Don Staniford has one mission: to expose the horrors of salmon pharming

The average consumer has no idea about the misery, suffering and disease endured by the hundreds of millions of farmed fish crammed in feedlots in the sea, freshwater and on land all over the world. Please join the global boycott against pharmed salmon!

Together we can end industrial salmon farming

Please help stop Norwegian giant Mowi from privatising the public waters around their disease-ridden salmon farms!

Taking on the $almafia

Secret filming inside feedlots and cages is exposing the welfare nightmare of salmon pharming - the Go Pro camera never lies (unlike salmon farmers)!

“Salmon farming is ethically and environmentally bankrupt. Please boycott farmed salmon!”

— Don Staniford

Factory farming has turned the King of Fish from the leaper into a leper!

Lousy Mowi - caught on camera!

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Stop Salmon Farming!

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