On to the next money laundering scheme!

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M$nkey pox vak for shingles.

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I appreciate what you are doing Dr. but let's just ignore these people. Covid is now a mild cold. If it kills the vaxxed, sorry, we tried to warn you. Some of you listened and some of you called us "conspiracy theorists". Make your peace with God and hope for the best.

It is 100% over. Let's stop talking about it because it was a scam from day one and we can see with our own eyes that life is back to normal and almost no-one cares. If we keep talking about it, it lends it credibility. As 2nd Smartest Guy says in his Substack - DO NOT COMPLY

If people want to mask up and get fifth and sixth boosters against the common cold, let them. This was always an IQ test set by Social Darwinians. If some people are too stupid to see what is happening this late in the game, it's far too late to save them anyway.

The only people I see wearing masks now are morbidly obese people and Branch Covidians. Unless you have some genetic disorder, you did that to yourself (they always seem to have dozens of bottles of fizzy sugary drinks in their trolley so unlikely).

As for the Branch Covidians, they still believe the TV. I class that as a lack of critical thinking skills and sorry, you also deserve your Darwin Award.

Sorry, if you can't look after yourself and eat healthily, my freedom is not negotiable. You are 100% responsible for what goes into your mouth and also your brain.

For people who are genuinely immuno-compromised through no fault of their own....yeah, that sucks. Sorry.

Otherwise leave us all alone. If this was a cold/the flu in 2019 no-one would have cared. NO-ONE!

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it is a cold...all you write is 100%

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

You are a legend Doctor. I hope you and yours are doing great. Thank you. 👍

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

Covid is not just a cold! You're a liar!

I lost my sense of taste and smell! I felt achey like never before!

I had the sniffles for three straight weeks! Even my three masks couldn't save me!

Everything just started coming in threes!!! Which was a symptom! As was always using exclamation points!

Cold? Cold?! Cold???!!!

You people are making my life impossible!

Give me 6 feet distancing or give me death!

Covid never goes away- NEVER!

Long Live Covid- Long Live Covid- Long Live Long Covid!

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If only you had worn six masks. What in the name of all that is Fauci...I mean Science were you thinking? 😀

To be fair, I always respectfully socially distance from people wearing masks, let them live their delusions. I'm a respectful person.

Funny story. There appears to be a certain type of person in France (where I live) who has "failed to invent bags" - as I call it.

I have no idea why but these people can be seen all the time, trying to carry a ridiculous amount of groceries back to their car with no bags. They are always dropping things and I always rush up to help them pick things up.

So me staying away from lunatics wearing masks falls into the same class of helpfulness as people who fail to invent shopping bags.

Just because people are morons doesn't mean you shouldn't pay them some degree of respect.

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

This is crazy- SIX!? Why didn't Lord Fauci tell me this! What about the CDC studies on 6!?

Are they trying yo make everyone sick by not telling them!?

Gotta link to the study about 6?!

Makes perfect sense- keep the virus out!? 2 is better than 1- 3 is better than 2- yes, yes!

I'm calling Sigourney Weaver right now! Wait, no, that's Alien- Shit what movie are we watching here?!

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Aug 12, 2022·edited Aug 12, 2022

The movie is The Andromeda Strain.

You were specifically told to buy a box of masks and wear them all at once.

Why do you think they came in a box? So you could wear ONE?

What were you thinking?

I personally only ever leave the house with three HAZMAT suits on. You maskers are plague rats. I bet you haven't even been vaxxed twenty times with every brand of vaccine. I had to travel to Hungary to get 16 shots of the Chinese and Russian ones. And the morons on the flight told me my attire was freaking out the other passengers! Amateurs!

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Possibly I am legend might fit better as things move along?

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The Matrix or Inception or maybe both combined.

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Inception did my head in to be fair. But I hadn't watched a Hollywood movie for about five years and doing so does my head in anyway.

I haven't even watched TV for three years no for the same reason.

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Totally understandable. I have also been for the most part tv free since 2014. Every once in a while it is on around me. I can feel it sucking my intelligence out. Most of the time now, they say the word “suicide” over and over. Something was playing in the background. Wow, no wonder people are going insane.

Even the music in the stores is terrible. Bring your own music, or maybe white noise to drown out the Project Naomi garbage:


Speed up the playback if it is too slow.

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Blessings to you - go forth and multiply.

