Under the status quo, we have, e.g., a bunch of possible projects that cost $1m each. A final funder is competent enough at screening projects that they can identify a pool of projects that will produce, say, $2m of "social good" in expectation (but some of them will end up not working out, and the ones that do work out will produce much more than $2m of social good). If the final funder doesn't have enough money to just fund the entire pool, they can randomly sample and still get $2 of social good per $1 invested. This is basically where we are now.

With an impact market, the funder can instead select retroactively the projects that produced at least $5m of social good at a cost of $1m, and "buy the impact" at a cost of, say $2m, achieving a higher social return per dollar while also doubling the money of the investors who funded those projects. But investors who funded less good projects - who didn't do any better at picking projects than the final funder could have done on their own - might not get any money.

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Do you think it could ever work for the oracle to purely retroactively award projects? I would think it would require pre-stating some set of criteria, against which people propose initiatives to the market. As such what you described in the last paragraph doesn't seem workable to me.

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The whole idea rests on the assumption that the funder isn't able to identify good projects, because they don't have the technical/political expertise to do so. They're effectively paying a commission to an investor for doing this.

More realistic numbers would be something like: charity knows how to generate $500K impact with $1M (thus, they don't invest their money). Professional investor knows how to generate $5M instead. Any sale price of the successful project between $1M and $5M clears the market (i.e., causes the project to happen and generate $4M in "gains from trade").

This is a net gain for the charity, though the problem that remains open is how exactly those $4M are split up. This is a standard issue in economics, with the answer being the person who has the better information, and/or a stronger way to pose an ultimatum.

The impact market itself only comes in to create a wonky time-shifted contract, that allows the two parties to find each other. If the charity already knew a good investor in their cause area, they would just hire them as a consultant or something.

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It's not clear to me that "just hire the investors as consultants" is a good substitute for the impact market, even if we wave away the substantial problem of identifying the good investors in advance. For one thing, the investor might be hoping for a substantially higher reward (albeit with correspondingly higher risk) in the impact market compared to what is available as a constant fee. Effectively, part of the good investors' returns comes from the bad investors. (Simplified comparison: charity spends $1m each two projects, of which one ends up producing $2m of impact and the other $0. Versus, investors fund the two projects, charity pays $2m to investors of the impactful project. In both scenarios the same projects have been funded, the charity has paid out the same total amount, but in the second scenario the good investors gain $1m while the bad investors lose $1m)

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I tend to agree, that this mechanism replaces 'hiring' sb. to do the job, but also in addition shifts the risk for the project not working out from the funder to the investor (sth. you can't achieve easily by hiring someone for selection of projects).

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> The whole idea rests on the assumption that the funder isn't able to identify good projects, because they don't have the technical/political expertise to do so.

I agree with this. The point I raised was not to say, it's not worth it (the method hasn't any benefits), just mention sth. that lacked attention IMO.

> though the problem that remains open is how exactly those $4M are split up. This is a standard issue in economics, with the answer being the person who has the better information, and/or a stronger way to pose an ultimatum.

That's a good point. What's your idea on who, in this game will have the better information or more power to reap the gains?

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>a) you end up with 5 million spend on a project that costs 1 million. Given that money for charitable work & great EA projects is limited, why is this not a major disadvantage?

And you end up spending $0 on projects that don't work. And your $5 million likely incentivizes more than $5 million in private funding for projects.

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> your $5 million likely incentivizes more than $5 million in private funding for projects.

If that's the case, then the issue I mentioned stops being an issue.

I'm not sure though, this will happen - and if it happens, it might lead to other problems in the medium-term.

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> you end up with 5 million spend on a project that costs 1 million. Given that money for charitable work & great EA projects is limited, why is this not a major disadvantage?

Small nitpick but actually, you end up with $6m spend total on a project that only cost $1m to do ;)

I would think that the oracular funder has the discretion here. "Oracular" being the operative word. They think doing X will yield $5m in benefits. If they think there's a better project out there, they would be diverting this $5m elsewhere. We don't question it, because they are "oracular."

From the Funder's perspective, you are choosing between "this $5m benefit to the world never happens" vs. "I spend $5m on a $1m-cost project." The cost is irrelevant to the funder. They believe the outcome is worth $5m to the world, so that's their willingness to pay.

This doesn't seem like a problem to me, if we accept the "oracle" part of "oracular funder."

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I am skeptical about this working - but one useful part for prediction markets or similar would be ability to predict that attempt X will fail (or succeed).

This may provide some help against blatant scams and failures.

Though overall, this sounds like an interesting project with many traps, up to SEC appearing and ending fun or maybe even criminal case for someone (is there prediction market for that already? :) ).

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Oracle's measurement and legal issues are definitely up there in my list of open questions for this.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

On issue Number 9B - my experience of the UK pharma regulatory context is that when there's enough money on the line people can get quite argumentative about exactly how their intervention is assessed. Quite a lot of this is that it is really hard - probably impossible - to say "This intervention saved X lives for sure" because it will always involve more-or-less reasonable assumptions (for example that, counterfactually, everyone wouldn't have spontaneously killed themselves as a protest against non-intervention, for example. Or maybe more reasonably, what the correct statistical approach is to participants in the trial who deblind themselves somehow or cross over trial arms). So you end up saying, "Our best guess is that we saved Y lives" and then defending your decision from criticism from the people with a large financial stake in Y being as high as possible.

The rough cost of the regulators defending one pharmaceutical submission in the UK is £143,000. This is an overestimate of how much the oracle would spend to do exactly the same thing as NICE, because large government agencies are inefficient, but this is also an underestimate of the true cost because the pharma companies do a lot of the work for the regulator; for example the company always funds the literature review and development of an economic model which are close to £100k each. My guess is that maybe the total cost of a full assessment including salaries is probably fairly close to £500,000(ish). Also it is unclear to me who funds the trial to assess effectiveness, but this could be hundreds of millions of pounds if you want to RCT a big intervention (and if you don't want to RCT the intervention you introduce a lot more points to argue about).

Basically, I'm a bit unclear how the 'guard labour' costs of the oracular funder are accounted for. These costs are non-trivial and it probably wouldn't be suitable to use the current EA method of well-meaning people giving it their best shot to assess outcomes even if there are enough well-meaning EAs around to make this possible, because if the project works well there will be a whole bunch of monied interests attacking your decisions.

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Yes, Scott seems to be significantly under-rating the difficulty of figuring out what worked (to what extent), and what didn't.

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Then on top of that, imagine the lobbying that goes into getting the oracular funder to agree to pay out to an effort that was not truly worthy.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

I don't see any problems with founders getting rich. If that's a persistent problem, more smart people will flock to the charitable sector. Thus driving down excess returns for founders and also causing more charity to happen.

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Yes! Founders can only get "too much" money if there aren't enough founders with good ideas competing for investors' money. If you have faith in the market solving all the other issues here, then the market will definitely solve this one for you also.

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Absolutely... every participant needs to be incentivized in order to make this market work. I think what's under-discussed so far has been the expected actual market clearing quantity of projects. Without proper incentives, q will be very low imo.

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About investors losing all their money:

I would imagine people mind want to buy index fund equivalents instead of putting all their eggs in one basket?

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This is more like private equity than the share market.

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Why try to make philanthropy more efficient? Philanthropy is on net socially detrimental. Donors are at the heart of the culture way (e.g. George Soros). They are not accountable to the people that they are allegedly helping. I will elaborate on my substack in a few days.

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Effective Altruism as a movement is really interested in making charity more effective.

Why would funders need to be accountable to anyone? It's their money.

And how would that accountability even look like? Are you suggesting something to do with democratically elected representatives, or something saner?

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I am suggesting that wealthy people should invest in profit-seeking businesses, which are accountable to the people they are supposed to serve. Non-profits are accountable upward, not downward, and hence are always going to be dysfunctional.

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George Soros' charity being accountable to him seems fine by me?

I get that most charities have terrible goals. Eg most non-profits in the US are religious institutions.

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There's a Deontological style argument that if you are funding something, you get to be in charge of it, but there is also a Consequentialist style argument that you get better results by being responsive to end users.

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Well, when you are running a company there's both options: equity investors get to (theoretically and indirectly) be in charge of the company. Debt investors normally don't get to be in charge. But if a bankruptcy happens, prototypically they turn into equity investors and the previous equity investors are wiped out.

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> hence are always going to be dysfunctional

That is trivially false.

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The issue is that if accountability = money, there is no way to be accountable to the poor in a purely capitalist system.

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Given that Kling has more publicly available written content than your average ACX commenter, I decided to find whether he'd already elaborated on nonprofits elsewhere, and save everyone some time. Sure enough, he has, although the link has gone stale a couple of times. Here's the Wayback Machine:


I think it's a fairly representative account of the free market perspective, so I encourage people to read it - if you can respond to it, you'll be responding to more than just one commenter.

Thinking on it, I get an argument that nonprofits are dysfunctional because that's the way the incentives point. Yes, some of you claim there exist nonprofits which aren't, but the argument is that it's not enough to point out a functional one (assuming you could); such a beast is an unstable unicorn, fighting uphill. Even if that nonprofit is founded on the noblest of intents, by the most motivated of paladins, the special status of that nonprofit will inexorably lead it to greedy entryists, or even the founders themselves will find themselves spending more and more of their time lobbying for grants from the state or buying up rivals to reduce pesky competition.

Mr. Kling: have I adequately understood your position here?

The argument I see in that essay isn't against nonprofits existing, mind you. It's against giving them special breaks under the law. If Soros wants to found a nonprofit that promotes the health benefits of sticking forks in your eyes, the law probably shouldn't intervene. It shouldn't even intervene if the Eyefork Foundation successfully persuades a million Americans to join the movement and throw huge parties where they merrily fork themselves. Indeed, if enough people find this intuitively wrong, one can expect another nonprofit or two to spring up extolling the risks of eyeforking, and the law ought to stay out of their way as well. Thus, eyeforking will succeed or fail on its own merits.

One way to measure that success is in terms of how many people come around to it. Trouble is, it's arguably better to convert 10,000 people to eyeforking and spend a million doing it, than to spend ten million and get 10,001. A cleaner way (in a free market) is to encourage the nonprofit to, say, sell subscriptions to customers who would like to see more eyeforking in the world (well, sense it, I guess), and let those customers be the judge of whether this nonprofit is effectively and efficiently promoting the cause. The more people like what it's doing, the more will buy subscriptions, or buy other promotional services it offers; if they don't, maybe they'll instead subscribe to a rival eyefork advocacy organization, or even an opponent. And at that point, there's no need to call them nonprofits. And the incentives are pointing the right way, to boot.

This even helps the poor. The goal isn't to help all poor, no matter the cost, as noble as that may sound; resources are necessarily scarce, and if you let your morals compel you to damn the wallet, full speed ahead, you'll just go bankrupt and end up helping no one. You *have* to be efficient.

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I had forgotten that old essay, but it is relevant. So is this one: https://arnoldkling.substack.com/p/accountability-and-authority-626

Also this one, where I advise people searching for a job to work for a profit:


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Thanks. I always wonder whether people who think that for-profit companies are uniquely efficient have ever worked at one...

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Definitely! Anyone who thinks that any large organization is invincible has never worked for one! They are neither perfect angels nor perfect devils. But the profit-and-loss system has a mechanism for weeding out the dysfunctional organizations.

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You're confusing a bunch of elements here. The "special status" (tax advantage) of the charitable nonprofit isn't what distorts incentives. The business model of funding activity through third-party donations is where the distortion lies.

This is inherent with any charity though, because the people it is directly impacting can't pay for the service. That's what makes it charity.

> 10,000 people to eyeforking and spend a million doing it, than to spend ten million and get 10,001. A cleaner way (in a free market) is to encourage the nonprofit to, say, sell subscriptions to customers

This doesn't solve anything, and in fact is how current non-profits are funded. The issue is that revenue isn't directly tied to charitable outcomes, it is intermediated by the perception/willingness to donate of the donor - the donors are the actual customers, not the purported recipients of charity.

Best case that donor tries really hard to independently evaluate the outcomes, worst case is closer to yours where its a bunch of retail customers who have no idea, and what ideas they have are mostly framed by marketing campaigns.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

I could be wrong about what "special breaks" non-profits get, but it sounds like it's mostly that their (actual-if-not-legally-recognized) profits are not taxed, and therefore hospitals can acquire capital to acquire other hospitals, colleges can afford to build more elaborate buildings than they should, etc.

In the above cases, the damage is caused by non-profits crowding out for-profits that would otherwise exist in the same market. But what about "markets" where it seems likely that for-profits are not crowded out?

I suppose one could argue that operas, ballets and symphonies are crowding out businesses in the sense that they do take up prime real-estate (tho arguably their presence contributes to making that real-estate prime). Perhaps a ballet could exist as a for-profit by treating a large donation as a purchase, but that might turn the "doners" away since it doesn't stroke their egos in the same way. But who knows?

I tend to assume that opera tickets are so expensive because you have to pay a salary to a bunch of performers who are likely intelligent and could do some other professional job if they had to, not because the building is so fancy or because the organization is so otherwise inefficient, but who knows?

Most local hunger relief programs are run by non-profit churches. That may cut into the profits of Taco Bell and KFC some, although that isn't clear. I doubt people who donate money for food or homeless shelters need their egos stroked so much; perhaps a hunger relief program could be run as a for-profit if the meals were "purchased" by the current doners, but it's not clear how that would make things more efficient or accountable.

Ultimately, after this thought exercise, I'm inclined to think non-profits likely do no harm in businesses which the market doesn't naturally serve, such as performing operas and feeding homeless hungry people. Perhaps for-profits should be allowed to sue non-profits if they steal customers through non-competitive practices. That could lead to for-profit hospitals and churches suing the pants off of non-profits, whereas for-profit operas would probably have a much harder case to make. And restaurants and grocery stores likely wouldn't sue hunger relief programs because it would be bad PR.

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Yes, the tax incentives mean that businesses in certain sectors are incentived to be non-profits, which you could say is bad and I'm not arguing here. This doesn't necessarily mean that the incentives for non-profits are bad/mis-aligned, though, in terms of not being rewarded for doing what they intend to do. A hospital that makes money directly from the treatment of patients and doesn't sell equity has its incentives nicely aligned, if it out-competes a for-profit system (with capitalist investors-owners that take a cut) due to its tax breaks that's not really an issue for me, and very hard to prove I would guess. Maybe others are worked up about this! I would be surprised.

For me, the issues are a) that incentives are not aligned when that hospital makes money not from treating patients, but from e.g. getting donations from third parties due to their media relations or capital returns on their giant endowment and then b) that hospital spends their money not on treating patients but on their hospital football team and new residences for the hospital administration. The first is straightforward economic incentives, the second is an offshoot and a betrayal of why they are given the "special break" in the first place - their promise to re-invest all profits into the mission of healthcare.

