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I think you've missed something in that my first theory would be people admitting they're bisexual on a survey are _weirder_, and more marginalised (and more likely to be Blue Team politically?) - and deciding your symptoms are long covid is something that people who are already not trying to be respectable are more likely to do, and something that is much more fashionable in the Blue Team world than the Red or Grey teams, and you're more likely to need to put a name / diagnosis to it (to obtain support) if otherwise marginalised.

The symptoms of Long Covid could be any number of things, including 'nothing much' to someone who is otherwise healthy - so 'do you label your symptoms long covid' doesn't have much bearing on 'do you have physical symptoms or not'.

(I am somewhat biased on this because I believe the world is currently making a dreadful mistake ignoring long covid which will become increasingly apparent as people with it age and can no longer ignore the minor symptoms, and things which are psychosomatic tend to be ignored or dismissed by society as something you can somehow just stop experiencing)

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