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UK Government BANS COVID Shots for Children 11 Years Old and Younger

Why did they do this? It might be because Amy Kelly exposed the shots "literally harm the chances of your little boy to grow up normally as a male human adult."

“They’re so sneaky,” said Dr. Naomi Wolf on a Wednesday segment of the War Room. But the UK government has quietly changed its guidelines regarding COVID vaccination for 5 to 11-year-olds.

UKHSA’s Green Book, which provides information on the vaccine rollout for public health professionals, states:

“This one-off programme applies to those aged 5 to 11 years, including those who turn five years of age before the end of August 2022.”

“Subject to further clarification, on-going eligibility in 2022/23, after the one off-programme, is expected to be for children in the academic years where children are aged 11 or 12 years.”

— The Guardian

The language is very confusing, but to put it into English, NO MORE SHOTS FOR UNDER-TWELVES!

As pointed out by Igor Chudov, this is not just a discontinuation.

“I just wanted to post a quick note because, in many places and news media, this news is not described properly. People mention this program as being “discontinued”. That benign sounding description is not quite exactly correct.

The correct statement is that in the UK, Covid vaccines were just BANNED for all children under 12. Not a single UK child under 12 is allowed to get any doses of Covid vaccines.”

Igor’s Newsletter
UK BANS Covid Vaccines for ALL kids under 12
Naked Emperor reported on the UK not giving Covid vaccine to under-12 children. This is great news. I just wanted to post a quick note because, in many places and news media, this news is not described properly. People mention this program as being “discontinued”. That benign sounding description is not quite exactly correct…
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The only exception is children who are severely immunocompromised.

Here’s how Dr. Naomi Wolf reacted to the news.

“It’s big; it’s huge! Even if they’re trying to kind of sneak it under the radar and make it seem like, ‘Well, we always meant this injection of children under twelve to be temporary and a one-off. Which raises the question as a parent, if it’s not safe in a temporary one-off program, why are you having the one-off program?! Either it’s safe now, in which case, why change it? Or it wasn’t safe, then, in which case you’ve harmed and possibly murdered a bunch of British children.”

“On a happier note, it’s a very big deal for us in the United States and for Western Europe. Because whether they’re trying to downplay it or not, this clearly sets a precedent by an advanced European country that they’re not going to inject under-elevens.”


Now, why is the UK Government making this move?

No one outside the government knows for sure, but it might have something to do with a viral report from Amy Kelly about the profound harm to the sexual development of young boys. Naomi breaks it down.

Behind the FDA Curtain: War Room/DailyClout Pfizer Reports
Pfizer, FDA, CDC Hid Proven Harms to Male Sperm Quality, Testes Function, from mRNA Vaccine Ingredients
When the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to the public began in late 2020, medical professionals, public health agencies, and government spokespeople all assured the American public that the novel mRNA vaccines did not cause negative systematic effects to human bodies. They promised the public, many of whom were skeptical about the safety of a drug brought to …
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“These injections hurt the testes and hurt the parts of the testes that develop the masculinity, the secondary sex characteristics of little boys and baby boys and teenage boys. So they literally harm the chances of your little boy to grow up normally as a male human adult.

So it’s not just the suppression of the sperm count and the sperm motility, which Andrology Journal reported, which we knew. It’s something even more insidious that the lipid nanoparticles especially, which pass every membrane in the human body, pass into the testes and inflame the epididymis and affect the cells that go to secondary sex characteristics — actual human masculinity.

So it’s literally an experiment on the gender development of little boys. So this has gone viral, and I can’t say there’s a cause and effect, but that’s a pretty tough thing to prove, and we proved it. And suddenly, Britain is saying, ‘Well, maybe we won't inject the little boys and harm their testes.’”

Steve Bannon ended on this note.

“I can’t tell the audience how big of a deal this is.”

Agreed, Steve. This is a HUGE! Even if they are admitting the truth through obscure language, there is no doubt that we are winning the narrative.

We can’t undo the shots for the children whose parents already lined them up for these things, but perhaps we can spare some of the kids of other unsuspecting parents and get these shots pulled off the market. Now that the shots have been BANNED for under-twelves in the UK, we have to spread the news around and DEMAND the same in America.


I have left my day job in the healthcare industry to pursue my passion of becoming an independent reporter. If you want to help keep this operation afloat, please consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

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