What is the incentive for a soup kitchen to "steal customers"? The "customers" don't pay. That's both why we accept the non-profit model as "altruistic" and also why it's mis-aligned.

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Businesses are bad at producing public goods like helping poor people without much money, solving existential risks, and promoting forms of research that can't internalize profits. I'm sure you know all of this, so write your article and I'll see if there's still something worth disagreeing about.

This is an attempt to make charity more accountable - maybe not to the people being helped directly, but to donors who care about those people.

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It is true traditional non-profits are accountable upward, as you say and that causes them to be dysfunctional and misguided. No disagreement there (you're on an EA thread after all!).

One way in which this essay attempts to solve this problem is that there is the oracular funder who funds things based on EA goals. That certainly has its own host of issues, as discussed elsewhere, but I think it separates it a bit from this donor-driven problem you describe.

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Agreed here. It's true that philanthropy is broken for all these different reasons... that's the point of EA! This impact market is an attempt to address some of those things. For example, bad donors are replaced by a single oracular funder who has some amount of EA credibility.

I do agree with Arnold, though, that the ultimate beneficiaries of the initiatives are curiously left silent. I can't articular exactly why this is bad, but leaves me uneasy.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

> Why try to make philanthropy more efficient? Philanthropy is on net socially detrimental.

Even assuming second claim to be true, then making philanthropy more efficient would still could result in improvements overall due to lower losses.

> Philanthropy is on net socially detrimental.


There are numerous cases where someone can spend trivial amount of their money/effort/etc and result in massive improvements to the other side.

In some cases both sides can benefit.

> They are not accountable to the people that they are allegedly helping.

This increases risks, but not enough to make all charities useless.

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"There are numerous cases where someone can spend trivial amount of their money/effort/etc and result in massive improvements to the other side.

In some cases both sides can benefit."

In every example you could produce of a small expenditure leading to massive improvement, I could probably show how that improvement could have been achieved via a profit motive.

Theoretical example: suppose someone happened upon a cheap way to reduce environmental damage, specifically by implementing some extra step at a factory to capture a waste product and dispose of it. The cost of doing so is assessed at $100k per year; the reduction in damage is assessed at $1M/year. The person with the idea sells this idea to everyone who would normally share in that $1M/year expense, and asks for $500k/year from them. Said person then pays the factory owner $100k to implement the step, and pockets the $400k/year that is left over.

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Right, so somebody comes up with an idea of how to reduce pollution in Bandgladesh, it only costs $100k American dollars, but the 100 people in Bangladesh don't have $100k dollars between them so the reduction in damage isn't $1M a year, it's more like $10k a year. Everyone who "shares in the expense" is poor, so they can't afford to pay for remedies when the inventor comes up and asks them for $500k.

The entire point of charity is that the people it helps are either not valued in a "reduction in damage" calculation and/or they don't have the money to pay for "their share of the expense" ... your example isn't charity, it's just a standard deal.

Charity would be that the inventor realized people couldn't pay, went and raised funds anyway, and then paid to implement reforms with the money. SAs "profit motive" would be adding a second company realizing he produced $1M of value, and then giving him the $1M, which if he had knowledge of in advance, his fundraising would be easier because he would not ask for pure donations but promise to give cash to investors.

Pure grifting would be claiming to be a charitable non-profit, raising $1M to improve the factory, then spending $100k and keeping the rest. So you can see its a fine line.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

If the reduction in damage in your sample of Bangladesh is only $10k/year, then it's not worth spending $100k/year to reduce it, yes. But you seem to be assuming it really is $1M/year that those Bangladeshis just happen not to have. Either this is the case and they can afford it, or it isn't and they can't.

If those Bangladeshis can only afford $10k/year, period, then it truly is the case that that pollution reduction isn't worth doing - it's only doing $10k/year in damage at worst. If it truly is doing $1M/year, then that's measurable as what those Bangladeshis would have been making if that reduction were in place, which means they can afford it.

The entire point of charity might be as you describe it. The entire point of the argument *against* charity is that things are *not* like that - if the people helped can't afford the help, it doesn't mean those people aren't being valued; it means they're in a situation that isn't sustainable.

Fortunately, I think exceedingly few people are in a situation truly that dire. There's virtually always something someone can do to improve it, at a profit. It just won't be the multi-million dollar solution. (It'll often be something that improves them enough to justify the next improvement, then the next, and so on.)

I'm having trouble understanding what POV you're using in your third paragraph (you seem to blip between Scott's and that of some benefactor), so I'm not sure I can speak to it. In an effort to be straightforward: I would realize Scott's profit motive as noticing he can accomplish something other people would value at $1M, for example, and it would cost him only $100k; so he charges them $1M, does the thing, and keeps $900k. Everyone's satisfied.

In general, a person in the "charity" business could realize profits by producing public goods that are valued in total at much more than it would cost to produce them, and keeping the difference. The incentive is to do them in order of greatest difference - the goods most in demand, which cost the least. (This is my understanding of EA's mission.) The gap narrows as "chariteers" chase down problem after problem, possibly reaching some equilibrium where problems rise in demand just enough above cost to sustain the people solving them.

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> if those Bangladeshis can only afford $10k/year, period


> it's only doing $10k/year in damage at worst


> it doesn't mean those people aren't being valued

That's a contradiction.

You are only valuing people based on their ability to afford things, which means some people aren't being valued - those who really don't produce/can't afford anything or are net drains - and more generally that you don't value anything about human life as intrinsically valuable outside of ability to afford.

If you believe this, then of course charity makes no sense and free market exchange of currency solves everything.

> a person in the "charity" business could realize profits by producing public goods that are valued in total at much more than it would cost to produce them, and keeping the difference

This is the definition of literally any business. The issue with charity is that the recipients of the [public] goods don't have money to pay for the goods, and/or some recipients aren't convinced that they benefit. In fact "altruism" implies people think that they *don't* benefit personally to the extent they will pay, that indeed the public as a whole is best served by helping someone that isn't themselves (and who may not have money to pay it back).

So your model of "figure how much value this is worth to some group, then ask them for money" explictly does not work for charity, because the value and the money don't overlap, unlike other businesses.

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I'm no longer certain what you're trying to claim.

> You are only valuing people based on their ability to afford things, which means some people aren't being valued

In this scenario, we are valuing the effort required to assist a group of people. Do you think a person somehow trapped on Valles Marineris isn't valued simply because it would cost billions to bring him home? If not, what's the key difference between that and someone on earth that would require more than is available?

> The issue with charity is that the recipients of the [public] goods don't have money to pay for the goods, and/or some recipients aren't convinced that they benefit.

That's the issue with charity *as you're laying it out*. Yes, sure, if we arbitrarily set things up such that certain people are net drains on society, I suppose that's an issue. So why set things up that way?

> So your model of "figure how much value this is worth to some group, then ask them for money" explictly does not work for charity, because the value and the money don't overlap, unlike other businesses.

They necessarily overlap. To solve some problem charity claims to solve requires resources. Those resources have a cost. If they didn't, then the solution is free, and any sensible person would opt for it faster than we could call it "charity".

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Shouldnt' your view include direct cash transfers to the poor as the mechanism of charity, so the profit mechanism is cleaved from the question of socially fair distribution of utility?

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"[Including] direct cash transfers to the poor as the mechanism of charity" presupposes that I want charity to work a certain way in order to be called charity. But what way?

MT, for instance, seems to want charity to arbitrarily mean helping people who can never afford it. The way I understand it, yes, this is the commonplace definition; charity wouldn't be called charity unless it didn't yield a measurable return for the giver.

However, charity is considered "good" because it makes the receiver better off, not because it makes the giver worse off. If the receiver suddenly owned their own home and the giver was made $1000 richer by the end of the year, we would still consider that "good".

What reason do we have to promote "charity", instead of promoting "good"?

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> In every example you could produce of a small expenditure leading to massive improvement, I could probably show how that improvement could have been achieved via a profit motive.

So for each (or a handful, if you please) of the charities listed here: https://www.givewell.org/charities/top-charities, what would the profit motive method be? And why didn't it happen?

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Aug 8, 2022·edited Aug 8, 2022

Well, in context, "small" and "massive" mean measurably so, and the unit is currency. Any time you have a situation where you spend 1 ducat in resources and wind up with N ducats in value later, you can monetize it if N is large enough - get people to pay you almost N ducats, spend 1 of them, produce the valuable thing, give it to them, keep the difference as profit. The obvious times where this doesn't work is where the friction is high - for example, moving money (pre-online commerce) is hard, or more commonly, shipping the valuable thing to people costs more than (almostN-1). It's also impractical if trust is low, to the point that you're spending too much on stuff like people claiming they didn't get their valuable thing and so on.

In the case of causes such as malaria prevention or other medicine (top 8 of 9 on GiveWell), we might measure the cost to nations who end up spending millions of dollars (or shillings or kwacha or...) on the problems caused by these ailments. If that's much higher than the cost of prevention, someone could charge a nation somewhat less than what they spend on treatment, for a prevention program that would eliminate that (portion of the overall) treatment. Nation is better off; prevention seller is better off. And that's without even considering the utility of one more civilian walking around malaria-free.

Alternately, we take notice of the fact that people with more disposable wealth consider themselves better off for having spent that wealth on improving the health of other people (often people they'll never even know). Suppose someone comes up with a way to distribute malaria nets more efficiently than what's commonly done. They approach people interested in fighting malaria, and offer them whatever GiveWell does (say, sincere thank-you notes signed by the children they helped, complete with color photos), except more of them, in exchange for a smaller fee than they currently donate to GiveWell. They take that, implement their idea, deliver the goods for less, and keep the difference as profit.

That general approach ought to be applicable to any endeavor with the givens mentioned upthread.

ETA: As for why that isn't happening, my first guess would be that the tax benefits accorded to organizations that declare themselves non-profit outweigh the current profit margins realizable through more efficient administration of that type of work - in short, the improvement isn't massive enough, and the expenditure isn't small enough. This isn't hard for me to imagine. If you really had a cheaper malaria medicine, for example, whose efficacy was certain to you by virtue of your own research and experiments, you would still have to spend millions of dollars convincing the relevant authorities to give you the permission to implement it. So people don't bother.

I could play the cranky ol' ancap role and complain that those bad ol' governments are standing in the way of real medical progress, but it could just as easily be the more boring explanation, that anyone could start a flim-flam business shipping sugar tablets to innocent kids and claiming it's malaria medicine and raking in millions from ignorant upper-middle class Westerners, and those permission gates are really a form of insurance against that sort of thing. Without them, people would rightfully be skeptical of yet another carpetbagger with a cause and a brochure, and the free-market version of governments saying no would just be fraud protection companies charging about the same in premiums. In other words, the gap between expense and improvement really *is* too small to see much progress here.

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About the auctions; it's relatively easy to auction off a limited supply of identical goods

See eg how Singapore's Certificate of Entitlement works (that you need to operate a car in the city).

Basically, everyone submits at many sealed bids as they like. The top n bids win and pay an epsilon more than the n+1th bid.

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Yes, this is a standard mechanism known as a uniform price auction.

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I was hoping to combine this with a stock-market like system where shares of stock are available all the time and you can click and buy one immediately, but that might not be realistic.

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You can still do something like that, by taking inspiration from real world financial markets.

So founders would sell their initial shares with any method they like, and you'd have special support for uniform price auctions as the default. For liquidity, you can rely on market makers, just like real world financial markets.

Market makers are specialised market participants like Jane Street that stand ready to buy or sell when the demand arises, profiting off the spread they can charge between bid and ask. (Ordinary market participants can try to act as market makers too, but in real world markets they can't compete anymore with the specialists.)

Real world stock markets are a pain with lots of complex regulations that make life unnecessarily hard for market makers. In contrast, you would want to make life as easy as possible for liquidity providers.

So you might want to take your inspiration from commodities or FX markets, because they have some features that make life easier for liquidity providers than stock markets do.

For example stock markets have complicated rules about selling stocks you don't own. Typically you need to borrow them first, before you can short them. That makes the job of market makers harder.

For commodities futures markets, the rules are a bit more straightforward: basically anyone can go short or long aluminum for delivery in 2025. You just need to post sufficient collateral to fund your position.

Similarly, you could allow market makers to arbitrarily 'create' extra shares out of thin air for shorting. The central exchange (or so) will just note that they have negative number of shares in this specific organisation.

If a market participant still hasn't closed out their short position by the time a funder pays, that participant will just have to fork over an equivalent amount of cash.

You can use standard methods to determine how much equity people will have to hold in their account to keep their short positions covered with sufficiently small risks.

(They don't have to necessarily hold money in their account. A sufficient number of long positions in other charitable projects can also work.)

I specifically mention Jane Street, because I heard they have (or used to have?) some EA folks working for them. I'd suggest you get in contact, and they'll probably be able to come up with a good market structure for you.

I am working in the tech side of finance and like to come up with market structures the same way you liked to come up with ways of organising fictional countries; ie I have a lot of ideas, but am far from an expert of what's legal to do especially in the US. (I am living in Singapore, where this question would probably be much easier to answer.)

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We wouldn't want an auction because if a founder claims a project needs $1m, we should insist on giving them $1m or nothing, right?

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You can modify the uniform price auction to reflect this requirement.

If the number of goods auctioned is fixed, this is basically equivalent to a some non-zero minimum starting bid.

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right, thanks.

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I don't really understand why you have a problem with giving founders a piece of the impact shares? If you're building a system where you pay $5 million after the fact to a project that only needed $1 million to succeed, you're already paying $4 million dollars more than usual, solely for the purpose of promoting risk taking and innovation. Whether that $4 million extra goes primarily towards the founder or the funder seems entirely like a question of who needs to be incentivized more. While it does seem to me that funders need to be incentivized more, it also seems like it would be beneficial if charity founders were properly incentivized for success, such that they actually get a significant personal benefit iff the project succeeds.

Also a minor note on crypto, there are many obvious disadvantages to working in it, but one true advantage is that Crypto is great at dealing with international economics, especially when dealing with something as legally complicated as securities, or when dealing with third world countries.

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I got lost at this point: "Foundations see that I have done a great thing with $5 million in benefits, so they give me $5 million."

How does that work exactly? Even just firming up the $5m claimed value seems like a process that is much easier said than done. Why does the foundation then just give that money?

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>Why does the foundation then just give that money?

To incentivize future private funding of projects. If private investors funded a successful project and then recieved no return, private investors stop investing, period.

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I have the same question. The cost of the project at $ 1 million is a given. But the benefits sound a number plucked out of thin air. How are the benefits calculated ? By whom ? And why would the miracle "oracular funder" pay $ 5 millions right-away. Would they not want to wait to see if the benefit is indeed realized and stays that way over (a certain) time. And why would a funder pay $ 5 million for something that obviously could be done for $ 1 million.

