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Derek Thompson and Ezra Klein on Abundance
Mar 182025
Donald Trump won back the White House last year by stoking fears of scarcity. The zero-sum thinking of the right that says there aren’t enough houses or jobs to go around laid the groundwork for the forces of illiberalism currently at play in the federal government. In their new book, Abundance, Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson argue that to combat the politics of scarcity, liberals at every level of government must embrace abundance.  Further reading:  Abundance ( , by Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson  Why We’re Polarized ( , by Ezra Klein  “Do Democrats Need to Learn How to Build? ( ,” by Benjamin Wallace-Wells  “A Simple Plan to Solve All of America’s Problems ( ,” by Derek Thompson “Blue States Gave Trump and Vance an Opening, ( ” by Jerusalem Demsas  Get more from your favorite Atlantic voices when you subscribe. You’ll enjoy unlimited access to Pulitzer-winning journalism, from clear-eyed analysis and insight on breaking news to fascinating explorations of our world. Subscribe today at ( . Learn more about your ad choices. Visit (
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