Who won the 2024 senate seats in Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin and Michigan?

Republicans cheer President Trump’s return to the White House.

Pundits and self-interest groups cackle about how their efforts won the day.

The 2024 vote was “too big to steal,” yet it did not translate to the under ticket.

Republicans lost 4 winnable Senate seats and about a dozen House seats – maybe lost to ineligible ballots.

Help us find out.

We need your help to conduct a data autopsy for those senate races.

  • Was there an effective ground game?

  • Did the newly registered Republicans vote?

  • Was Kari Lake beaten by ineligible ballots?

Every dollar we raise will go toward applying quantum-speed data to exposing these



Welcome to CSE -

Common Sense Elections.

We are a group of technology innovators, seasoned investigators, legal street fighters and concerned citizens, coming together to apply advanced quantum-speed technology and sophisticated digital assets to insuring legitimate elections.


Election interference comes in various forms.


One form is the use of Leftist NGOs like ERIC to manipulate and monitor voter rolls in key states – with all their work invisible to the public.

The CSE team is demonstrating, on a national scale, that ERIC is not only allowing the dirtiest voter rolls imaginable, it has no technology to clean voter rolls to the current data standards.

We are posting head-to-head videos showing how ERIC misses the most egregious data anomalies and showing citizens why them must demand their states get rid of ERIC now!


Non-governmental organizations are often the extension of Leftists buried in the federal and state bureaucracy. These NGOs sometimes assume tasks no government official would dare to do – elect D.A.s who let criminals free, bring illegal aliens across the border.

NGOs have been in the news but nobody has ever shown their vast galaxy of connections to each other until the Fractal Dark Money System.

Common Sense Elections is publishing videos of the central nervous system of the Left – NGOs connected to Leftist orgs, receiving both tax-exempt status and federal funding – to undermine American values.


Project 65 - Who Is Funding Them

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Our passion to stop bogus ballots has led CSE to deploy our team of investigators and Quantum Fractal technology to identify and document the interconnection of leftist NGOs, many of whom are getting millions from our federal and state governments. They are using our money and millions more from foreign billionaires and woke corporations to destroy our country, the values taught to our children. Check out stopfundingleftistngos.com