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Very interesting, but contains too many assumptions, too many details, and is too long for me to do more than scan. That said, here’s one potential problem and solution.

If I’m the final funder (oracular?), I might not put any money into this! I mean, hey, the good results I want already exist! Maybe I’ll throw them a token, but better to save my money for something else.

So I suggest “results puts”. The initial investors come up with metrics (or use metrics from the founders), and sell results puts, such that anyone who buys a put must pay if the metric is met. Then they conditionally buy certificates from the founders, and the sale executes if they are able to sell the put.

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That's a very different system (essentially Social Impact Bonds, which is already a thing). It comes with all the problems mentioned in 9B.

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Maybe. I'm talking about the puts as the second round of financing, which seems differernt from Social Impact Bonds, no?

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Yes, it is true that this system requires trust in the oracular funder. Presumably someone of good EA reputation, such as Scott Alexander can do that and we would trust that commitment. Breaching that trust would result in his contracts being ignored going forward. There is definitely some magic that goes on with this word "oracular"

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Two points:

1) A project selling off 100% of the credit removes incentives for the project to go well (in some idealized sense, anyway). That’s why VCs don’t buy 100% of a startup’s equity.

2) Auctions seem to solve the “fast people win” problem reasonably well. Everyone puts in orders like “I want to buy X amount and Y price”. Then after some time, you resolve the auction by picking a price, perhaps the highest price so that at least Z dollars of funding will be raised. Everyone who offered to buy at >= that price gets shares at that price. (This is roughly how “real” auctions in financial markets work, except that in that context there are both buyers and sellers and the price is chosen to maximize the number of shares traded).

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Re #1, aren't most non-profits today effectively in that situation? The folks running them get salaries, not equity-like compensation when they succeed.

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>1) A project selling off 100% of the credit removes incentives for the project to go well (in some idealized sense, anyway). That’s why VCs don’t buy 100% of a startup’s equity.

What is the incentive for them to go well today? It sure isn't an investment return. (Honest) project founders are charitably motivated - that's why they start the projects. They want their projcts to go well for the sake of social impact per se (and also the recognition of successfully creating social impact). There isn't a financial incentive today, so a lack of financial incentive under this scheme is irrelevant.

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One thing I am not clear on /don't think I saw addressed: What happens when an additional participant (s) tries to muscle into the same space?

Oracular Funder pledges to buy 5m worth of Malaria being cured.

Alice sells 1m in Malaria certificates and goes off to start curing Malaria. Bob thinks he has a better solution to cure Malaria and tries to raise 1m to go cure Malaria his way.

If Bob also gets funded, he and Alice can both work simultaneously. This doubled the vc funding for malaria, but may half the potential return, even for Alice's investors who are already in. If it doesn't half the potential return, then who gets the credit? Both Alice and Bob were actively working to cure Malaria, and it has been cured-seems very challenging to figure out which of the two get credit.

Beyond that, what if Bob sees this coming, and decides not to bother because Alice has already started a project aimed at Malaria, and there's no more funding to solve Malaria EVEN THOUGH ALICE HAS NOT YET ACTUALLY DONE ANYTHING. He then goes to work at a hedge fund instead.

Isn't there a risk that when oracular funders have presold a token (or any other form of pre-registration) saying "the owner of this token gets credit for Malaria being cured" there is less incentive for later arrivals to bother trying to solve Malaria?

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Or reverse: Bob put a lot of work and malaria situation improvement, then massive flood cause malaria situation to get worse and overall malaria deaths are at the same level.

Or: Alice put effort into better tracking of malaria deaths and REPORTED ones trippled.

In both cases Bob would apparently not be funded despite doing good job.

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Perhaps the easiest way to take full credit would be that Bob is incentivized to help Alice 'go missing', which would make it indubitably clear that he is the one making a difference

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I think Alice’s certificates only pay off proportionally to Alice’s charity’s contribution. This means Alice’s VC investors face the risk that someone will muscle in on the market, but that’s also a risk under the current funding model. Bob will successfully issue funding certificates if and only if some VCs expect his project to have a benefit despite Alice’s charity already being in the space, and the certificates will pay out proportionally to what Bob argues is his marginal contribution to the decrease in malaria, given Alice was there already.

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I don't think oracular funders would sell a token, let alone one giving credit for "curing malaria".

The plan is that a particular person (in your example, Alice) will sell shares in her malaria-curing project.

Then Bob can start his competing malaria-curing project. This is bad for Alice, but only in the same way it's always bad for any business to get a new competitor. Bob's project might get less funded because he's in a competitive field (ie with Alice), but if he's likely to beat Alice he should still get investment (because he's trying to get profit-seeking investors, and we assume there are an infinite supply of these because everyone likes money).

Then at the end the final oracular funder who's committed to curing malaria gives money in proportion to the amount of malaria cured, ie if they're offering $1 per case cured, and Alice cured 1000 cases and Bob cured 4000 cases, they might give Alice $1000 and Bob $4000.

If Alice is distributing bednets in Ghana and Bob is distributing bednets in Kenya, and the final funder has vast amounts of money, they might not be competing in any way. If the final funder only has enough money to reward 1000 cases cured, then they might be competing for the first 1000 cases (although realistically the funder should have been more careful in this situation). If they are both researching a vaccine that can cure *all* malaria, in a way that can only happen once, then I guess they are competing in a very fundamental sense and maybe only one can win.

I think the second problem is solveable - if Bob has a better chance of curing malaria than Alice, his certificates will make a profit, and you can assume the supply of profit-seeking investors is essentially infinite.

I agree the first problem is real - it seems analogous to investing in a new startup, and then someone starts a competitor, which makes your shares less valuable in expectation.

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I am one of those random Google engineers you mention. This idea sounded extremely cool when I read the first half of the post on the train on the way to dinner. I even spent some time enthusiastically telling my wife about it while we ate. But then I read the rest of the post on the train back, and in particular got to point 6.

If this project involves crypto in any way, it immediately becomes anathema to me. In fact, I am willing to pledge that I will invest $10K+ of money in this sort of market within six months of its launch, if and only if it does not involve crypto. I know this sum is not a serious consideration when weighed against all the potential money coming from crypto people, but I write it down to emphasize that this is not empty virtue signaling, and is something I believe strongly enough to put real stakes behind.

Crypto is too much the domain of scammers and speculators. It is a solution very much in search of a problem, and sacrificing this interesting idea on the altar of trying to give it another shot at adding value to the world is ... unfortunate. Any association of this project with crypto brings the project into the realm of the sorts I do not want to associate with, or give any financial backing or societal legitimacy to.

I don't think this opinion of crypto is very tribal. It seems shared by the majority of my fellow gray-tribe software engineers, at least the ones that I know in real life. I think you might want to gather some more data before assuming that crypto = cool and therefore that grafting it onto this project will be a net positive. E.g. NFTs and NFT-holders are actively mocked by my peer group, so if this project got a whiff of NFT-ness near it then I would be incentivized to avoid participating in, or even discussing, impact markets just to avoid the social disgrace of being seen as an NFT-head.

(Secondarily, I don't know too much about the environmental concerns, but my suspicion is that you're blowing past them too easily---to my outsider knowledge, the only serious attempt to avoid the environmental impacts of current blockchains was Chia, which immediately had other negative externalities on the hard drive market.)

I will admit that if this project turns out to use crypto and nevertheless be wildly successful at impacting the world positively, then after a few years I will hold my nose and participate eventually. But if you want the participation of people like myself during the early bootstrapping stages, your choice of whether to align yourself with the crypto ecosystem or not will be important.

I hope this perspective is useful!

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The majority of the EA space is being bankrolled by cryptocurrency companies right now. Just like politicians must deliver favorable legislation to continue to get funded by lobbyists, the EA space has now been obligated to serve as crypto evangelists.

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I get what you're saying about the peer group and mockery of crypto (fellow Googler here), but hard rejecting a project because it might use crypto somewhere in its processes seems overly harsh to me. Crypto is obviously 'cool' to some subgroups, and I think much can be gained by acknowledging that, even if one is annoyed by it, and letting it happen, in the same way one might grudgingly allow charities to spend some money on marketing that one personally thinks is superfluous.

You mention crypto is the domain of 'scammers and speculators'. I think 'speculators' is pretty much exactly what we're trying to attract on the level of people providing initial hopeful funding, so that doesn't seem an argument against. As for scammers, I would very much assume the project(s) themselves, as well as the impact funders, are going to be sufficiently paranoid about that that it'll be checked anyway. I would expect it to be a manageable risk.

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I used to work in the crypto space, and left it in 2018, after becoming cynical about it. I have a framework for evaluating blockchain projects, and the very first question I ask is, "Is there a single trusted party who could run a database which replaces the blockchain?" This is a low bar, but 99% of blockchain projects fail to clear it.

In this case, the participants already need to trust the final funder. (Except in scenario 9E, but that seems very far off.) They need to trust that it's financially solvent. They need to trust that when it assesses the final impact of a project, it will do so in a reasonable fashion.

If you trust the final funder to do all those things, why can't you trust them to run a database?

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

It’s worth noting that anything one can do with crypto, one can also do with a centralized service, IF one trusts that service. In this case there is so much community-trust anyway that perhaps a trustless protocol isn’t needed. This could be implemented as a Kickstarter-style web site, which may even be easier to build as on-chain auctions can be hard to implement depending on the style.

Also, taking VC as the example, maybe this could also be run off a spreadsheet for tens or hundreds of investments. Probably easier to iterate and prove out Funder demand with as little technical build as possible; you can layer the tech on once doing things in a spreadsheet no longer scales.

I think that Oracular Funders should be indifferent to whether they fund completed projects hosted on some blockchain by buying tokens, vs. using some reputable centralized service in a legal jurisdiction with strong fraud enforcement?

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I might be ignorant here - is a proof-of-stake currency like Solana worse than Chia in terms of environmental impact?

I think of crypto as a good idea to create money that easily crosses state boundaries and is resilient to state failure/totalitarianism. Unfortunately for it, it became 10000x more valuable within a short period and created a get-rich-quick opportunity that attracted lots of scammers. I don't hold them against crypto much more than I hold penis pills and chain letters against email. I understand a lot of people have negative associations with crypto but I hope that after a while within anything going up 10000x the scams calm down and people can go back to doing normal things with it.

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"is a proof-of-stake currency like Solana worse than Chia in terms of environmental impact?"

No. Proof of stake results in very low energy usage.

But IMO PoS altcoins have other problems around security and inadequate decentralization. Some consider Solana to be a central bank masquerading as a cryptocurrency. Half the coins are owned by one corporation, and this corporation can dictate everything about the future of that blockchain, and transitively whichever governments have power over that corporation can dictate everything about the future of that blockchain.

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1. Sometimes it's really hard to measure impact even after the fact. There is still controversy over whether the New Deal shortened or prolonged the great depression. There is still controversy over what caused the rise in US homicides in the 60s/70s and what caused the decline in the 90s. But at least determining impact after the fact is easier than predicting it.

2. Many investors will be scared away by excessive uncertainty around the FOF payout unless you can get the FOF to contractually precommit "I will pay $X to whoever causes outcome Y"

3. There is a risk of people getting paid for placebo interventions when Y was going to happen anyway.

4. The “Maximum Capitalism” Design may not be that bad because competition between founders to do the same thing incentivizes them to split the surplus with others. If Alice was going to sell 50% equity for 1 million, Bob can undercut her by selling 75% equity for 1 million. In a competitive market for this the founder's surplus will tend to converge on their actual value added.

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7 seems easy to solve. The founder submits the amount of cash they need. The market organizers create and auction off the shares. The market organizers give the founder the amount of cash they need, keeping the excess. The excess is used to subsidize the final oracular funders for the entire market.

So imagine 4 projects:

Project 1: Costs $1, IPO worth $2, Final value is $2

Project 2: Costs $1, IPO worth $1, Final value is $5

Project 3: Costs $1, IPO worth $3, Final value is $1

The market auctions off all three projects, using $3 (1 + 1 + 1) to fund the projects and gaining $5 (2 + 1 + 3) as excess. Much later, the final oracles would like to use $8 (2 + 5 + 1) compensating all the projects for their charity, but by spending from the excess they only need to spend $3.

This diverts the riches of "cheap projects" from both the founders and the investors towards funding more charity.

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If the projects are worth $8 to the final oracles, won’t the oracles bid each other up until they’re paying $8, no matter how much the market contributes?

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Oooh, that's a good idea.

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Trying to think through this... how would the investors feel about this?

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I'd be interested in selling impact certificates.

AISafety.com is currently investigating an unlikely hypothesis about the ability of language models to reason strategically at higher meta-levels. This research may be well suited for being funded through impact certificates:

1) The plausibility of the hypothesis depends on a substantial amount of illegible reasoning.

2) The hypothesis is unlikely to be true, but if it is true the impact could be great and legible.

3) We are currently exclusively funded by my personal savings, but we could move faster with more funding.

--Søren Elverlin (I have been running the AISafety.com Reading Group since 2016)

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Can you send me an email about this, I'd like to follow up.

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On #7, there's a third alternative: bid on the amount of the prize you'll rebate back to the oracular funder. In the common knowledge $1 million / $5 million example, the auction should clear at something a little bit less than an 80% rebate and the investors would get around a risk-free rate of return on their funds. If the auction can't clear at even a 0% rebate, then the assurance contingency isn't met.

When running the auction, investors could submit different bids at different rebate levels. I might bid the full $1 million at a 0% rebate but a smaller amount at a 75% rebate.

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Also, to clarify the difference from 11C.... 11C leaves the 70-some percent surplus equity with the original founder, and I'm proposing to leave it with the oracular funder.

(Side note: I'd vote for changing one or other of the terms -- "original founder" and "oracular funder" are similar enough to create unnecessary confusion. I don't have a specific suggested replacement, though.)

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Credit where credit is due, I think Young Silver's comment, if I'm understanding the comment correctly, is pointing in this direction too.

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Thanks for your post, it was expressed clearly and helped me understand both of your suggestions better. I’m worried that the oracular funders are bidding competitively, though, so they’ll just increase their bids if they anticipate a rebate by an amount equal to that rebate. They’re paying the market rate for the privilege of funding that project, and I worry a guaranteed rebate would just increase the market rate.

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I suppose my previous post isn’t really an issue if the oracle funder is a single organisation. I’m that case, I quite like this model. The IPO investors get to bid on their rate of return, and the oracle funder can’t really be subjected to market forces anyway.

If the aim is to attract many oracle funders, each trying to maximise their own prestige, then we could modify your idea to impose market forces on them as well. We could make recipients of the rebate commit to donating the rebate somewhere it won’t re-enter the impact market. Equivalently, the IPO investors invest only what’s needed, but bid to determine how much the oracle investor will donate to non-impact-market charities to match their certificate payment.

