But what does this mean for the never-jabbed who have acquired natural immunity? Same risk of reinfection? Impossible to tell because so few Portuguese are not jabbed yet so many jabbed have gotten sick, and more than once. I think the jabs have wiped out Portuguese population's ability to cope with all future strains and the tiny percent that is never-jabbed are so poisoned with the exosomes from the jabbed that they too are probably toast. Because hardly-jabbed South Africa certainly doesn't seem to have this problem of same vulnerability to BA.5. They seem pretty immune to it. And the summary should have said, "no significant differences in vaccine INeffectiveness against BA.5 or BA.2."

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Can you elucidate us more on the exosome poisoning occurring between those who volunteered to be genetically altered and the control group that didn't volunteer for the experimental medical treatment?

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Well as we all know, exosome effects (or whatever it should otherwise be called) from "shedding" are strenuously denied by those doing it to us involunteers who keep insisting it happened to us. But if we can believe (and I do) the few independent researchers who have looked, reported by Dr. Alexander a while back I think, some children who were never jabbed and also never tested positive with symptoms, had brand-specific mRNA-coded spike protein antigen exposure evidence (immune response) in their blood, not nucleocapsid and CoV envelope antigen response. So not from circulating virus strain(s) but from their close contact with jabbed people expressing the very specific S1 and S2 antigen-antibody Receptor Binding Domain complexes. The man-made spike protein that hasn't drifted or changed its RBD like the man-made virus has. But it's moot now I guess, since they are giving the shots to babies and little kids and the rest of us, jabbed or not, are contaminated as heck by now.

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So, in other words, "shedding" means the toxic, man-made, spike protein is also airborne?

Natural detox options to help aid the bodies defenses:

Spike protein inhibitors and neutralizers include pine needles, ivermectin, neem, N-acetylcysteine (NAC) and glutathione

The top 10 spike protein detox essentials include vitamin D, vitamin C, nigella seed, quercetin, zinc, curcumin, milk thistle extract, NAC, ivermectin and magnesium.

Further reading ~ https://citizens.news/594265.html

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I've added a Chinese Star Anise tincture. About .75 - 1 ml in my morning tea. I'm surrounded by the jabbed but have had no symptoms of anything.

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I think you're right on.

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Thanks for sharing

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I've feeling this isn't good for jabbed nor unjabbed since the jabbed infecting them w/dangerous graphene oxide and they've now nanoparticles in their blood. Nothing like having red blood cells destroyed.

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Apolipoprotein E (APOE) plays a pivotal role in lipid including cholesterol metabolism. The APOE ε4 (APOE4) allele is a major genetic risk factor for Alzheimer’s and cardiovascular diseases. Although APOE has recently been associated with increased susceptibility to infections of several viruses, whether and how APOE and its isoforms affect SARS-CoV-2 infection remains unclear.

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