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So I have access to them in as little as a second or less, I can basically enter at will. Intensity varies for sure, but I can essentially turn my attention to them and enter.

I don't think this is like crazy rare or hard to attain either, Ive seen other people get this quite quickly.

I personally have found certain techniques are more conducive to this at will access (compared to methods like focusing on the breath until something changes).

For example, I've seen people get access to Jhana 1 through a mental question "Are you aware?" "How do you know you are aware?"

Then observe the actual mechanism by which you validate your own experience of awareness, and stay in that place. That "place" is essentially the location of Jhana 1, atleast for a good handful of people I've seen.

Regardless, I wouldn't say the phenomena can be broken down to time of onset compared to substances!

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