I think the best answer to “Who gets the anticipated surplus?” should be “someone else”. If the money returns to the oracle investors, they’ll be on the honour system not to inflate their offers towards more prestigious projects. This means that the benefit from each organisation’s donations decreases as it spends a larger fraction of its charitable spend in the impact market,

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I came to say something like this and I am glad this has shown up at least twice, but there's a slight tweak also possible: instead of a discount to the eventual oracular funder (which could be a little confusing to express properly: $1 with a $1 discount or $1 with a 10% discount, vs just $2) the surplus could instead be used to fund a new oracular funder.

The certificate goes to market at $1 cost, someone wins the bid at $2, $1 goes to the project. $0.05 goes to the project founder maybe, $0.05 goes to project overruns / backup stash, $0.90 goes to the market's "house fund" which then goes and pays off other certificates that are completed or sits in trust until there is a certificate to complete.

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You can't give the founders money and call this a non-profit, or without embezzlement issues. A foundation gives your company an award for charity and you put it in your personal account? You sell stakes in the future non-charity-restricted income that your "non-profit" might have, and that's not stock?

Here I have a great idea for a non-profit charitable market, I will say that I have $1b of funding available to fund a next-generation fighter jet and let the free market decide on proposals and implementations of the fighter jet. Then I will pick what I judge to be "the most impactful" jet, and distribute the $1b accordingly to their founders and capital supporters. It's not for profit though because, like, it's a fighter jet hello that's charity?

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Basically this is, how do we make charity capitalist? And the answer is of course to pay people for providing capital by ownership stakes in charities, so that there is a capitalist owner class that profits when more charity is done. Which depending on your definition of charity might not be a paradox, but it certainly isn't not-for-profit. One could call it "legalizing grifting" but we're all altruists here and that would never happen.

It's trying to profitize the non-profit sector, I guess because of the belief that this is more efficient, that having capital ownership makes things better generally - even when the "market" is fairly artificial and convoluted, as the recipient of charity isn't paying for the "good", which is subjective and highly heterogeneous.

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In addition to VC, I think there will soon be more traditional funding available for this type of thing. ESG (environmental, social, governance) is the hot new thing on Wall Street and it doesn’t look like it’s going away. Investment funds and most companies are playing along. The SEC recently proposed a rule that investment firms and investment managers must provide ESG guidance.

ESG is also 90% fraudulent and the ratings are based on ridiculous metrics, if not purchased outright. Being able to purchase the credit for charitable actions will be like candy for those who need a bump in scores.

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>The SEC recently proposed a rule that investment firms and investment managers must provide ESG guidance.

The rule doesn't say that. It says that funds that are advertised as ESG must disclose what they mean by "ESG." Non-ESG funds are not affected. https://www.sec.gov/news/statement/gensler-statement-esg-disclosures-proposal-052522

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It presents a layered disclosure approach, ranging from esg specific funds to those that may occasionally consider some factors. The Compliance Manager at my fund is of the opinion that almost all funds would be included in some way.

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This sets up competition between charities in a way we currently don't have and which will need addressing.

Under a prospective model, if two charities independently set out to eliminate malaria in Senegal, and five years later it's eliminated, they rejoice in their shared victory. *Maybe* some of the funders grumble about getting less-than-expected bang-for-buck, though no single funder is certain they did (maybe the funders of the *other* project wasted their money -- we'll never know!).

But with an impact market, a retrospective funder whose promised $5M now has to decide whom to give it to. Each set of investors considers themselves entitled to the whole $5M ("We said we'd eliminate malaria and it's eliminated -- what more could you want?").

For-profit investing also worries about competition, but in that case it tends to be pretty easy to tell who each customer bought from. Capable firms shadow the fields they work in, preventing new growth where it isn't needed, but loud-mouth firms don't shadow fields in which they can't deliver value.

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The whole idea of selling "impact" itself seems both complicated and philosophically dubious. It seems to me it would be much better just to set up one system where altruists can promise to pay out prizes to whoever accomplishes some worthwhile goal, and then a market where groups working toward the goal can sell future shares of the prize money. For example, altruists publish that they'll pay a $5 million prize to whoever cures malaria in Senegal. If a group of biologists think they can cure it for $2.5 million, they can sell $2.5 million tokens for $1 each that pay out $2 each after they collect the prize. There's some issue with determining the exact conditions when the prizes pay out, but the prize pools just need to have arbiters who cultivate a reputation for fairness. That's no worse problem than exists for future oracular funders.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Glad I searched because this is exactly my comment.

1. This completely eliminates the start up problem: all you need to do is start announcing prizes.

2. The issue with funding any positive impact is that there are clearly far more vague ways to improve society than there are dollars to give, which means most outcomes will go unrewarded, which disincentivizes participation.

3. What stops, say, a company running sweatshops from saying: "we employed this many third world people, pay us money!", or any capitalist venture which provides value?

4. If charity VC really produces better value, then charities offering prizes will have bigger impacts, incentivizing more charities to pursue the same approach.

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I agree this is a good way to do things, but it seems less flexible, in that funders will probably only have a few prize competitions going at a time, and if you know a way to improve the world not covered by one of those then it would be harder to get it funded.

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I don't think it would necessarily be less flexible; you could just fund a prize that pays out to any project that a group of judges decides has had a big enough positive impact. Of course there will be problems with the judges being too arbitrary or unpredictable for investors to want to actually invest their money up front, but it's not at all clear that that's a *worse* problem than impact markets would have along the same lines.

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I agree there will be few prize competitions going on at a time, so that's unfortunate/limiting, but I am wondering is that the problem to be solved here? I thought the problem was to help the oracular funder give money to the right place, not increase the amount of overall funding. Two different problems, both giant. Probably should be separated.

My understanding of the problem is that low n is acceptable as long as $5m of benefits gets done.

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I agree here. This was my instinctual reaction to how I would think this system would work. Honestly, I'm unclear how it would work any other way. I am concerned in general about the market-clearing quantity. I suspect median market clearing quantity is 0, though.

Investors need to factor in a discount for whether the project will actually succeed in getting payed. This increases the spread between project cost and project payout significantly. (single digit percent of startups fail, for example).

On top of that, it potentially will have few pots of money for funding in the first place. But I don't think that's a real problem, since the goal seems to be to solve the problem of oracles not knowing how to allocate, not necessarily increase the overall quantity of fundings.

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For any "startup" like idea, I think you either need to:

- Talk to the potential users ("investors", "founders", ...), do the mom test

- Just try stuff

I really appreciate how in depth your analysis is, but you'll never be able to go through the nitty gritty by thinking about it. Your grants program was a great example of this: many unforeseen things came up.

I'm also very excited to see where this goes. Please keep us posted!

(apologies if a comment like this ahas already been posted, I browsed through a few of the comments but didn't see anything like this)

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Love this point. An earlier comment discussed can we just put this on kickstarter to try this. Regulatory issues, but definitely agree with that spirit.

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I am a tax/estate planning attorney. Exciting topic. I wanted to raise two thoughts—enhancing impact certificates with legislative change and addressing some of the issues from your implementations. No legal advice here, just wanted to share some ideas.

*****Impact Certificates with Legislative Change?*****

First, I note your (Scott's) solutions generally assume no legislative change. But imagine a legal system where impact certificates replace our current charitable giving structure, and can lead to broad government decentralization. Here's an example:

- Like the USPTO, tax-exempt entities apply and get approved a “project patent” from a government agency. The design of this agency, how its examiners are paid, legal doctrines around the project patent (and what needs to be shown to get one), methods (and incentives) for others to challenge an issued patent or require its update, ability of other parties to use an already-issued patent, and a designated project patent court are significant in getting this to work.

- On successful hitting of KPIs specified in the patent, the tax-exempts receive a defined amount of government cash and an assignable tax deduction. Payouts are for much less than 100% of benefit; for projects where benefits were tough to quantify, cost savings over government or other approaches for like benefits could be a relevant metric. Project patents could continue indefinitely, if they are so written (subject to the need for updating).

- The tax-exempt projects then repay (via a debt or equity instrument) funders with some combination of the government cash and deductions (which can be assigned to the investors). The deductions received by investors are forced to be carried into future years if the investor does not meet certain requirements. Such requirements would essentially aim to prevent rich people from zeroing out their taxes using these investments, unless their investments really do represent a replacement for the whole of government. This would include some limit to the deduction tied to the government’s need for taxes to service its debt.

There really is a lot of government that could be rerouted to this system, not just charity. Also, I thought the design could be part of a grand bargain to help with raising taxes. (IMO, the best objection to raising taxes for greater government services in the US is our generally poor governmental performance.) Raised taxes, of course, increase the attractiveness of the deductions generated.

*****Legal and Other Design Issues*****

Second, to address some legal and other design issues raised by your post.

- Have you reviewed the literature on (social) impact bonds? They already have designs aiming to address some of the issues you raise, including quantifying the return. I assume so, but thought I would note it.

- I thought it was interesting “fractionalized impact shares with assurance contract” essentially follows the capital contribution/capital call structure already present in investment funds, except it’s the project itself doing the offering.

- There are regulations for crowdfunding which can somewhat sidestep the accredited investor rules. In general, they're outside my knowledge, but I understand they’re perceived as a bit too burdensome on companies.

- People wanting tax deductions instead of investment returns (or who are not accredited investors but just want to help) might give to certain §501(c)(3) entities. The §501(c)(3)s might then invest into the oracular funder's…funds (set up as a partnership in a standard VC-type structure). Via one legal structure or another, the funds receive a small service/guarantor fee from each project it investigates and agrees to underwrite the successes of. One could consider whether the §501(c)(3) investments into the funder's funds are program-related investments (essentially, investments where a significant part of the “return” is achieving charitable goals, which are recognized under the tax law).

- There are indeed private benefit/§501(c)(3) concerns for investing in an oracular funder (and inurement or various excise taxes, if the §501(c)(3) insiders are involved with a funded project). The private benefit angle appears well-explored in regards to social impact bonds in http://fordhamlawreview.org/wp-content/uploads/assets/pdfs/Vol_81/Dagher_May.pdf. My initial view, not having run it to ground at all, is that §501(c)(3)s investing in this area should generally be segregated from other §501(c)(3)s to avoid putting more charitable tax benefits at risk than is necessary. Coming up with a good position here could take some thought.

- I am not sure I understand your concerns with governance issues, at least to the extent you're indicating there are special problems here—if the impact certificates are, e.g., interests in an LLC, it would be easy to build in state governance rights that already exist, and to model it on corporate law. Further, requiring periodic disclosure would be easy to require in the LLC agreement. No new law needed.

- There are legal rules governing payment processors, which is maybe your vision for an impact marketplace in part? Not sure I understand all the functions you see the marketplace as performing. Tax-wise, payment processors are often considered agents, so they only realize their fees as income; some designs could cause the payment to be income to the marketplace, and the payout to be a deduction. There would be tax information reporting issues, though (think 1099s).

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Thanks for this incredibly comprehensive overview!

I’d like to use this chance to position our GoodX project “Impact Markets” (https://impactmarkets.io/) in this context. (Thanks for linking to our MVP post!) I’m trying to write this in a way that is also understandable to people who haven’t thought about impact markets much, so sorry in advance if some of it is unnecessarily verbose.

I don’t know what the etiquette is around cross-posting comments, so rather than copy-pasting the comment from the EA Forum, here is a link: https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/6LppWMdN2NLHceGTr/impact-markets-the-annoying-details?commentId=gzXwHDXHedREWTjau.

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Very long time lurker finally brought out from the woodwork - this is basically social impact bonds with all their current issues, with extra twists!

There is an additional subtle Goodharting issue going on in SIBs, beyond the mechanism design you propose - projects will be shifted to issues that have a clear evaluation strategy. For example, if you fund projects reducing homelessness, how will the funder know it was the impact of the charity, instead of a change in unobserved city policies, that led to the result you see?

Let's assume that the funder requires an RCT or a proper impact evaluation. In first place, this rules out any setting where a clear evaluation is difficult, such as large scale projects or settings with general equilibrium issues. Assuming that this is avoided and projects stick to easily evaluated outcomes with clear identification strategies, now everyone has incentives to pull the crappiest study that supports the result they need to get paid, or take every single potshot at the funder's evaluation. This enhanced data interrogation technique is already bad with charities under normal funding schemes, btw - now bringing in capital is going to raise the stakes immensely. Imagine that the outcome of your token/bond/share depends on whether someone clustered their standard errors correctly - will there be a court ruling determining that randomization inference is better than clustering, and ordering someone to pay up based on that?

Personal anecdote - I was once an RA involved in writing a grant for the evaluation of a social impact bond in Colombia. The program was basically impossible to evaluate properly, for starters, but we came up with a decent instrumental variable that would allow us to at least calculate the effect size bounds. The funder did not like that, because they would look bad if they funded anything that ended up having zero impact, or even looked ambiguous. They eventually went with a before/after design (not even DiD!) that would be laughed out of any intro to econometrics class.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 19, 2022

I think this is a very interesting problem, one where you need to adapt old and known mechanisms - markets - to a new purpose. It is important to keep the good elements of the original mechanism and, I think, you are dropping some of them.

2. It is not clear why monetary mechanism design has to correlate with "credit". They guy who invents the cure for malaria gets the glory and respect for the invention; they guy who funded gets his money and, possibly, some glory and respect for funding it. Money and glory are complementary benefits here, there is no reason to try to design a mechanism to ensure greater correlation of money and glory. Since different people put different relative value on money vs glory, it is better for everyone to give more glory to those who value it most and more money to those who value that most.

You note that although the inventor sold 100% of monetary benefits to the funder, he still might derive some monetary benefits (e.g. Harvard tenure) from his glory. This is great, but why does it follow that the inventor should retain more equity and get a higher monetary payoff? I would argue that the opposite should be true: since the inventor gets some monetary benefits as derivatives of his glory benefits, marginal utility of additional monetary benefits to the inventor is lower, so retaining equity makes less sense than in a world where the inventor is unlikely to get Harvard tenure.

3. "I am nervous about this because I want to be able to pitch impact certificates to non-savvy people who may not be able to make good decisions about equity." In financial markets this is called "misselling". It is often a criminal offence. Do not do that. The whole point of these markets is to mobilise insights from people who have the incentive to understand the problem. People who do not understand funding instruments are not going to have very good insights because they do not understand their own incentives.

4 (and also 7) "If we don’t let founders get rich, it shifts the surplus to fast investors who may not have added any value - that is, to the first people who snapped up the obviously-underpriced certificates." This is not necessarily true. The primary placement of certificates may be done the way bonds are placed through an auction: bidders submits bids with a quantity and the smallest acceptable success contingent yield, the final oracular funder (FOF) looks at the threshold yield Y which is the lowest yield at which they can raise the required amount, and then all bids with yields below Y get certificates with the yield Y. So in a reasonably liquid market for an obviously successfull project, Y will be close to the risk free rate for the term and all benefits accrue to the final oracular funder (FOF).

