☀️What AMAZON’s New Theatrical Goal Means for Streaming Pics
SONY punts summer pic to fall / NETFLIX sets Tony Hinchcliffe deal / COMIC-CON goes global
Mornin! This is Sean McNulty (connect with me on LINKEDIN here if ya like or email me at seanmcnultynyc@gmail.com), and here’s the Hollywood + Media news to know on TUESDAY, March 11, 2025.
Where I’m beginning to think $1M doesn’t get you as far as it used to — at least if you have billions.
Yes, it seems 5 of the largest billionaires who paid the $1M to attend Trump’s inaguration (man, those TICKETMASTER fees are really getting out of control) have collectively lost $209B since he took office.
Don’t you worry everyone — I’m sure that blinding flurry of dealmaking everyone was talking about in November is just around the corner. If only because stock prices may fall just enough to create some bargains.
SO: Maybe that’s why Zuck seems to be doubling down on the black t-shirt look? Well, accompanied by a gold chain and $300k watch. And of course, the META glasses — never let it be said he’s not a company man (the Mrs. seemed to have different thoughts on the matter).
BTW: It seems like GOOGLE’s gambit to try and get the Trump Justice Department to revise the ruling to partially break up the company fell on deaf ears, other than potentially giving it a concession on AI investing. A final ruling is still expected later in the summer.
YEAH: Gotta love this chart from Bloomberg on revenues at MRBEAST CO., which now essentially seems to be a chocolate company, and one that The Verge reports has lost $200M over the past few years. #FollowTheMoney
ALSO: John Mulaney’s first NETFLIX guests will be Michael Keaton, Joan Baez, Fred Armisen, Cypress Hill and personal finance columnist Jessica Roy on Wednesday night at 10 p.m.
PLUS: Michelle Obama is doing another podcast, with HIGHER GROUND producing. This one is called IMO with Michelle Obama & Craig Robinson (her older brother, not Daryl from The Office).
OH: Maybe my notion of the opportunity to create a line of “dumb cars” isn’t too far off. According to a new survey — the share of folks who had positive feelings about the intuitiveness of their car’s controls fell from 79% in 2015 . . . to 56% in 2024.
As one driver put it: “Just give me a normal door handle.”
AND: That’s certainly an idea SIRIUS might get behind, as the company has made another staff cut of unknown size according to Adweek. This is on top of a 160 employee cut back in January.
REST IN PEACE: Goes out to producer Stanley R. Jaffe who died at 84 this week, and brought many memorable films to the big screen including Kramer vs. Kramer, Fatal Attraction and The Bad News Bears, in addition to time in the executive suite at PARAMOUNT.
THANKS: To the folks at NETFLIX and TKO for the invite to check out WWE RAW at MSG last night — gotta love when they bring out the cage, as Richard always tells me.