So well written as always!

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I’m writing this on August 3 because I feel more hope after seeing the Kansas vote on abortion. Yay! Let’s get out the vote big time in November

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He must be charged!

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Important revelations emerged tonight.

Yet it seems so little of this information is really surprising. Trump - and his enablers - are so evil, so hateful, so disdainful of both truth and justice.

The one small glimmer of satisfaction and source of hope is that so many of Trump's own staff are now willing to try to be objective and in the process start to help the rest of us learn the nitty-gritty details.

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We all all witnesses Who among us did not see the violence in real time as it was broadcasted on tv? Who didn’t see the celebration in the tent where trump jr celebrated as he licked his teeth with joy at the sight of the mob? Who didn’t hear the remarks that sent the mob to the Capital? I think we must assume that anyone who still supports trump and ilk are in favor of this behavior and God help us

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It is so sad to see an ex-president who acted in such contempt and malice for our country. This is a man that is dangerous to our democracy and has brought in more and more people into the GOP who are extremists, white supremists and Christian Nationalists. They are completely ruining the Republican Party. To me, this is not a Republican thing with Trump as much as it is due to the type of person he is. I would be as much against him if he was a Democrat. He has damaged our country and political life. He is a danger to our democracy and he has no business being back in any political office. There are still some good people in the Republican party, but it is time for them to get some backbone and stand up to Trump and this type of action before things get any worse.

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Unbelievable to hear the Rhinos testify. That alone says it all: Trump is a psychopath ( not a psychologist) but he is like Hannibal Lester!

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Yep. I am from the northeast. And yes Trump has a biography..would like to read “his story “ or aka autobiography!! He didn’t become that well known until he started running for office. We knew there was a method to his madness..✌️🤞

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This is a defining moment for our democracy. All persons guilty should be charged and prosecuted. If not, we have no checks and balances. We are nothing more than a third world dictatorship! I am so sad and angry at the same time!!!!

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Put in succinct, startling perspective. Thank you, Mr. Rather. You have a gift for distilling the pertinent details that the Jan 6 Committee have discovered so far, and echoing the urgency of those Committee members, reminding us of just how crucial their courageous work is to our Constitutional order.

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Come on DOJ and get in gear. What are you waiting for? The comiittee is doing your work for you. Treason for one. I know Mike Penske has no spine but the man was fine with you being murdered. How can he stay silent?

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It’s painful to watch because this select committee is very selective as to what to show., suppresses exculpatory evidence, no cross examination, no defense,; in other words it’s rigged. Very Sovietish Dan!

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It is a hearing, not a trial. Not rigged, despite what TFG claims. Anyone who has information to present may do so. The key players have refused to come forward, defying invitations and subpoenas. It is worth noting that those testifying have been republicans, many in TFG's inner circle.

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Except that hearings are usually not televised world wide in a way that prejudices any future due process. Also the hearing intentionally left out any contradictory or saving evidence. In my opinion this hearing’s main objective is to stop Trump from running again. I personally think that Trump actions in those 2 hours were lacking good judgement and did not do enough to stop the violence.

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The select committee is charged with presenting evidence. This is not a trial. A witness may refuse to answer questions to avoid self -incrimination. A witness may exercise free speech by making a public statement.

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To preserve our democracy Donald trump must be found guilty and convicted in a court of law.

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TRUTH is the daughter of time just like these worthless kill people supposed vaccines. But guess what the only people dying are the Leftists that took it. Yeah!

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Hey lady read the statement from the CHIEF OF POLICE command at the White House. I didn’t say it you dummy. Michael Stenger made the statement and for some reason he died the morning of the starting testimony. Do you think our government has never killed people to keep their lies concealed. Your killing the messenger. You have two ears and one mouth for a reason.

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Love that Trumpian bozo confirms that the bright orange strumpet didn't 'fail to act', yet, 'CHOSE NOT TO ACT'.

Which clarifies, fully, that he made a conscious decision based in full information. Failure to act could happen for a number of reasons: 'overwhelmed', 'afraid to make wrong call' ad infinitum - yet this clarification, so many verbalized in days of hearings now prove that BOS knew what 2as happening, aided, abetted, ENCORAGED and then thoughtfully CHOSE to take NO ACTION.

BOS is a traitor to our country. We have laws regarding the handling of traitors who have caused danger to our country in INNUMERABLE, such as how the Rosenbergs were handled after it was determined that they, too, collaborated w/ the Russians - another thing that the BOS has guilty of to secure his seat as president.

Additionally, his tight bond w/ Russia continues as he congratulated Putin w/I the 1-2 hours before Putin started the attacks on the Ukraine. BOS continues to upset the free world with his attempts at regaining power - he has single handedly destroyed families with his devisive, demanding rhetoric, he has endangered the world population by effectively dismantling by full removal of funding, the early warning system which forewarns major Western countries of potential pandemic. Additionally, he refused to solidify, or even allow, individual states to develop reasonable safety procedures for minimizing the spread of COVID. In fact, when the governers of several neighboring states met and developed simple COVID safety procedures, the BOS called for those governor's assassination- starting, of course, with the female governor, the following abduction and murder of Ohio gov Mike DeWine (R), then those who governed IL and, if I recall correctly, the IN governor. Once the federal government agents caught the BOS minions just hours before they planned the kidnapping and murder of the first governor AND HER HUSBAND AND CHILDREN, weeks later, the BOS entered her state, just a few weeks before election day, and encouraged her kidnapping and permanent removal again during a so called presidential rally.

Now tell me why the Rosenberg solution isn't appropriate for this very dangerous buffoon and those who take action based in his demands, ideas, requests.

If it was anybody but a 10%'er, they would be facing a quick trip to old sparky. So many ways he has torn our country apart, and shows no sign of slowing down - why is he not treated like any other criminal guilty of so many felonious, deadly actions and one who is personally guilty for outright treasonous actions and for colluding w/ others who are considered enemies of the state and have both attempted and succeeded at murdering innumerable people, including officers attempting to protect our elected officials?

Why does BOS still run free while his minions, following his orders, sit for prosoction first?

@maryltrump, @marytrump

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