An example: let's say the final oracle funder wants people to give $1m for malaria cure now. They announce the auction, and there are many potential investors, from very skeptical/greedy ones who are ready to fund £100k at yield of 900% over 5 years (x10) to very confident/altruistic ones, ready to fund $200k at yield of 0%. The order book might look like this:

bid amount yield

A $100k 900%

B $700k 400%

C $300k 250%

D $400k 100%

E $600k 20%

F $200k 0%

FOF starts from the bottom of the book. For $1m to raise, the threshold yield Y is 100%. Bids E and F are filled in full, bid D is filled 50%, these three bidders get certificates with success contingent yield of 100%, other bids are unfilled. The funder commits to pay a return of 100% on $1m, i.e. they will pay $2m in case of project success. If the threshold yield is too high for the final oracle, the auction fails.

5B. The same yield auction design resolves the issues with committed pot of money. The primary issuance is done through an auction where the success contingent yields are fixed. An investor has the option to hold the certificate to maturity and receive the fixed yield. If there are other auctions at later dates, the participants there compete for other tokens and do not affect the hold to maturity yield of earlier issues.

6B. The coolness halo of crypto is dissipating quickly. We already see NFT-like projects carefully avoiding the word "NFT" in their materials (reddit avatar.) There may be genuine benefits of using e.g. a public ledger (some glory for the funders?) or other elements of crypto/blockchains.

9. In case of auction design as above, this question has a simple answer. FOF decides how big prize are they ready to give out in case of success, keep this information secret, and run the auction to raise a public required amount ($1m). If the threshold yield is too high and implies a higher prize than the FOF is ready to give, the auction fails as there are not enough optimistic investors. For non-binary outcomes, certificate format can be adjusted to e.g. pay off $1 per life saved capped at $2m and a similar price auction can be used for primary placement.

Appendix II A. This is what insurance is for. You will need to raise $1.2m and pay $200k for an insurance from the bad outcome. The insurance may be a regulatory requirement in any case for many projects. The insurer is likely to impose some controls on the developer.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Another example of A. Simple Retroactive Funding...

Bug bounty programs for vulnerable websites. There's money offered but you don't know how much until after the fact

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Minor technical note on 7B: auctions for fungible shares are called Dutch auctions; they are a solved problem and work very well: https://corporatefinanceinstitute.com/resources/knowledge/finance/dutch-auction/

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Are final oracular funders actually required to be final, or are certificates perpetually transferrable like stocks?

Some consequences of allowing resale:

* Investors could buy underpriced certificates for completed interventions. E.g. say the malaria-curing project is complete and its certificates have been sold for $5M based on the lives it saved. But you find evidence it actually had another $5M in indirect economic benefits. You could buy the shares , publish your evidence, and sell for a profit.

* Individual funders who ran short on money—or just have a change of heart and decide to be selfish after all—could sell off their certificate portfolio. This is kind of weird to think about, but it might lead to a lot more investment in impact certificates.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Aug 24, 2022

If the final oracular funders are not final and not really funders and the certificates are perpetual, one gets a market with no fundamental value in certificates. The price can be pumped and dumped in ways currently in vogue in crypto, but there is no reason that someone publishing any evidence about something as subjective as indirect benefits will have any impact on price.

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I'd compare it to art. Nobody is paying tens of millions for art just for how pretty it looks on their wall; they buy it because owning art brings the owner prestige in proportion to a general societal judgment of the art's value. Nobody has to be the final owner, so people can and do also buy art purely in the hopes of reselling at a profit, but at least some people want to own art for reasons besides resale and that prevents the whole market from turning into a giant ponzi.

Impact certificates could be similar. The hard part is bootstrapping the social structure, since you can't just tell people how to assign prestige. But if it could somehow become the case that owning 'positive impact' came with prestige or 'moral credit' or something, you could base the market on that and allow resale and even some pure speculation without turning the whole thing into a Ponzi.

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The art market is not driven by some schmucks publishing "evidence" of artistic value. That's not how societal prestige works. Even the geeky world of crypto is driven by fades and marketing and the research that gets public attention is laughably bad (e.g. Luna/Terra stability studies). I am not saying that market value of a fundamental value free certificate has to be 0, I am just saying that it will not be driven by evidence and research.

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Although the market only works if someone is doing this for genuinely altruistic reasons, and it makes sense to think of them as the end customer, I agree that the final oracular funders should be allowed to sell them later on if they want.

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Ok maybe I'm missing something very basic here, but when Scott says some charitable intervention will produce $5 million in benefits what exactly is that supposed to mean? Does it just mean that some rich person/charity will pay $5 million if the charitable result is achieved?

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Depends on what someones values. For example I imagine it can be:

- 1000 children less are dead from malaria

- destruction of rainforest on island Foobar is halted for 10 years

- factory employing 1400 people and paying them fair wages is constructed on island Foobar

- 800 children are adopted instead of being aborted

- abortaficient delivered to 20 000 woman

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Yeah I get it could be anything, just that phrasing it as "producing $5 million in benefits" is confusing, at least to me

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Again, all laudable results. But why would a person/a charity pay $ 5 million for a result that can apparently be achieved for $ 1 million ?

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> Accidentally Encouraging High-Risk Negative-In-Expectation Projects

This circumstance is far more common than the EA community realizes, once you take into account the second-order effects even of projects whose outcome is deemed "successful."

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Can you expand more on this? (and share any examples that come to mind?)

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I think issue 5B (Committed Pot of Money) is going to be key to making this work. Following your example, suppose an investor invests $1M, and funds a project that cures malaria in Senegal. Why is the result now worth $5M, or any value at all? Who figures out what it's worth? Supposedly a philanthropist will "buy" the solution for $5M. But if I am a philanthropist, why would I invest any money at all in problems that have already been solved? I would get more bang for my buck by funding problems that *haven't* been solved yet, so the "certificate" of "congrats, you helped cure malaria" will be worth exactly $0 to the original (for-profit) investor. For-profit investors know this, and will never invest.

What you need is to have something that resembles an old-school charitable foundation. Each year, it collects contributions from donors, both large and small. There is no limit on the amount of donations that it can collect, so this is scalable. At the end of each the year, the foundation puts all of the donations for the year into a "prize fund", and issues tokens equal to the size of the fund.

Over the course of the year, the foundation also collects various project proposals, each of which has a cost estimate (a grant amount). There is no limit on the number of proposals, or their dollar value, but the foundation will only fund proposals up to size of the "prize fund".

Once the prize fund is in place, for-profit investors can purchase a token (at an offer price of $1/token), and must name the proposal that they wish the money to go to. Once purchased, the token becomes a "named token", and is a bet on that particular proposal. Tokens for proposals that don't get funded, because they don't meet minimum funding requirements, (or for some other reason), will revert to being "blank" again, and can be redeemed for $1, or redirected to another proposal. Some sort of ranked-choice voting could make this process more automatic. The money from token sales is used to fund the proposals.

After a certain "period of performance", perhaps a few years, the funded projects are scored/graded by some impartial observer, and the prize fund is then used to buy back all of the the tokens, at some price proportional to their score. Tokens thus function like a prediction market; they are a bet on how the project will ultimately be judged. It is important that the observer be named in advance, and have no conflicts of interest, otherwise for-profit investors could game the system. The charitable donors themselves could vote on what constitutes success; this allows for-profit investors to game the system, but only by making charitable donations.

There will be some additional complexity if the "period of performance" differs from project to project (as is likely to occur); some kind of token rollover would need to be performed each year.

As a sweetener to the deal, the original "prize fund" should be invested in low-risk instruments like government bonds, so that the expected rate of return for purchasing a token is positive, and equal to the expected return of the underlying instruments.

Now there's a reason for donors/philanthropists to invest in the system: they know that each donation will be used to fund a project, but the foundation uses a prediction market, backed by for-profit investors, to decide which projects should be funded.

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Dumb question: If the founder keeps some equity, how does that take away value from the beneficiaries?

Using the malaria example again, suppose curing malaria takes $1 million, and produces $5 million in value. The founder sells 50% of the equity at the beginning, keeping the other 50%, and then gains 2.5 million from a big charity house at the end of the project. However, the $5 million in value produced for beneficiaries of the malaria treatment still remains with them, right? How does that go to the founder?

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Because it made the project more expensive. If the final funder had identified the good project in advance, and funded it for $1 million, then it would have gotten the same benefit to the world for a fraction of the cost.

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I think we should be clear about what we're paying for with inefficiencies introduced by this system, and why we're willing to pay for that.

For a normal investment market, you are paying for starting capital because you don't have that capital in pocket.

In this case, what you're paying for is risk-reduction on the bet that a group with a proposal for fixing a particular problem will be successful. So basically, buying insurance. Or, 'outsourcing' the work of deciding which grants to fund.

Also, you are trying to pay potential founders for searching for cost efficient, novel, and likely-to-succeed proposals.

Then this gets entangled with trying to implement those proposals. The founder must chose a team (often starting with choosing someone to help them choose others). Then you make some initial attempts at starting on the proposal.

Each of these steps may uncover important information.

Did the founder manage to assemble a competent team? If so, they're much more likely to succeed at their aims even if their initial plan wasn't great and will need substantial revisions as the project matures.

Did the initial attempts show up unexpected flaws in the initial plan? If so, was the team able to come up with a new and improved plan to remedy this?

The nice thing about having rounds of funding is that you can seperate out some of these issues. Maybe you can give grants like, "We'll give you 1 year of funding to get a team together and get started on this 5 year project. At the end of year 1, we'll decide whether to extend the grant to the full 5 year funding or cut our losses and tell you that we no longer have faith in your ability to implement the project within the proposed budget."

Alternatively, what about having people commit to joining the team if the funding is achieved? And then making a grant proposal where the proposed team is part of the proposal? Maybe the grant only goes through if you really do get at least 80% of the promised team to commit?

One of the grant problems I faced in academia was that to write a likely-to-be-funded grant proposal (in my field anyway), you needed some initial show of backing for your idea. You needed to be an already established researcher with a lab, or you needed someone with an established lab to believe in your project and grant you some resources 'stolen' from other projects to get your initial data for your grant proposal. This creates a huge status quo bias where established labs are much more likely to win grants. Also, the grants tend to be much more focused on boring incremental progress with high likelihood of success, then on trying radical new ideas with low success likelihood but high potential payoff.

The start-up venture capital culture of taking a bet on a variety of different not-previously-funded groups of ambitious newcomers is a refreshing change. I think having some of that style of funding mixed in with more academic grant style funding would be great.

In the case of Open Phil and Future Fund, they've been doing a pretty good job (I think) of keeping the balance between funding established groups vs newcomers.

It makes sense that funders like OpenPhil and Future Fund would want to be able to 'outsource' or 'insure' their granting decisions. I don't necessarily think this is a fatally flawed way to do that, but I think it hides some of the intentions and costs in a problematic way, and sets up some perverse incentives (makes Goodharting or impact-assessment-manipulation extra tempting).

I think you could have a basically equivalent system that was more clear about what it was doing. Seperate out some of these goals into more clearly delineated systems.

What about starting a 'charity insurance' group who would do their own independant grant evaluation and let grant givers buy insurance at a negotiated rate against the failure of the project? That would take the whole 'founder gets rich' question out of the equation. A separation of concerns.

I do think that founders being able to make extra money, above and beyond a normal paycheck, if they have an unusually good idea and assemble a crack team and guide this team to overwhelming success. If unexpectedly great good gets done in the world as a result of this, shouldn't there be some payback for the founder and team? Probably at a less impressive rate than if it were a capitalist venture, and with some risk-mitigation... but still. That spirit of 'we might all get rich in the pursuit of this awesome but hard thing we're trying to do together' is pretty darn motivating for teams.

Or another example of trying to seperate out the concerns, what if you were offering a prediction market on whether a particular potential grant would end up achieving its aims? The market would close before any grants were given, and the probabilities would be used to guide the eventual grant-making decision. Some time later, when the success of the funded projects is retroactively assessed by the funding agency, the prediction market pays out to the ones who bet correctly.

In terms of flaws of the original retroactive funding idea, I agree with Daniel Speyer and Jacob (Writes Streams of Consciousness) who bring up the issue of 'concern squatting' in their comments here. This arises if there's a particular problem that multiple people want to address, but retroactively it would be hard to appropriately determine who gets the credit for fixing the problem if the problem gets fixed. In the retroactive funding model, this disincentivizes multiple groups from trying to fix this issue at the same time. This is a very different dynamic to the idea that two startups might try to race for control of the same market space. Having charities race to fix a problem sounds like it'd be potentially quite good for the beneficiaries. The idealized healthy competition of an open and volatile capital market space benefiting consumers, ported over to the charity world. So yeah, we want something to help us get some of the good aspects of capitalism into the space, but I don't think this proposal for retroactive funding quite does it.

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Jul 15, 2022·edited Jul 15, 2022

Re: Should Founders Be Getting Rich Off Impact Certificates?

One possible answer here is "pay less money for completed projects." Every month, the final funder announces a funding multiple between 1 and 0. For all projects that get funded that month, when the impact is finally assessed, the impact is multiplied by that funding multiple. Suppose the malaria project was originally funded during a month where the funding multiple was 25%. When impact is assessed at $5 million, the payout to investors is $1.25 million.

If the final funder announces a funding multiple of 25%, then they're essentially saying that investors shouldn't fund anything below a 1 to 4 return in expectation. But you can tune this value: if you have too many good projects and too little funding, you can lower the funding multiple and be more selective. If you have too few projects getting funding, you can raise the funding multiple.

Note that this is different from proposal 11C: that project is equivalent to a funding multiple of 21%. But in 11C, you're allowing the funding multiple to vary between different projects. If you have one project which is efficient, then maybe 20% of its shares get bought for the startup price. If you have a project which is inefficient, then maybe 40% of its shares get bought for the startup price. But both projects ultimately get funded, and both investors make similar amounts of money, despite the fundamentals of one project being worse.

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I find this idea super exciting. It's essentially posing a market design problem, which is my broader field of research (I'm a computer scientist / economist).

However, I think some of the basics here are very fuzzy. The post mentions principal-agent problems (between funder+investor as principals, vs founder as agent. This is a pretty standard problem, no different than funding a startup, or hiring someone for a job. We can align incentives by giving the founder a share of the profit.

But what about the alignment between the funder and the investor? I don't see at all how an investor would ever trust the funder over the span of a multi-year project based on nothing but reputation. Charities, just like any organization, are subject to value drift and their own internal principal-agent problems.

