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BREAKING HORRIFIC UPDATE: HIV-Infected Green Monkey DNA Found in COVID-19 "Vaccines" -- The Human Genome is Permanently Altered
And it will only get worse from here on in...
Last month this Substack covered a bombshell story about how HIV-infected green monkey DNA was detected in both Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA “vaccines:”
This story has just taken a terrifying turn for the worse.
MIT Human Genome project leader Kevin McKernan and his research team’s discovery that highly carcinogenic simian virus 40 (SV40) promoter is present in all of the DEATHVAX™ offerings have now been reproduced by at least two other labs.
This is huge.
There is no possible way to deny the fact that these “vaccines” are deliberately contaminated by SV40 promoter.
From the above Subtack article:
McKernan also has established that the DNA contaminants found in the COVID-19 “vaccines” result in the genetic modification of the human genome, which has and will continue to set off all kinds of autoimmune diseases.
Which brings us to the latest bombshell:
This Substack warned long ago that these slow kill bioweapons alter your DNA, and now we have irrefutable proof of this:
An important distinction must be made: this is anything but accidental contamination, but, rather, is patently deliberate. They always knew they would alter the human genome with this “vaccine.”
This “vaccine” is illegal in every single country on the planet precisely because it is a eugenics bioweapon deployed against the very populations that the captured governments pretend to serve. (The unfunded liabilities must be discharged along with the untenable global debt supercycle.)
Remember when BigPharma and their MSM coconspirators guaranteed that there would be no possible human genome alterations of any kind? They were lying from day one.
This is worse than some dystopian B movie, and it is only getting worse:
All generations of the “vaccinated” are damaged:
Circling back to Kevin McKernan, and this Substack’s original article:
You may be absolutely certain that all of these allegations are 100% true:
As this Substack wrote long ago, this whole Great Reset eugenics “vaccine” program would contaminate the entire human race…
For those that subjected themselves to these “vaccines” there is hope: the damage and associated symptoms may be managed with anti-Spike Protein compounds such as Fenbendazole and Ivermectin, but never truly “cured.” While the un-”vaccinated” refuseniks who may, for example, have been shed upon by the “vaccinated” and contracted the modified Spike Protein (SP 2) laced exosomes will also benefit from said inexpensive repurposed drugs, while not having this “contaminated” genetic material permanently integrated into their genomes. Both the “vaccinated” and un-”vaccinated” alike can preventatively protect against (turbo) cancers, and the various possible adverse reactions.
Do NOT comply.
My wife’s yoga teacher died of a heart attack yesterday.
In her 50’s never smoked or drank and fit as a fiddle.
Yes she was vaccinated.
Score another one for the 'conspiracy theorists'.......