I’m guessing that the “armed pro-Trump supporters” are a false-flag operation. This is exactly the kind of provocation the junta is looking for, à la Jan 6

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It was peaceful Trump supporters but I’m sure those heavily armed IRS agents would love to help The West Palm Beach PD with the peaceful Trump supporters.

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A 12 yo died from a medical emergency, hmmmmm. When I was little some 50 years ago, kids hardly ever died from a medical emergency at football practice. I guess that’s secret code for “stupid parents vaxxed him.”

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they dont

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It’s time that all the liberal hustlers are put in jail

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Comment copied from a ZH thread:

“Having been in the FBI for 30 years, and been in charge of the informant program for 12 years in one of our offices, I have a few observations.

1.  You cannot direct an informant to do anything you can't do.  The documents in question were in 15 boxes in storage.  How did this "informant" know what was in the boxes?  It is presumable that the "informant" was directed to spend hours upon hours to go through all those documents to get the goods for ANOTHER phoney warrant like they had when they LIED to the FISA court.  Absent some very twisted facts, this warrant is obviously illegal.  If your source does an illegal search, it's not admissible and you can't base a warrant on it.

2.  If they had an informant for these types of documents, and knew exactly where they were stored, why did they arrive with 35 Special Agents and spend hours upon hours combing the house?  Unless this left wing judge gave them carte blanch to toss the house, the Agents exceeded the dictates of the warrant, which should have read exactly what they could search and take, and nothing more.

3.  The statute they are talking about requires a willful and unlawful mens rea.  It's  insane to believe Trump packed 15 boxes of documents himself when he left office.  You have no willful.  The unlawful element is also up in the air because the president can declassify anything he wants.

4. The remaining problem with a prosecution is the fact that Trump openly complied with the National Archives to access the documents and ensure they reached their appropriate resting place.  Is that the mind of a felon?  Good luck convincing a jury he was hiding something when he opened the doors to the investigation.

Bottom Line:  They used Archives and Trump's compliance to develop a "source" and they used that "source" to get a phony baloney warrant.  Sound familiar?  Anybody remember the Bureau using a phony source to get a FISA warrant which was completely a lie?”

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What is a ZH thread?

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Of course; I drew a blank. Thanks!

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Wow! A lot going on. Steve Deace with Co-author-has a new book coming out in a couple months title is “Rise of the 4th Reich, Confronting Covid Fascism with Nuremberg Trials” Lots to say. So many Democrat criminals and they are pulling out all stops. DJT needs his life protected like never before. If there is a mole amongst his staff that person needs to be ratted out. The democrats are desperate and the more disgusting moves they make, the more they insure his presidential re-election in 2024. Things are really going to ramp up prior to our he midterms. Buckle up everyone

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San Diego! Some truth!

Thank God it’s on msm…

Thanks for the list, really good.

Prayers for Trump’s protection.

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