What's missing is a way for the funder to make a promise at least as strong as a legally binding contract. As much as I don't like crypto, this is the exact type of problem that smart contracts are supposed to address. But this reduces the possible scope to very legible outcomes only.

Another solution might be a centralized market maker that creates a two sided market between funders and investors. This reduces the trust problem to a single entity. The way I envision it, the funders would advertise their project through the market maker, who holds their money in escrow and acts as an arbiter, making the final, binding call for any impact calculations. The market maker will gain a track record of making fair decisions much more quickly than any individual funder. They would take a small fee off of every transaction, which incentivizes them to build and keep trust over time.

(This kind of mediating entity already exists in other contexts: e.g. banks facilitate international trade by acting as a trusted third party for a fee. If I want to sell a container of malaria nets to Scott, they way this works is that Scott gives his bank money in escrow, I send the container, and the bank gives the money to me as soon as they make sure that I actually sent a container full of malaria nets. Banks have a very strong incentive to keep this scheme going as they're skimming around 3% off the top for doing essentially nothing. Long-term business partners will usually deal directly with each other, but that requires a good deal of trust which is surprisingly hard to obtain over international borders.)

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Thanks, these are good points.

Impact certificates would probably start in a small community where everyone trusts the final funder - either ACX Grants, where people hopefully trust me, or EA, where everyone trusts eg Open Phil and Future Fund (and these organizations are too rich and stable to disappear in a year or two). I agree that it would be great to eventually expand outward and that probably this will involve inventing new commitment mechanisms.

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Re: principal agent problem, I am concerned in general about the market-clearing quantity. I suspect median market clearing quantity is 0. Investors need to factor in a discount for whether the project will actually succeed in getting payed. This increases the spread between project cost and project payout significantly. (single digit percent of startups fail, for example). Seems like if I want $1m to do a project, I would need a committed pot of $100m, assuming 1% success rate. Otherwise, it's just not gonna get funded given all the uncertainty.

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"If no, I can’t think of a good solution to the “fast people get rich” problem."

One solution would be an auction that sells a variable number of shares for a fixed price.

If a project will obviously do $5 million of good, and costs $1 million, then the founders keep 80% of the impact as meaningless tokens they can't sell.

Another solution is that the extra money gets sent straight to a generic funding body. Say funders can choose where the extra money goes, and that must be an actual charity, and the excess money gets split proportionally, and the money is a perfect gift, the funders get no extra impact certificates.

A third solution would be that the money is transformed into a token. The token can only be redemed through the fund charity, receive impact mechanism.

Suppose the market rate for such tokens is 50c/$. Bidders fund the $1 million in, $5 million out charity to the tune of $9 million. $1 goes to the actual charity. $8 buys tokens, which have a market value of $4 million. The tokens are then given to a less effecive charity, and recieve a reward of $4 million. Thus the funders receive exactly $9 million total.

A token, like a book token, is a dollar in a locked box, where that box can only be opened in specific circumstances. (Anyone can convert dollars into tokens, but if they do, that implies the market is broken. Suppose a project needs a million $, so it auctions off a million tokens, of face value $1. Bids can either be >=$1 real money, or a mixture of real money and tokens with a combined face value of $1. Sort all bids, from most real value to least, and pick the one with the 1,000,001 th largest amount of real money. All the first million bidders pay that. (The million bidders might be just 3 people, each bidding a lot of bids. )

This mechanism means that, if the funder will retroactively pay $1/util retroactively. Then when investors see a 10 util/$ opportunity, they bid it up until they end up with loads of extra tokens. They then have to spend those tokens somewhere. Any charity who produces >1 util /$ will get fully funded by people bidding in $. So you can't get rid of tokens there. So investors look for places with 0.9util /$ to get rid of the tokens. And failing that 0.8 util/$.

Assuming an infinite number of omniscient investors, who will take any opportunity to profit, however slim the profit margin, then this mechanism is 100% efficient at distributing the funders money to the most efficient charities. Its also complex enough to deter any non omniscient funders.

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Regarding the first solution you suggest, I see a problem.

Suppose there are two projects, both of which cost $1. The first project has a guaranteed impact of $2. The second project has a guaranteed impact of $10.

Investors should be willing to fund the first project for $1, and the minimum number of shares they'll accept is 50%. Investors should be willing to fund the second project for $1, and the minimum number of shares they'll accept is 10%.

Then, the final funder distributes the impact payments. To the first project, it distributes 50% of $2. To the second project, it distributes 10% of $10.

If you're an investor, you're indifferent as to the actual impact of a project, as long as the impact is, in expectation, larger than the starting price. You'll just demand more shares if the project has low impact.

This seems weird to me: the market "knows" that one project has more impact than the other, but it's not incentivized to care.

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Both projects are good enough to get funded. Both get funded. By hypothetical assumption, neither can use more than $1. What else is the market supposed to do. Sure its a bit odd, but not yet an actual problem.

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Another option for founder funding: fixed founder bonus. Founder announces a bonus amount they get paid if the project gets bought out. Beyond this they are paid market rate salary and have no equity. When the project gets bought out, the founder gets the bonus, with remaining proceeds divided proportionally to the investors. Investors know the guaranteed founder bonus up front and take this into account when deciding whether to fund.

Example: $1 million dollars is needed to fund a project with a $250k founder bonus. Investors fully fund the project for $1 million up front. The project is successful and gets bought out for $5 million. Founder gets $250k (in addition to salary they have been collecting) and investors are paid out $4.75 million.

The founders will never get as rich as private sector founders, but they get a healthy reward. The promise of the bonus is probably enough to push some founders towards charity rather than private sector.

There are some details to be hashed out if the project gets bought for less than the investors funded + founder bonus. I would suggest that funders get initial investment back first, then founder bonus is paid with whatever remains.

Disadvantage: Founder does not have a financial incentive that scales with the size of success. This is counterbalanced by them retaining some personal credit for the success of the venture, which does scale with the size of success.

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Great idea!

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What about the problem of marginally useless charities. For each million the charity recieves, it can build a bed net factory.

The countries it plans to build factories in are, in order, Rwanda, Somalia, Greenland, Kenya, Madagascar.

Predictably 4 of these factories are useful, and the Greenland bednets are totally useless. So once they have $2 million, no one will fund any further. (Unless a single big funder or group of smaller ones can organize $3 million)

So instead of the charities choosing the funding threashold, let the investors do it. Let the investor who only thinks the project will do any good if they get >$5 million buy a share they only have to actually pay for if funding exceeds $5 million. (With a fancy algorithm to pick the largest stable equilibrium, namely assume everyone pays, then start refunding people who haven't met their funding condition.)

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Accredited Investor rule strikes again

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Fascinating and thought-provoking post for someone unfamiliar with this concept; thank you.

Initially, I had some concern about the moral hazard for oracular funders. Why would they retroactively sponsor completed projects when they could apply their funds towards further improving the world? But I'm less troubled by this the more I think about it. These funders would be playing the long game, and recognize this retroactive funding as valuable for keeping the impact market functioning and incentivizing future projects. In a sense, the concern is similar to asking why people engage in philanthropy at all, even when they aren't directly incentivized to. If they do it out of a sense of altruism, the same altruism could support oracular funding.

I think the most important detail to figure out is the balance between "maximum capitalism" and "project funding only". Like you, I'm deeply uncomfortable with either extreme. I think investors and founders shouldn't capture all the surplus, but there has to be some surplus available to them to make the system work. There seems to be an assumption that the oracular funders would pay out the full value they ascribe to a completed project, but wouldn't it make more sense if they just paid a sort of prize that scaled with the project's impact value? As long as it was calibrated to provide a good return on investment, it seems like it would make more effective use of the oracular funder's funds.

To answer the question of how much to pay, why not hold an auction after the completion of a project? The most generous funder would "win". While someone could certainly pay $5M for the certificate of a project with $5M of impact value, I think a better norm would be for the auction to clear at, say $2M, rewarding the founder and investors without giving them the full surplus.

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"When Tesla needs $1 billion in new funding, it doesn’t just ask billionaires."

I feel like this is a particularly bad example, because when Tesla needs $1 billlion, they can just ask Elon Musk.

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Elon Musk got rich originally by asking other people for $1 billion a bunch of times.

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Sure, and Tesla started small with $7.5 million, mostly comprising $6.5 million from Elon Musk in early 2004.

But you wrote in the present tense, and Tesla is now a multi-billion dollar enterprise; Elon Musk the largest shareholder with 17% of the company. If you believe Wikipedia, anyway.

Musk now has an estimated net worth of over US$220 billion - if his pet company needs a billion or two, it's pocket change.

Maybe not literally, unless the smallest change he has is a ten-million-dollar note.

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I'm not sure he necessarily has $1b in liquid assets lying around doing nothing. I would guess most of it is tied up in Tesla/Spacex(/Twitter lol) stock.

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They could and they do! they put out shares on the market, then Elon Musk (or anyone else) can buy them.

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One aspect I didn’t see discussed explicitly, which might be worth exploring, is risk.

If the $1m malaria project has a 20% chance of success, I’m indifferent at an expected Oracular Funder buyout of $5m. But there is still a trade here; as a Funder I might pay a premium to avoid risk.

So in addition to the “VC” being in some sense better at picking winners, there is also a component where they are just more risk-tolerant. They can sell a service where they buy 5 20%-success projects at $1m, with an EV of $5m, and sell them for $6m; the charity might not be prepared to risk all of their capital on high-risk investments that could all easily go to zero, and instead would be willing to pay a premium to shift the risk into another party that is more risk tolerant.

By financializing in this way, you can increase the total number of projects that can get funded, adding a bunch of more-risky stuff that charities aren’t able to fund. (Of course, this risk premium depends on there being a lot of “high risk” stuff that isn’t currently being funded. I don’t have a feel for whether that is the case.)

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I think this is a really key aspect that I'm glad you raised!

Wouldn't this cause fewer projects to be funded? Given the low rate of success for any venture, this would require a huge spread between the cost and the payout. e.g. 1% success rate for a project, $1m cost => $100m payout required.

Seems like the market clearing quantity here is 0, occasionally 1.

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"The Copenhagen Interpretation of Ethics says that when you observe or interact with a problem in any way, you can be blamed for it. [...] *In particular, if you interact with a problem and benefit from it, you are a complete monster*. " ([0], my emphasis). This should be considered.

* Any charity with for profit investors is sure to annoy people even vaguely involved with non-EA charities to no end: for them, charities are about attending galas, photo ops with smiling orphans and warm happy feelings. I would argue that such people can perhaps stomach paying a living wage (never mind a market wage) to some charity workers, but ideally, everyone in charity should be a hero, and heroes just don't ask for fair compensation. If you thought the pushback against billionaire philanthropy ([1], [2]) was bad, wait until you see the response to what will be seen as evil capitalists enriching themselves through charity. Making money out of bed nets will probably be viewed as slightly more evil than making money out of selling small arms to some warlord.

* In the public eye, such projects would probably be held to a high standard of virtue of a charity while lacking the advance of good will provided to not-for-profit charity projects. The public won't care how many bed nets the project provided when some minor ethical mishap (like paying bribes) comes to light. If the oracular investor is in any way beholden to public opinion, this is a real risk.

* Donor motivation might be a hard problem: outside of EA circles, where the long term impacts are taken into account, the view "why should the donations pay to reward some greedy capitalists beyond their initial investment?" might prevail.

* I think that the public outrage would vary very much with the field. Health interventions in the third world will probably be a PR minefield, while other fields will fare better. AI alignment is safe, in the mind of mainstream journalists, hard AI is generally considered a pipe dream, so if rich people spend their money on it they generally don't care beyond some op-eds about how "the Real Problem is Algorithms". Development of meat replacement products is safe while interacting in any way with actual animals is not.

Implementation idea: normal startup:

* From my understanding, most startups in the tech sector are not aiming to be independently profitable, but to be bought up by tech giants. When youtube was bought in 2005 by Google for 1.65G$, the yearly revenue of 15M$ clearly was in little relation to that price. If some EA charity established their willingness to buy up successful charity-related for-profit startups, this would allow to use all of the funding infrastructure in place for other startups. I think that this might be more appropriate for continuously run projects (e.g. build and run in the third world), where the startup represents the infrastructure build which can then be taken over by the oracular investor, and less for goal oriented projects (like "vaccinate every child in X").

Further random thoughts:

* If multiple projects compete in the same metric (e.g. QALY improvements), this might lead to the marginal price per unit to be lower, I guess?

* If multiple projects compete over the same population instead, competition might be harmful to the overall outcome. Of course, there is probably no general oversupply of charity, so that competition may be limited. Or projects might try to use patents or lobbying to hinder each other, which seems worse.

[0] https://blog.jaibot.com/the-copenhagen-interpretation-of-ethics/

[1] https://slatestarcodex.com/2019/07/29/against-against-billionaire-philanthropy/

[2] https://slatestarcodex.com/2020/02/24/book-review-just-giving/

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But the normies already hate EA and everything it stands for, to the extent that they know about it. I guess it's always possible that they can hate you even more, but being beholden to their opinions is as good as deciding to close up shop entirely anyway.

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So, let’s imagine that these oracular charities agree that a life is worth about $5000.

And then I (a random Joe) save some drowning child, and bystanders collect enough video footage to show the kid would’ve died without my intervention. Could I sell the credit for this deed to an oracular?

And if so, could a volunteer lifeguard sell the credit? What about a paid lifeguard? Or a doctor?

I could go on, but my point is that it’s unclear to me where his line should fall, but also funding good sameritanism seems good.

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I wouldn't expect the first few people I have lined up in my heads as oracular funders to want to sponsor such a program, but someone else could. You could, if you wanted! All you would have to do is credibly claim to be willing to buy the certificates.

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And then you can wait for people throwing kids in the water to rescue them - and sometimes failing.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Suggestion for the design to avoid rushing / paying founders (#11).

(Note: I have actually taken courses in auction theory. I have not read all the comments to see if this was already suggested.)

Project costs $1 million. Oracular funders think it's worth $5 million. Rather than bidding on the share of the project that they're buying, funders bid on the amount of a haircut they're willing to accept. Funders willing to accept the highest haircut are first in line to invest. Maybe you run through all the investors willing to take a 70% haircut, and then have some investors willing to take a 60% haircut who get to invest, but everyone who said a lower haircut can't buy shares. So that project was funded with a 60% haircut. Then, if the project succeeds, the oracular funders only have to pay $2 million to investors (40% of what the project was assumed to be worth).

This avoids the founders getting wealthy or having weird incentives. The savings from "it was broadly believed this project would succeed" go to the oracular funders. Since if folks are willing to accept a really high haircut, probably the oracular funders could have figured out to fund the project without this fancy mechanism. (Conversely, high risk projects will probably have very low haircuts.)

