Folks the wealthy in this country are attacking the rule of law. They are the instigators of this. This is overwhelmingly being led by wealthy white males who are feeling threatened by a much more diverse population of non white citizens who are leading change in areas that is a threat to wealthy white males in this country. Top leadership of big corporations are being led by wealthy white males still.

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Here's something I've not "gotten" since I was 13: why are there parties? I see no redeeming value in them. As a dear psychotic man once on my caseload pronounced when elections were nigh, "the only party I want is at the big white restaurant. That one makes sense." Hear, hear, bright man. I sort of like the world you're in.

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I was recommended to this channel by another substack writer. I’m surprised there’s a substack audience for the same trite in-group language you see throughout mainstream media. Pretending not to understand the Trump phenomenon to win points with their friends is par for the course. Unless you’re really buying into the “responsible democrat” camp, you understand that Trump voters don’t love Trump; they hate the mainstream media, mainly because of their incessant profusion of condescending bullshit and obvious half-truths. Consequently, the voting population commonly referred to as “Trumpistan” simply loves whoever the media hates. The near-perfectly inverse relationship between Trump’s popularity among voters and his popularity in the media supports this view.

I understand Dan Rather is a veteran in this business… but this is just silly.

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Now the FBI is getting demonized by the RIGHT wing. What a contrast to the way it was back in the 60's through the 90's. This is an opportunity for the Democrats to show why the FBI is worthy of our trust -- this extends to many other Democratic party positions. We have to make the case for the "liberal" agenda, and that means also being prepared to confront the border issues and homelessness in a way that's strong, but humane as well.

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I am a week late to respond, but I have so many thoughts circling in my head.

Thank you for the wisdom and optimism always. Your insights are so calming and inspiring.

One thought... traitors were hung in the past, right?

Another thought, based on his diet and continual temper tantrums, shouldn't tfg have had an aneurysm or heart attack by now? He won't simply go away.

I am angrier than I have ever been in my life. I am angry at his actions, angry at the people in congress who back him, angry at the regular people in the country who back him. I am disheartened that hatred, lies and violence have become perfectly acceptable responses, because he made hatred, lies and violence acceptable, fashionable even. I fear the damage he has done will not be overcome in my lifetime and that the slide towards fascism is gaining speed. I fear the coming election and the number of election deniers who have won primaries. I fear the apathy of voters who need to but may not turn out in the millions to vote blue.

Yes, I was pleased to see a search warrant served on tfg at Mar-A-Lago. I know that DOJ and FBI move slowly and carefully and would not have acted without their "ducks in a row". There would be no second chance, and every move they make must hold up in court eventually. I have hope in their actions.

There is a book, audio only, that I've listened to multiple times in the last year called Kosmic Consciousness by Ken Wilber. I cannot recommend his work strongly enough. I've looked for answers as to why people could possibly back tfg. Wilber links personal and moral development to cultural development always with the point of view that to some degree, everyone is right. He very accurately explains the culture wars in our country as a clash between three levels of cultural development. We are at the point of an upward shift in human evolution, the leading edge, and the current disfunction comes from resistance to change. We must remain STEADY, speak the truth, contain the anger and not lose our compassion.

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Your writing always seems to capture the "feel" of our current situation. Like you, I have been disappointed with the reaction of the Republicans... especially those whom I considered "not crazy." What will it take to make love of country more important that their cultish worship of Trump. Thanks for your reflections and your analysis. I've always found your commentary to be solid.

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Now that it's been a week, I don't understand a lot of the GOP response. They are saying it is politically motivated but then want to set up congressional investigation into whom they see as political enemies. It's okay for them to do it but not for the Democrats to do it. You can't have it both ways! I saw an interview with a GOP Senator spouting off of how it's political as Trump is Biden's rival and on and on. The poor commentator tried to steer him back and asked what if these documents do show classified information that should not have been out of the control of the proper authorities? He would not answer but just kept spouting. What if Trump did commit a crime? Why don't you wait and see before assuming it's political? If it were a former Democratic President, I am sure these same people would have NO problem with the search warrant and investigation. Grow up people!! Stop acting like children and do what is best for our country. This petty fighting is getting us nowhere and most Americans probably agree. STOP IT!

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Whew. Steady. Another week ahead. Thanks Dan!

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Questions of the

Who is the dumbest Republican in the house

Who is the dumbest Republican in the senate

Who is the dumbest Republican governor

There are no wrong answers

Louie gohmert

Ron Johnson

Kaye Ivey

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Consider all the events leading up to the 2016 election, the Trump presidency, the January 6th insurrection, and the continuing assault on America's democracy and constitution. Place them into the larger historical context since 1964.

I believe what we are seeing is a Caste conflict. I believe that the dominant caste in the US, white people, are terrified about losing their place in the social order. All these events make so much more sense to me when I view them through the lens of Caste.

Even many people of color, including Black Americans, support Trump and the Republican agenda to preserve their place in society. For many, the current Caste system is more comfortable than change, even more comfortable than equality.

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Thank you for the words of encouragement at the end of the article. We must remember that yes, we did repudiate dtrump in 2020. And yes, hopefully more will do so this midterm.

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Mr Rather,

Run for office. You speak calmly and knowing. You have seen so much and reported on issues as grave as this one. I trust what you say. Run for office, you have my vote

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A way needs to be found to counteract the power of the Trump wing in primary elections. The folks in the Republican Party who do believe in the rule of law are in a position to help. In Arizona, Trump-supported candidates won primary elections with 30-40% of the vote in fields of 3-4 candidates. If the Republicans who support the rule of law would band together to support one candidate against the Trump contestant, they probably could win.

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Oregon Republicans dismissed the MAGA gubernatorial primary candidate. But when asked who won the presidential election, the victorious candidate responded only that Biden won Oregon and election processes need improvement. The Republican Governors Association donated $1M to her campaign.

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Tfg absolutely must be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. This entire situation must be contained. Leniency implies approval, which will, ironically destroy our democratic republic.

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It is sad that Senators Graham and Rubio adopted Trump's lack of reasoning.

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I don’t want to believe that we are heading for civil war. But I am worried that trump’s followers will now be field by fury and try anything. They are ruthless and dangerous and looking for a fight. They are trying to scare law enforcement into not charging trump with crimes. But he must be charged, tried an put into prison. We must hold the line on this.

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