Nourished Podcast
What if cooking was your art?

What if cooking was your art?

Coffee & Contemplation #4

What if cooking gets to be your art?

Here’s the thing, I’m pretty committed to making as many things in my life just a little more joyful. To bring as much beauty into my world as is humanly possible in my own creative way.

Because it’s so needed in the world right now don’t you think?

I want what I eat to be a highlight of my day. Even if that is something as simple as taking an extra minute to make my eggs look pretty on the plate, I’m doing it.

It all matters.


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Ready to learn the pleasure and the principles of cooking well? Let’s Cook with Intention

Sourdough 101 - master the magic of sourdough bread - this is the place if you want to learn all things sourdough. :)

Happy Cooking :) 



Nourished & Whole
Eat well. Live well. Cook often.

Nourished Podcast
Giving cooking the attention it deserves.