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

>Accidentally Encouraging High-Risk Negative-In-Expectation Projects


>Ofer and Owen Cotton-Barrett have discussed this here. Their conclusion is that final oracular funders should take this into account when deciding who to grant impact certificates to.

Hi, Ofer here. Speaking only for myself, I don't see that as my conclusion. I elaborated in a comment on the EA Forum:


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Thanks, sorry to misunderstand you.

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Based on my very cursory knowledge of nonprofit organization law, I would assume that it would be easiest, from a legal perspective, if the founders don't receive any (or at least don't receive much) of the impact certificates, and certainly don't get rich.

I'm curious what the lawyer you consulted with thought about the question of whether founders should receive impact certificates and potentially get rich.

The reason I would think it would be easiest if the founders don't get the certificates is this:

First, nonprofit founders don't own their nonprofits the way that for-profit company founders own their companies. So, if the nonprofit organization is issuing the impact certificates, then I imagine the nonprofit ORGANIZATION can choose to keep some of the certificates (as opposed to distributing them all to VCs). But I would think that the FOUNDER has no right to 'keep' any of the certificates—Since the founder never owned them to begin with.

That said, of course, the nonprofit has the power to pay the founder for the founder's work as a staff member. And perhaps part of the founder's pay could be in impact certificates, the way that companies sometimes pay their regular staff (not founders) in stock options. But, my understanding is that, for the pay to be legal, the pay must be genuinely based on the founder's work as an employee. Otherwise, as another commenter pointed out, I'd think the founder would technically be embezzling money from the nonprofit by taking more value from the nonprofit than what the founder provided as an employee.

Of course, even if I'm right about my above assumptions, this could be solved by a founder choosing to set up a regular, for-profit company to do good work, instead of setting up a nonprofit! There's no reason that a for-profit company can't do charitable work! :-) But a lot of US charities are currently set up as nonprofits. So that's why I think it'd be simplest and most convenient if the founder doesn't get many impact certificates. Because then existing charities could get in on the fun!

Another reason I think it's easier for the founders NOT to get rich from this is that most US nonprofits seem to have 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status. 501(c)(3) is a really cool tax status that gives a nonprofit lots of benefits. The nonprofit doesn't have to pay income taxes, and donors can get tax deductions, among other things! But one of the rules, as far as I'm aware, of 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status is that no part of the nonprofit's income can inure to the benefit of any private individual. My fear is that, if the founder gets paid too much (including by getting too many impact certificates), the IRS might feel that part of the nonprofit's income is inuring to the benefit of the founder. And then the nonprofit might get in trouble.

Again, this 501(c)(3) issue can be addressed just by the founder choosing NOT to apply for 501(c)(3) status. So there's a clear work-around. But as I mentioned, 501(c)(3) status rocks. So, it'd seem easier if founders don't get rich, so that the nonprofits can be 501(c)(3)s.

Lastly, another option for addressing any of the issues I'm bringing up is to push for legislative change. So I'm only talking about the question of what seems easiest given my cursory understanding of the current law.

Very interested in what Scott's lawyer said about this topic!

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Should there be a mechanism for distinguishing projects with investors from projects without? If the incentive for the post-hoc funders is that they get to own the 'best' impacts, and they could pick between rewarding a) a project with investors and a medium impact (say getting bednets to X amount of people) or b) a project that was funded through other means with a more impressive-sounding impact (say inventing a new vaccine and delivering it, or something), then they have no reason not to just pick from the whole range of all available finished projects, right? In fact I guess there are lots of funds that work like this already -post-hoc prizes - like the Nobel prize or smaller equivalents, that run on identifying finished projects, giving their people money/glory, and getting credit for doing that giving to the best projects.

The only reason I can imagine them switching to only investored projects would be for the goal of promoting this exact market and incentivising investments like this. While I imagine many of these foundations would see the value in increasing available funding like this, I also think a lot of them are very prestige driven, and risking their reputation would be a high bar to pass. (also, as someone else here mentioned, what if one of these institutions, independent of the market, wants to give a Nobel or other prize to a project inventor/doer in this market who had sold off 75% of their 'shares'? Do they have to split the prize money with their investors? *Can* that glory be split?)

I think especially if the idea is to start off with a smaller/restricted market of ideas/projects, there will be a strong barrier to entry that any finder who joins will need to be really really into the idea of helping create this market and its future growth, because they are giving up a large opportunity space of 'projects they can pick between to reward' by joining this.

Not insurmountable, at all! But while reading, I thought there was lots of good ideas and discussion of incentives for project makers/leaders and investors, and their pitfalls, but I found myself a little lost in the incentives for the oracular funders and how they would interact with the market format.

From mobile, apologies for typos or potential unclarity from that.

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Has this model actually been used anywhere yet? I'm not a lawyer by any stretch, but this seems not legal if the final oracular funder is trying to operate legally as a US foundation, nor will what you are calling a "charity" qualify as a 501(c)(3). In particular, see "none of its earnings may inure to any private shareholder or individual." (https://www.irs.gov/charities-non-profits/charitable-organizations/exemption-requirements-501c3-organizations)

Maybe this is the point? Funding things with social impact, but for a profit? I just don't get how this works from the final funder's perspective or the operator of the non-501 "charity." If they're not operating an organization that is actually legally classified a charity, then they're allowed to profit from what they're doing themselves. So why would they sell all profit to their initial funder instead? That isn't how for-profit startups operate today. Nobody gives 100% of the equity in their company to their first investor. The final funder would need to necessarily not actually be a foundation, because foundations are legally required to give their money to actual charities if they want to remain foundations and not pay enormous amounts of tax on their endowments. So it seems like you're instead going to be forced to rely on extremely high net worth individuals who could donate money and receive large tax writeoffs, but instead choose to donate to something that they can't write off instead. I'm sure some non-zero number of high net worth individuals will do that, but it's a hell of a culture change.

This all gets worse if you involve crypto, because at some point, the organization receiving funding has to pay its employees and buy goods and service, and exchanging crypto for real money to do that is itself a taxable event.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Re 4/11: You could pay out the $5 million in the mana that manifold.markets uses - money that can be paid out in donations to charities of your choice. The founder sells half their impact for $2 million in mana, pays out half that to a charity that writes grants to projects that proved their potential by selling impact certificates, gets $1 million in funding, and keeps $1 million in mana, then gets another $2.5 million later. Founders are allowed to get rich, but in mana. Might this also help with the tax issue?

Re II A: Sounds like a job for insurance. The insurer would be obliged to pay the final oracular funder for whatever negative impact they find. The cost of the insurance would be added to the required funding. So the cancerous malaria cure would cost not $1 million to fund, but $26 million.

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I haven't read many other comments, so it's probable some of these points have already been made, but I'm confident enough that at least one is novel that I'm willing to gamble your time to save some of mine. Five points.

I. A finer model of the funding ecosystem

You break the ecosystem into founders, VCs, and occular funders, but I think you need to disambiguate between different sorts of people in your VC category. I don't mean angel vs seed vs series A and B funders -- though those may well be relevant here -- I mean direct funders vs aftermarket funders. Let's call people who directly buy equity from funders VCs and people who buy equity from others traders.

You seem to have a lot of distaste for traders, which I empathize with: they make a profit without increasing the pool of money that goes to charitable projects. There's an argument to be made that the existence of a liquid aftermarket derisks the original VC investment, but it's unclear whether that benefit is enough to justify the reduction in money that goes to the project, the founders and the original VCs.

This leads us to...

II. You can send the surplus where you want it to go, by decree

Once you resolve for yourself the question of where you want the surplus to go, you can build the system out to enforce that distribution. The way this would work is that, any time equity is sold for a profit, some percent of that surplus is automatically siphoned to other parties -- probably founders or VCs. You probably need a trick for when the asset value decreases in between transactions, but I'm sure that could be worked out.

This could be done with NFTs, building it into the code of the blockchain, or with a managed online marketplace or some sort of royalty contract. Which option is best probably depends on your preference for working with lawyers vs programmers.

III. Is charity more like art or like startups?

I think the claim here is that equity in successful charities probably acts a lot like fine art as an asset class. Probably this extends to tropes about starving artists and stories about the wealthy using them as tax-advantaged investment vehicles.

IV. Social credit rules aren't necessary and wouldn't work anyway

> If they sell off 100% of the equity, then in some sense that we will have to hammer out socially, [founders] “get no credit” for their project

is the weirdest line in the whole piece. Founders would want to make successful charities because they want to effect change in the world, because they want to be known for effecting those changes in the world, and maybe because they want to get rich. Telling them "you sold all the equity, so you no longer 'have credit' for your work" won't prevent them from having been the team that did the ting, from being known as the team that took the risk and did the thing, or from enjoying consuming the money that came from getting paid to do the thing.

You could write legal provisions to enforce not claiming responsibility for a charitable act if you don't have the equity -- something between a nondisclosure and a nondisparage -- but that seems like a terrible idea.

To me, the focus on social credit seems misplaced. Instutitional funders know that their real power is in ecosystem and common knowledge effects, so committing to fund projects after completion in order to diversify the sorts of projects that get funded seems, knowing that the functioning of this system rests on their credibility, to already be in line with their incentives.

V. Let founders get rich

I also have to say that your aversion to letting founders get rich dosn't mesh with my model of your beliefs. Isn't the great thing about markets the fact that they reward people for doing what others want? Isn't that what makes capitalism so effective at increasing output? Why should it be different when what others want is altruistic?

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"Disadvantage: We don’t get the “coolness” boost of using crypto."

I feel like crypto is kind of low status and uncool now. Anyone agree, or maybe just my bubble?

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

This whole thing has the perspective "impact certificates would be kind of like shares of stock". But what if impact certificates just *are* shares in companies that are trying to do good? I think this solves a lot of problems. Once a credible retroactive funder exists, people can start regular companies whose business plan is to do things that will get them paid by the funder. Those companies can use the existing legal structures for startups, sell shares in the usual way to regular seed investors and VCs, and later on could even IPO on existing stock exchanges if they need a very large amount of capital.

There is a whole startup ecosystem that is familiar with how to set up new companies, how to sell shares to VCs and other investors, how to navigate securities laws, etc.

Traditional companies also have experience dealing with problems like this:

> suppose that you are an investor who believes that the plan to cure malaria in Senegal will succeed (produce $5 million in value), but the grander plan to cure it elsewhere in Africa will fail (produce $0 in value).

This exact problem happens with regular companies selling stock. You might invest in a company because you believe the projects it will do with that investment will produce a good return. But then the company managers may later undertake bigger, more expensive projects that don't produce a good return, wasting money and destroying your initial investment. In fact, company managers have an *incentive* to do this, because starting big new projects is fun and interesting for them and increases their personal prestige, and the managers may not particularly care if the investors don't get a good return from the big new projects.

Some traditional ways to reduce this problem for regular companies:

- The share owners in some sense *control the company*. Shareholders can vote out the current management and install new management if they think current management is not doing a good job at producing a return on their investment.

- The managers' incentives can be made more aligned with the shareholders. For example, you can pay the managers in shares, or you can tie managers' pay to the share price. That way managers have an incentive to do things that produce good returns for shareholders.

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Jul 16, 2022·edited Jul 16, 2022

Two thoughts:

1. I was discussing this with a colleague, and he pointed out this is very similar to how NIH grants are funded. You write the grant, but in order to get all the data that justifies the grant you basically do 75% of the work the grant is for. Once you get the grant, you're practically done with that project, and the grant funds future endeavors. The only difference between NIH grants and an impact market is that the NIH is effectively funding 'people who did good work in the past, and are expected to continue doing good work in the future'. I kind of think of this as the same fundamental idea with impact markets, but that second half of the idea (funding people we expect to continue doing good work in the future) isn't as explicit.

2. From a great interview with the founders of Air BNB from when they were growing, there's an insight I think impact markets could learn from:

"Paul Graham ... asked us a question, 'Where are all your users?' And we said, 'Well, they are kind of spread out everywhere.' And he said, 'Well, where are most of them?' And we said, 'In New York.' And he said, 'Well, why aren't you in New York right now?' And we said, 'Well, because we are here at Y Combinator, like you told us to be.' And he said, 'Doesn't matter. Go to New York. I want you to meet all your users.' And that wasn't intuitive to us at the time. Because we didn't have any money to do that. ... I mean, the whole idea of being on a web business is that it's scalable. You don't need to meet your users. But he said: It's okay to do things that don't scale when you are just starting out."


This is a powerful insight. You're trying to do some proof-of-concept things. You're trying to get a lot of people into a market and make it scalable. That's awesome and potentially world-changing if it creates strong efficacy incentives for charities. But you already recognize there are some things that only work when there's already a trusted market. In other words, there's a lot you can only do at scale. So don't try to do them yet.

Crypto is great, but is it necessary at this scale? Maybe start by trying a few hand-crafted impact credit projects. Likely, you'll find there are some institutional ideas you hadn't thought of that are necessary to make this work. You'll step in and make the project happen anyway through personal intervention - not something you want to do when the project scales, but that's all part of the learning process - and make sure everyone is still happy with the arrangement. Then you'll tweak some factors, do it again, and have to do a little less intervention than last time. Meanwhile, a few more people will see what you're doing and ask to get in on the game. It'll be small, but manageable, and it will grow in proportion to how well it works.

Don't start at scale. That doesn't give you room to learn and grow. You're either 100% right from the start and wildly successful, or you're a high-profile failure that 'demonstrates these new ideas just don't work'. Start small and build a network while building institutional knowledge, then scale up commensurate with need. That should solve most of the problems you outlined above.

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Finally finished a long post on a complicated way to avoid charity founders or investors getting rich off the easy opportunities. In principle the money should go towards charities the investors would otherwise consider not quite worth it. Given many self interested omniscient capitalists, the retroactive funders money is perfectly distributed to charities, most effective first, with no inefficiency. https://forum.effectivealtruism.org/posts/CGqbfs28amWjM6PxK/retroactive-funding-with-subsidy-markets

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A while back I randomly thought up a sort of ... blind, assurance contract with a scaling refund mechanism? ... Fundraising scheme but never knew what to do with it. Not sure if it'll help resolve any of the issues you shared, but this post seems like an attractor for the kind of people who could get value out of it. One page description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dBTPsiM3nIOS-2KlO8nBIJIlW7EIMyfbshA3n-LgcTM/edit?usp=drivesdk

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My initial brainstorming that I haven't thought through completely.

"suppose you invest when there are $1 million of tokens sold, thinking that you are a slightly-better-than-average investor and so can probably do better than break even. Then later some other people come in and buy $9 million more worth of tokens. Now there are $10 million in tokens chasing $1 million in prizes, and on average each investor will only get 10% of their money back."

Hmm. Normally this shouldn't be a problem. You paid what you did, other people buying shouldn't change whether that transaction was a good idea. But it is here.