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I have heard many people say that they had a hard time with covid, since I never got it I can’t judge you. I wish you full and speedy recovery. Wear a mask if you want, live and let live, I happen to not like vaccine shedding. The “vaccine” is the bioweapon. I’m a cereal nonconformist and I wear a spray painting mask when shopping to avoid vaccine shedding.

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Allen, just the friendly warning, the latest: sarcasm kills!

Just like napping, gardening, sun exposure etc.

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Wow, I hope this was sarcasm!?!

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I'm used to dealing with Covid/vaxx/Ukraine/Biden shills. This comment was far too intelligent to be a shill. 😀

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No wayyyy- this is Science!

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Yes, political science/theatre!!!

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You disappoint me Allen. Surely you mean SCIENCE™?

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More like satire. I got it. 😀

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Yea! They are shifting gears and are gearing up monkey pox to be the new virus to fear!

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Money pox, the “k” is silent!!! Saw it on the internet somewhere❤️‍🔥👍🏼💯

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Mon$ey pox ? doesn't quite work, reads as an S

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Aaaaaannd just like that Canada remains the only major industrialized nation in the West with these stupid, idiotic, ignorant, cruel, callous, moronic, unscientific, inhuman, incorrigible, damaging, incoherent, reprehensible, unethical, immoral, unjustified, unconscionable, irrational, illegal, cultish, demoralizing, chaotic, cynical, deranged, depraved, disappointing, disheartening, divisive, disorderly, futile, pointless, embarrassing, cowardly, conniving, and pipi caca mandates and restrictions.

Quite the accomplishment Canada. Take a bow and let that fart rrrrrip.

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I agree with that statement as I am a victim of that regime. As a medical laboratory technologist that was terminated October 26, 2021 due to refusal to be a lab rat, I am poorer but healthier. Was never sick the entire time I worked at the acute care hospital here for 4.5 years, but they fired me.

I caught the variant in May 2022, treated it with vitamins, expectorant and rest. No worse than the last cold I had December 2016. We are trying to be free here but it's hard......

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Sorry to hear this. But that's the key: You resisted and are healthy. That's what I remind myself. We never downloaded ANY app or passport. We stood resolute against this madness. I simply can't believe I live in the one country that ended up being the most rotten.

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I think Australia is a very close second.

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My husband and I were the same. No jab. No Vid until 3 weeks ago and stuck that damn test up our nose. 3 days later we tested positive. We are old. Treated it the same as a cold with fever. We are here and recovered!!!

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As a Canadian I am proud to be today. You crack me up. Almost spit out my morning coffee👍🏼🤣👍🏼

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When can you toss Trudy out and would your fellow citizens actually do that?

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It's complicated.

Right now, the only way to get him out is for either a) to petition the Governor-General to dissolve Parliament. Not gonna happen given the GG is a Trudeau appointee b) the recent revelations that Trudeau broke the law with his mandates and the Federal Court holds him to account. Not likely given how the courts have behaved up until now. If they don't step in it could signal he's free to be a dictator and continue to flout the law and etiquettes of Parliament. The hearing is in September. They can either dismiss it or save Canada from this miscreant. Not holding my breath. and C) the NDP stop propping him. This is probably the most likely given the NDP base is not happy about this alliance at all. But its leader and Justin are WEF graduates so who knows if there's a WEF-influenced deal here whereby they will stick together regardless of political calculus in the Canadian context.

IF the NDP were to break the alliance, that would lead to a non-Confidence vote prompting an election. Here, this is where we need the Conservatives to be ready. They're slowly getting their act together and seem to have a strong field to finally knock out Justin who is there for the taking. They do have momentum.

As it stands, the most recent Angus-Reid poll claims only 8% of Canadians are happy with Trudeau. The caucus is not happy and wants mandates to end but the Cabinet is pushing back on them. So clearly there's not only Cabinet tyranny in play but within the Cabinet there seems to be a secret Covid council cabal. A story broke by the National Post. That's the story that could finally sink him in court because it's pretty bad. Very bad. He basically ordered this 'cabal' which had no scientific expertise to find an excuse to justify his mandates. They couldn't find one so he did it anyway. He forced people into jabs for POLITICAL EXPEDIENCY. Not health.

Politicians have fallen for FAR LESS. Justin has managed to survive scandal after scandal after scandal.

