How it all went wrong for Damien Hirst

The artist who taught Britain to adore contemporary art will next month burn 4,851 of his paintings worth £10m. It’s a sorry stunt to promote NFTs

Damien Hirst has entered the NFT business with The Currency
Damien Hirst has entered the NFT business with The Currency
The Sunday Times

I was thinking the other day about an art book I want to write. Its title would be: Art — How It All Turned to Shit. Every word in the book would be true. Playing a central role in the tragedy would be Damien Hirst.

Among art critics working today, I do not believe Hirst has a more loyal admirer than me. I have followed his artistic progress ever since he photographed himself as a teenager in a mortuary smiling next to a corpse. I’ve interviewed him frequently, heaped praise on him and defended him stoutly when he went too far. I’ve done all this because — and this really marks me out — I believe in him. Fundamentally I believe he has inside