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Oct 23, 2022·edited Oct 23, 2022Liked by Steve Kirsch

Over a year ago my husband and two of my young adult daughters held a crisis meeting about my mental health.

I'd been sending them links to what I considered the most compelling evidence the covid shots were neither safe nor effective. I’d also told them about my visit to a random pharmacy nearby. Did I happen to hit the only pharmacy with the 1 person in 74000 who got a “swollen heart”?

When I overheard my eldest (a science graduate) advising her sister (who had told me she was intending to “remain in the control group”) where to get the shot, l started screaming at them that it was poison and not to go near it:

“They’re trialing in little kids then they'll go after the babies FFS!”

My eldest said I was clearly mentally ill but it was still disgusting to try to stop anyone from protecting themselves. My middle daughter said she could get a mental health team to our house within the hour.

My husband, an award-winning researcher and university professor in a scientific discipline (who wore his face mask fully fitted when we were by ourselves on a deserted beach), lectured me on my relationship with my daughters. He said my crazy drama (I’d been attending lockdown protests) was driving them away. I risked a future where they’d have nothing to do with me.

He spoke for a long time and I watched his mouth move. I had no doubt then there would be massive loss of life.

I apologised to all of them, wrote a list of predictions on a sheet of paper for the following year (including a prediction about one of our friends who went to ER after the first dose of AZ) and asked my husband to sign and date it. He did so but I don’t know if he even read it.

My husband began to doubt efficacy when he finally read the six month Pfizer report. He was surprised there were more deaths in the treatment group. Then he listened to the FDA ADCOM on boosters. He was shocked the rep pfizer sent along couldn’t be bothered to be in the same room or get his audio working. My husband was most impressed by Jonathan Sterne’s talk on real-world efficacy and confounding factors (I’d have thought it was basic common sense if you rely on testing rather than biomarkers) but the clincher was the link I sent him to Norman Fenton’s talk that Steve put up. He found his paper himself.

My husband still refused to accept that the jabs were causing a high rate of injuries. He said, “You keep on about Maddie de Garay but if they stopped at one case, they’d never get the product out there”

I said, “Do you realise how insane that sounds? We’re not talking about getting medicine to desperately sick children. We’re talking about giving it to healthy ones. You know about the John Hopkins study I sent you. Healthy children are all now patients!”

My husband was very rattled when I had a hairdresser come to our house for the first time (being unjabbed, I couldn’t go to my usual one.) She told us her son aged in his early 20s AND his friend both got myocarditis after Pfizer. Neither case was mild or transient and they’re both being seen by the same cardiologist (who asked to see the friend too.)

Some weeks later, contacts in cardiology and endocrinology privately told us they and some of their colleagues were very worried by what they were seeing but keeping quiet to save their jobs.

My husband started writing on a public forum read by staff and students questioning the mandates for students. I advised him to use Dr.Joseph Fraiman’s tactic of asking for help overcoming hesitancy. NONE of the medics could answer any of his questions. The next meeting, they had a sign up saying mandates came from the government (the government says it’s up to employers.)

My husband passed on links I sent him to his contacts in cardiology here in Melbourne. He told me they were at least listening. Eventually they stopped responding to emails. It turned out they got a huge government grant.

Going over the UK early this year has been the biggest wake up call. We can see for ourselves quadruple jabbed family members repeatedly coming down with Covid, more severe cases in subsequent infections. Our eldest (triple jabbed) daughter came over with us and got Covid for the second time. She's had three respiratory infections since April this year, Covid twice and each time needing urgent medical treatment.

We’ve had to put my (triple jabbed) father-in-law in a care home because he has significant dementia. Despite hearing impairment, I could have a normal conversation on the phone with him two years ago. Now he thinks his razor is his phone.

While we know people who have been injured (our friend was diagnosed with a severe AE, as I predicted), we know no one we suspect has died from the shots. That changed in the UK. We only have five friends there because we emigrated 30 years ago. One friend’s sister died suddenly a couple of months ago. I said I was very sorry to hear it and asked if it was an accident. Our friend said no one knew: “It was a clot and/or Covid”.

My husband and I exchanged glances. Our friend’s sister would very likely have had a booster coming into autumn. The rest of the family is at least triple jabbed.

The last prediction on my sheet was about right side heart failure and I told my husband about the video with Vinay Prasad that Steve put up. Yesterday I reminded him of what he signed on 15/9/21 and asked:

“Do you still think I was insane a year ago?”

He said, “You were distraught”. “You were right”.

Just in the last couple of months, my husband has been telling me he never thought the Covid shots were safe and effective. Maybe I am crazy after all because I could have sworn a year ago we were on opposite sides.

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