Oh. As if that's not enough. According to a Blackrock report and as reported in the Toronto Sun, CSIS and the RCMP have discovered several politicians at the municipal, provincial and federal level have been infiltrated by foreign actors and continue to do so.

The problem? Canada has no laws to combat this.

This is a very unserious and immature country.

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Well...I watched the one crazy weekend of truckers’ convoy protest through the eyes of the independent journalists on the front line staring into the eyes of the NATO bullies, very intense and compelling, I will never forget it. I applaud all of you for fighting so hard and leading the charge.

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Those cops in green uniform were Surete du Quebec. Quebec's goon squad. A police force known to be very corrupt.

Yes, some are fighting very hard. But getting through to the normies has been a challenge and a half.

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One wonders how that big fake smile...Gavin Newsome has the same one...can be tolerated by Canadians much longer. And the delicate way he talks like the acting coach he was...he sounds a little light in the loafers too. I’m sure everybody knows he’s Klaus’ fave little boy. Great he’s getting some opposition. Do you think he pushes the mandate so far because his family owns however much of the biotech company that puts the nano particles in the jab? And how is the 12 or so doctors dying in Ontario and Toronto playing up there? I talk to a Canadian guy...compliant all the way.

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I don't know about his ties to that company. I know it's been swirling but no one has looked into it. I don't even think Rebel News did either. Or other alt media like the Counter Signal or True North. As for the doctors, it's definitely not getting the attention it deserves. In private, I'm sure doctors know what's going on. But we're living in a time speaking out is dangerous.

Canada is a full-on compliant society. Obedience is a virtue here.

But roughly 5-7 million of us held strong.

Newsome is Justin's twin. Two complete fraudulent jerk-offs.

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Gruesome Newsom was selected not elected in California. Voting machines have modems embedded in them. I have a photo.

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As a medical laboratory technologist here in BC, I'm part of the only 5% of 10,000 medical staff that refused the experimental gene shot in my area. Im shocked that people that studied biology could go along with this fake science, no questions asked. The mandates are not yet overturned here for unvaccinated staff.

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B.C. is pretty bad. Bonnie Henry is some piece of work. It also doesn't help it's the NDP in power. Quebec is the worst though.

Yeh. I don't get it either. That's what hysteria does. It eradicates reason.

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I quickly realized that this was an IQ test that I was taking part in during this experiment. I'm poorer but healthier than my fellow coworkers that I left behind on October 26, 2021.

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Good for you! 5%- that’s some conviction! I took two but woke up. Wanted to ask you and JD about the digital ID Trudy is ready to implement. Is that soon?

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It better not be else I'm moving somewhere else.

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Well ain’t that just fine and dandy after they’ve KILLED about a jillion people with the CURE for hospitalized patients....patients who followed their doctors orders: nothing to treat you with until you turn blue! Then we have a nice little ventilator waiting for you in the ICU, with a round or two, or ten, of Remdesivir, better known as


Or better yet, while you’re sedated on the ventilator, and you’ve been summarily quarantined to death row, they go ahead for good measure, and just pump you full of paralytics, fentanyl, morphine, propofol, vancomycin, dexamethasone, add steroids together that should never be used together; and if that doesn’t do it.....they deny you water and nutrition, and allow you to wallow in your own urination and dedication, just to add insult to injury.....and FINALLY, once all your organs fail, you succumb to a fatal cardiac event! Oh. And jusssssst before you croak, they invite your family in for that lasssst goodbye-the Everso Compassionate End of Life visit...

the one where they once again fill you full of morphine, propofol, and paralytics to kill a horse in order for your extinction to be you know..... humane....ask me how I know...


the stories are legally vetted and recorded as the family recalls each and every excruciating detail of the murder of their loved one...

Go see!!!! And if you have experienced this, or know of someone who has, there’s a form just waiting for you....

My husband is included in these records....

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I am so sorry for your loss. I also have friends who died alone in the hospital, two did not have covid, and it is awful how the medical system has failed, and continues to fail humanity. God bless those drs who are speaking out, like Dr Paul Alexander!

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I watched them do just about the same to a family member.

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If you’d like to join our effort to bring attention to the obscene number of unnecessary deaths we have/and are seeing, please visit our website chbmp.org and complete the form and someone will get back to you very quickly! Thank you!

