Thank you for reminding us that we have taken a step in the right direction that needs to be celebrated.

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No single action by Congress will ever make it all okay, but this is an impressive bill that will make a huge difference. Democrats do not need Republican votes to do the right thing. That's awesome.

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Disagree as to today being a "Big Win." Most of the critical reforms were left on the cutting room floor. All this bill does is delay critical reforms to another administration. Medium to long term solutions -i.e.,electric car production, wind mills, solar panels, etc. are not addressing today's polluters. Also, adding increased oil production is a major win for "Big Oil."

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We will ask God to make good his promises.

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Aug 9, 2022·edited Aug 9, 2022

Fox business ran a story yesterday about a letter signed by 230 economists that the Inflation Reduction Act is not a good thing...can't find a link to the letter though. Has anyone else seen this?

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"Economists Letter to the US Congress," Robert Bradley, Master Resource, 8-5-22.

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I am reminded of my wise Aunt Sharron telling me we can't control others or know that they will choose to heal rather than escalate a situation. Her saying, "Expect the worst, but accept the best," has been very much on my mind since 2016.

Our country is badly damaged and ignorance has taken a place of pride in the minds of the loudest proponents of fascism.

Still, there are wins, though they seem minor when compared to what we have recently lost.

Let's not bemoan the lost rights and ineffectiveness of the Executive over the Judicial Houses. Instead, let these things be our cue to work harder to create something better than we had before.

Write letters to your senators and congressmen.

Write to your governors.

Donate to those whose values echo your own.

And define your own view of who you want as leaders and what you feel is non-negotiable.

Then vote.

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nothing great is done in a day. the elephant in the room Really is that the republicans took away the cost protection for insulin. and we all need to remember that NOT ONE of the republicans voted for this bill which also lowers health care costs and make ahc be more permanent for many. NOT TO be over looked as soon as his finalized by the house and biden. many many of the items WILL cause new and better paying jobs to be formed and new industry to be started!! CONTRARY TO WHAT A LOT OF NEWS LOUTLEYS ARE SAYING. the inflation reduction / climate Act will REALLY have an immediate affect on our pocket books as it rolls out.

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Dan, great post. Senator Manchin and Senator Sinema have reinvented the magic art of bipartisanship, and the Inflation Reduction Act is a great step in that direction. The Act begins the process of making the Affordable Care Act permanent, more fair taxation, putting some needed teeth back into the IRS, and getting us on the road to an all-electric future, while still making needed short-term investments in fossil fuels.

We cannot merely flip a switch and immediately convert to a totally renewable future, if for no other reason than the Law of Inertia, which is part of physics as we understand it.

I'm a conservative, and my disagreements with President Biden are many. He is no FDR, Harry Truman, JFK, or LBJ--at a time when we really need all of them. But he was there to sign this bill, whereas Trump would have vetoed it .

Please support the good efforts of Glenn Kirschner as he tirelessly garners support to put Trump in prison where he belongs.

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This is a substantial beginning. Now let's prove we can do great things when given the chance and a budget to go with it - and then let's build upon this in years 3 and 4.. And let's stop bemoaning the president's age and offer up a little admiration for a guy from Scranton who just won't quit his crusade to elevate us folks in the middle while getting those at the top to pay what they should.

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I couldn't agree with you more, Dan. I, like Senator Sanders, dream of a day when even greater progress is made toward protecting the earth and leveling the playing field in our economy. And, I celebrate this single step that will take us along the path for many miles. Thank you for Steady and for being you!

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Finally, progress made for climate reform. It's the first steps in a perilous journey to save our planet and our lives. What happens next is key.

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"Especially when you know you’re right."

It's this "knowing" everything with utter certainty that makes the current left absolutely terrifying.

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This is perfect, Dan. Thank you. Last year when the progressives wanted everything and got nothing, I contacted each suggesting that they start small and build from there. I’m glad they learned that lesson. Now the issue is that all Dems have to do a fast and furious job of promoting this to their constituents at home and let them know what Dems did for them and how this will benefit them, and what Reps worked to keep from happening. Maybe things are starting to go in the right direction

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Always keeping it in perspective for us Dan, and reminding us to count our blessings.

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Mr. Rather,

A big win for democrats? Maybe. But a big loss for ordinary Americans. This bill will do nothing to reduce inflation; it will only increase it. Of course, you have to understand the sort of economics that were once taught in junior high (and apparently haven't been for decades), but it's really quite simple: inflation is when prices for goods and services go up because the supply of money has increased. Every time the government spends money that it doesn't have, more money is put into circulation (increasing the supply), and that adds to inflationary pressure. This doesn't hurt the government (which can just keep printing money) or big corporations (which can just raise prices), but it's hard on people living paycheck to paycheck, and it's devastating for retirees on fixed incomes.

You may have swallowed the democrat talking points about how the massive spending in this bill is offset by later tax increases and IRS audits, but the spending happens immediately while all that extra 'revenue' is years down the road. Guess what? Their pie-in-the-sky assumptions will never happen, but by then they expect the voters will have forgotten, and they will not be held accountable. This is what happened with every deficit reduction measure that was included in a large appropriation bill in my memory.

This bill will be no different.

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"Just because there is more to do doesn’t mean much hasn’t gotten done." Wise words as always. I'm going to print them out and put them somewhere I can see them and be reminded of this truth.

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