Facebook shuts down Tbh app that let teenagers play nice

The app Tbh, which stands for “to be honest”, asked its users a series of multiple-choice questions about their friends
The app Tbh, which stands for “to be honest”, asked its users a series of multiple-choice questions about their friends

Facebook is shutting down a “positivity” app for teenagers, which it purchased last year, over a lack of demand.

The social media giant bought Tbh, which stands for “to be honest”, in October after it had rapidly gained popularity in the US.

The app asked users multiple-choice questions about their friends, with the answers sent out as digital compliments. It might ask “Who is best to bring to a party?” or “Who has the most integrity?” If a user answers John or Sarah, for example, it would notify them of the honour.

The identity of the user paying the compliment was not disclosed but their gender was signalled by the use of pink or blue.

It was created in the US as an alternative to