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So very sorry...this needed to be said, this was most of the deaths I believe...and all for money. So difficult to believe, that’s when I knew we were are dispensable.

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Very difficult to like this comment. 💔

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Yes, it was even more difficult to write…tens of thousands across this nation - the WHO removed it from the list of recommended meds at the end of 2020, but our all-knowing, big Pharma-backed CDC continued to order the use of “RunDeathIsNear” for all hospitalized patients with C-19 pneumonia; ventilate, give RMD, and 14 days later, patient is dead and hospital is very lucratively reimbursed….SICK….

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This was murder. Crime against humanity of epic proportions. I don’t know how Justice can ever be served. I too am a widow & know what it is like to lose the love of your life, but not by murder. 💔 There are no words to convey to YOU my feelings of compassion. And my anger at these monsters.

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Can we tell the normies? I’m sick of arguing with them on Twitter and Quora.

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Don't bother arguing with them. Write them off. If they want to be part of a death cult, then I respect their personal decision.

Anyone who can't see what is happening at this point is beyond saving. Save your energy for people who are.

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Also why are you on Quora? That site i s the most cancerous on the Internet.

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Hmmm, did not know. I got on a few years ago but didn’t find much of interest and then I saw all the pro Covid crazies on there and it piqued my interest so I stepped in and try to do a little damage, lots shut off comments so you are right. 

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I didn't realize that site was biased. I use random questions on specific science topics occasionally and may not have noted the trend.

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Just in time for the elections .....

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They aren't really backing off a lot, and their new "reasonableness" is lulling us into thinking it's going to be okay now. It's not, they still have the distancing, and encouraging states to keep the ridiculous vestiges in place. You should self-test if? Those tests are crap, useless, people have demonstrated some RATs are pre-marked, some just H2O makes them +. And contact tracing - more useful for the moneypox cases but wrong, ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer $$$ and manpower for respiratory illnesses other than TB and the like. They are still pushing jabs. Why? well obviously to keep the culling waves coming, royalities for fauXi and cabal, and Pig Harma.

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Today is my Independence Day from medical tyranny. I still can’t see my elderly parent and she won’t remember me anyway, she’s ninety nine and CV has ravaged her facility so still shoving swabs up the nose

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So sad, I'm sorry.

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Teenager suffering from brain tumour ‘misdiagnosed’ with long Covid by medics

An MRI scan revealed had acute hydrocephalus, a build-up of pressure on the brain caused by excess fluid.

The scan also found a large tumour and he underwent a 7.5-hour operation to remove it. The tumour was a low-grade or non-cancerous pilocytic astrocytoma.


My comment: There are still other illnesses. Forget covid

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But do you trust a doctor now?

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When covid had started, I was doubtful about covid measures. I still have a doubts about whole thing because it is political thing.

After all, it always will be second opinion in medicine when conditions will be normal. That was medicine before this situation.

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But now you get two muzzled opinions.

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Then You seek for the third or fourth opinion. Or You can see what Dr Paul Alexander discovered :)

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It isn’t over. The medicrats f@cks will bring back any or all of the mandates, masks, lockdowns when they need them to condition the apathetic public at the desired time. The take away from all this so far is that way too many Americans allow the government own them lock, stock and barrell even when it is obvious their lives are at stake. That doesn’t include people who write on this Substack but let’s face it... we are few in number. Too many other Americans place yoga class and little league above their health or even their life. We will end up sliding back into an apathetic stupor in no time and the globalists/massvaxists can do more pandemic behavioral conditioning to maximize mail-in ballots for every future election. Our unborn children and grandchildren are rolling over in their wombs.

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Yes, and then they find another way to infect everyone. Not saying they will succeed, but they are still working on their WEF/NWO/WHO/CDC/Committee of 300/etc, etc, etc eugenics program, which needs to be euthanized!!!!

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I sense something.....political

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So now it's time for the US Government to end it's insane restrictions at its border for non-US Citizens (unless of course the CDC still thinks that the virus has differing levels of infectiousness and virulence in those who aren't citizens.

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Well, if you are an illegal you can come across our now nonexistent southern border & there are no requirements for jabs!

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So that’s it? It’s over. Will they end the State of Emergency? Stop the EUAs? No more covid. We’ve reached herd immunity. Right?

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No. That’s not it...maybe for the moment, but it’s coming back just in time for mail-in-balloting....

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