So, to iterate the problem as I see it. There's a set of projects, that will produce X utilons. Your goal is to predict what fraction of those utilons will be produced by a given project (in the judgement of the granter). Once you've done so, you can tell the value of a project in expectation. If the project sells a fixed amount of shares, then you can calculate the expected value of a share as (fraction of utilons)*(total prize money)/(shares).

That's the goal, but this could be confounded if new projects are added or removed, as that would affect the total utilons (and therefore the fraction of utilons). A common way for projects to be removed is if they fail to meet their assurance contracts. So you do need to predict which projects will get funded in order to predict X, in order to predict relative impact. Similarly, new projects can't enter the market without changing the value of everything else.

So the way others buying tokens affects you is it makes more projects funded, increasing X, and therefore lowering your expected payoff.

So what we want is a fixed price per utilon. An unlimited pot of money works well for this, as described, but requires an unlimited pot of money.

In the interest of brainstorming ideas, another way would be for the granter to commit to spending money beforehand. Each proposal says "Here's the impact I expect to have" and the granter says "if you have that, I'll pay $X for it". They commit their pool of money, and then stop accepting proposals. Every one that has that impact gets paid, everyone that doesn't doesn't, and the leftover money goes into the next round.

Issues are that this breaks things into rounds, and doesn't allow new projects to enter as needed (perhaps fine while still in the startup phase, as long as it doesn't fix a precedent for the full idea). There's also no method for handling "mistakes", i.e. what if the project fails to have the impact it expected? In simple cases, they failed, they don't get their money. But if they succeed wildly, and have twice the impact, they can't receive twice the money. Or if their plan has unintended side effects, those also aren't priced in.

(added post fact: the above seems related to various later points)

"7: How Should The Market Price IPOs?"

Can't this neatly tie in with the "How should founders get paid" part? Something like the founder honestly reports that they're going to split it into 10,000 shares, and how much they need in funding. Then they sell shares, and people buy them at whatever price they're willing to pay, based on how much they think the project will be worth. If the shares are being offered overpriced, then the founder needs to lower the price, and not keep as many of their own shares if they want the project to be funded.

If a project is going to produce $5 million, each of the 10,000 shares is worth $500, and so the founder needs to sell 2,000 of them to get funded, leaving 8,000 for themselves. If people actually expect it to only be worth $2 million, then each share is $200, and they'd need to sell 5,000 of them to get funded. This encourages low cost, high impact projects.

Ah, you mention this. I'm not sure if this is just your auction idea.

"plus people feeling more comfortable knowing that charity founders aren’t getting rich and buying yachts with their donations"

I think while this would be a real effect, it's not a "reasonable" one? The reason charity founders buying yachts with charity money is because it means the charity is usually running away with your money instead of doing the job. But that's what the impact market is for. It kinda guarantees the job is done, so rewarding the person for doing the job is less of an issue. It basically bakes in the accountability that is usually lacking in other cases where a charity buys yachts. Maybe I'm wrong about that, and even if I'm not, it won't stop people from feeling this way, but still.

"I don’t like the fact that it’s important they want to keep as much as possible but they have no real incentive to do so - "

I know it's the same in terms of actual results, but maybe if you marketed it as "79% goes back into funding other charities", it works better? It feels like people in charitable work should be at least partially incentivised for charity in general to be done.

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I wonder if you could solve the "founders getting rich or not" problem by giving founders some sort of generic market token equal to, say, 50% of the market value. Say, they sell 50% of the shares in the 1 million funding 5 million value malaria project. Investors get 2.5 million in payout, the founder gets 2.5 million worth of "generic impact tokens" which they can then reinvest. Keeps the money in the market and doesn't feel as icky while still leaving room for an eventual liquidity event for smart founders.

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What about treating it more like a market for bonds or commodity futures rather than stock shares? Suppose the Senegalese Ministry of Health and Human Services (or whatever) currently has no cash to spare, but figures if they could collect at least $5 million more in tax revenue over the next thirty years if the malaria problem were completely dealt with. They draw up a stack of 360 "payable to the bearer" certificates, or perhaps some more elaborate system broken down by provinces or individual villages. Each month, another certificate matures and becomes redeemable, at the appropriate government office, for an amount of money calculated based on the prevalence of malaria in the specified region during the previous month: $14,000 for a spotless record, declining incrementally to $0 for "indistinguishable from the status quo," and on down into negative payouts if the situation gets worse. Certificates are distributed to alleged malaria-remediation projects upon request, requiring only a simple credit check (does this person or group have a fixed address, professional reputation, something we could go after if they end up owing us), since a null-hypothesis outcome costs the government nothing. Government-backed certificate plus actual plan can then be sold to an investor, or split up further into derivative contracts.

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Jul 18, 2022·edited Jul 18, 2022

I'm a bit lost in all the subtleties of this, and not an expert in any kind of finance, but it sounds like you're looking for a model with some properties of equity (unlimited upside, notion of "ownership" of the project itself) and some properties of debt (finite-scope though potentially renegotiable funding, unambiguous "cashing-out" event at some future point).

If you haven't already you should send a friendly email to Matt Levine explaining your conundrum and asking for his suggestions-- because not only is he likely to have helpful input, he might be interested in writing about impact markets and raising awareness about the idea.

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I'm an ordinary person, and I'm much less interested in being an investor than I am in being an oracular funder. Currently I give my charity to the SENS foundation because I think life extension is important, and I trust them to be better at evaluating promising life-extension research than I am.

...now that I think about it, isn't giving to a large science funding organisation on the strength of the good research they've previously funded basically an impact market? With the funding org acting as the investor, and me the oracular funder?

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My tiny mind confessed to be confused: this looks like a weirdly convoluted approach to something that should be simple.

Instead of all this structuring, why not just say “whoever achieves X I will pay $Y”. Then, companies (structures that already exist to take investors money to utilise for projects they predict will create value inclusive and above of the cost of that capital) will just say, great, Scott will pay us $Y, we can do this project for ($Y*(1-r%)), awesome, let’s do it”. Maybe some companies will form _just_ for this purpose, bypassing the painstaking structuring you outline above to just get the thing done.

It seems that all you need to do is set the prizes, and then the methods will work themselves out with existing collective-projects-for-money (debt-and-equity-funded companies). Why all this headache?

You could also do a cost-plus model, “I will pay $Cost*(1+r) to whoever achieves this outcome”.

Why am I being dumb here? Please tell me what I’m missing!

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I think there's basically two things:

1) There's logistical/coordination difficulties with assembling all the people who need to work together to make X happen, and assuring each of them that they'll get their fair share of the reward. Impact markets are designed to make this easier.

2) It's hard to come up, in advance, with an exhaustive list of every X that you'd like to see done. Impact markets are partly designed to create an expectation that you'll be paid for successfully doing the sort of thing that a philanthropist would want you to do, even if you didn't get an explicit guarantee of that in advance.

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I accept both of those as true, but I still don’t see how those are problems with current company structures that are solved by the funky structures Scott discussed. All companies (well, some) are trying to archive an outcome X, and need to (i) coordinate talent around that goal and (ii) work out how to fairly share the incentives of achieving X.

And on your Point 2, as I say, if people irrevocably set prices (as per many other funded competitions around the world for loads of things) then we could just leave existing get-projects-for-money-done structures (companies) take care of them with this incentive?

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One thing that seemed glaringly unusual was the idea that funders would want to buy these impact certificates in the first place after the “impact” has already been realized. While that might make these certificates work, I’m not sure that this is psychologically what would motivate a funder. I suppose the comparison is that the funder is paying out prize money for a contest they never set up in the first place. Without this assumption the whole thing kind of falls apart so to address this issue of funder incentives I’d like to the propose the following:

The impact certificates value isn’t actually tied to the measured impact of the program, but it’s tied to the right to be able to provide further funding to the program that the original certificates funded.

A funder in a sense would need to buy the rights to be able to provide funding to this organization and the holders of the impact certificates have those rights and are able to sell those rights to another party.

The assumption here is that private parties may be better at finding and investing in promising organizations than funders and bear the risk and search costs. If a specific program or organization becomes a promising organization to invest in because of evidence or belief or what not, there will be demand to be able to realize the impacts of investing in that organization and holders of these certificates have the exclusive rights to be able to do so. The value of these certificates themselves can be negotiated between parties. With a transparent ledger, like blockchain, the value of these certificates can be made public information and viola, do we have a working market for impact?

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I think it would be useful to have a very high level summary of what is trying to be achieved by this project:

Charitable givers have more money than they have ideas. Therefore, they would like to spend some of that money on new and better ideas or selection between ideas (hereafter collectively "wisdom") instead of on the projects themselves.

I like having this simple input/output framing, because it immediately makes obvious the tradeoffs: 1) more money to founders will get you more and better ideas. 2) more money to investors will get you better valuation of existing ideas. But increasing either will mean less money will go to the projects themselves.

The other point I would like to harp on is that a stock market can only value things that have units of [money]. Since companies produce revenue, it's easy to make a stock market work: the thing that is being traded is a proportional claim on future revenue. Stock market fundamentals investors only have to solve one problem: predict the future revenue of company X and compare it to the current price. Impact investors have to solve two problems: predict the impact of project Y and the oracular conversion factor between that predicted impact and money and then compare that to the current price. This is not an unsolvable problem, but it's harder, and one should expect to have to pay more for it.

Finally, I would say that the engineering perspective leads me to believe that an impact market should be structured so that it can give different payouts to different project areas. For example, if the problem that funders want to solve doesn't have any remotely feasible solutions, a payout schedule closer to full capitalism might make the most sense. If the problem has several obvious solutions and the only real obstacle is funding, then limited payouts to market players would make sense. I could also see the need to move from one to the other over time in the same problemspace.

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I think founders getting rich might actually be a GOOD thing. Employees at a startup are often granted stock or options that they can't sell for a period of time, in order to motivate them to work hard and make the startup succeed (addresses problem I-D).

Also I suspect it would be hard to stop them, because they can use tricks like buying their own shares through a cutout or lying about their costs or paying themselves a bigger salary. Maybe you can prevent all this, but there's a lot of different options that would need preventing, and there would be enforcement costs.

Also note that founders who get rich can re-donate their money if they want, so this isn't allocating surplus to founders who just want to be charitable, only to founders who became founders at least partly because they wanted the money.

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I estimate a 90% chance someone already said this in another comment, but what the heck:

Here's a way to auction off a bunch of shares in something, without requiring one person to buy 100% of the shares:

Announce a window of time for the auction (perhaps a month, like a typical Kickstarter), the total number of shares (let's say 1000 as an example), and a minimum price per share (so that the assurance contract fails unless you earned enough to fund the project).

People submit bids of the form "I will buy up to X shares at $Y per share". (This is treated the same as X separate bids for 1 share each.)

At the end of the time window, the top 1000 bids each get to buy a share at the price of the 1001st-highest bid. (You don't want to punish people for bidding higher than necessary.) For example, if A wants to buy 100 shares at $20, and B wants 500 shares at $15, and C wants 800 shares at $10, then A gets 100, B gets 500, C gets 400, and everyone pays $10/share.

If there are less than 1000 bids, the assurance contract fails. If there are *exactly* 1000 bids, then they buy at the minimum-funding price.

Ties go to whoever bid first (because if you break them randomly, someone will submit a trillion bids to try and win ties). This still gives a little value to fast-movers, but capped at 1 bid increment per share.

(I don't know if this is a standard procedure, because I just made it all up, but it seemed to me like an obvious combination of various auction rules I've seen before.)

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What's a recent example of a charity that got funding despite being uncertain at first and now definitely obviously has made an impact and you would totally leap at the possibility of getting the credit now if you could be a final oracular funder? (but the thing has now already been done)

How long did it take to become clear it was successful?

What kind of timescale would the initial investors be expected to wait before finding out they're going to get paid or not? Would this be upfront? What if it takes longer than expected?

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I feel like i'm missing something - why would we believe either “Credit For Funding The Project” or “Full Credit For The Impact Of The Project” would work socially?

This is not true in any other markets I’m aware of; if you invest in an IPO you don’t get credit/status for funding the company or for its impact. Intuitively, I’m not sure why anyone would accept the idea that you can take credit for something that has already happened without your involvement. The closest example I can think of is NFTs, of which I remain skeptical for all the typical reasons.

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Seems to me like the phrase "and everybody knows it" is doing a lot of work here, no? The point is that not everyone knows what's going to work, so there is a significant discount investors have to accept. For example, if a founder claims to need $1m to do a project that aims toward getting paid out by a $5m grant, investors need a 20% chance of success to simply break even in probabilistic terms, not to mention economic terms (cost of capital, liquidity premium, etc.). My guess is, the success rate is somewhere in the 1-5% range.

If you believe that to be true, the problem becomes, "how many actual projects are going to be funded through this mechanism?" i.e. what is the market clearing quantity? At 1-5% success range, we would expect a $1m project to require a $20m-100m grant. The number of matches seems vanishingly small, such that the median annual funded project seems to be 0.

If you believe that to be true, then I might propose that the contracts on these impact markets need to start smaller, higher frequency. For example, could there be an impact market of, say, $3,000 for someone to put on a classical music concert in their town square? This approach, if it works, makes measurement/verification easier and the system gets more reps. Obviously, the problem is that it doesn't immediately solve effective altruism goals. In the long run, though, if this approach is successful, you can imagine it leveling up into these bigger $5m Senegal-malaria outcomes.

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Super late to the show here, but the whole discussion of the disadvantage in question 4 seems incorrect. Here’s a key quote: “But if we allowed founders to capture more of the surplus, then maybe the founder would end up with $50 billion, and the charity and its beneficiaries would only get $50 billion, which seems much worse for them.”

Maybe I’m misunderstanding how this whole thing works. I thought that the final oracular funder decides what the value is. That value is not dependent on the cost to produce it. (That’s the labor theory of value, which is discredited.) To make this more obvious, let’s say that the method for selling off impact certificates for completed projects in an auction. The project investors put together their evidence of completion and value, bidders get to review it, and the bugging happens. The supply of that particular impact certificate is fixed. Demand will set the price. If the auction comes out at $100B, so be it. If it comes out at $1, so be it.

More to the point, the beneficiaries already got all of the benefit of the project, whatever it is. The impact certificates are about who gets credit for producing the benefit, not who gets the benefit itself! Then, in the example quoted above, it’s very unclear who this charity is. Is this the final funder? They don’t get money at all. They are the ones who valued the project at $100B and paid that amount to buy the credit. Are they the intermediate investor, who funded the work in progress? If so, they knew that the funder was reserving half the equity. Just like VC firms, these intermediate funder will not want to invest in risky propositions where their upside is too low. That means that the market will place a practical cap on founder-retained shares.

I think the key thing is the mechanism for determining the value of the completed project. There are a lot of auction methods. One of them is probably best suited to that role.

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