
BooksJanuary 21, 2025

One simple trick to conquer your reading goals: read shorter books


Ten brilliant – and brilliantly short – books to kickstart the year.

Whoever said “If you love something, you should let it go” was way off base.

Anyone who sets a yearly reading goal knows the truth: if you love something, you should quantify it with a numerical target to ensure that even your most beloved pastimes serve as a measure of your success (or not).

This is why I spend each December frantically trying to catch up with my self-imposed annual reading schedule. Tactics include: scanning the shelves for the skinniest spines, digging through Claire Keegan’s back catalogue, and having a heated mental debate over whether watching a play with subtitles counts.

Of course, come January, filled with the wilful naivety that only a new year can bring, I set the exact same target.

Sounds familiar? Don’t panic. This year’s going to be different. Why? Because I’ve compiled a list of short books to help you get ahead of the game. 

Each book is under 200 pages to ensure you can continue turning your hobbies into work by prioritising results over enjoyment.

‘He mea tautoko nā ngā mema atawhai. Supported by our generous members.’
Liam Rātana
— Ātea editor

Kick the Latch by Kathryn Scanlan (152 pages)

Told in a series of vignettes based on real interviews, this kicker of a novella is a frank, stark, and tender account of one woman’s life as a racehorse trainer.

Read this if you like: double knotting your laces, dust, sober driving, gatefold covers, single-mindedness, the word “unflinching”, not flinching, imagining the lives of strangers, hubcaps, routine.

Lonely Asian Woman by Sharon Lam (188 pages)

A young woman goes on a surreal journey of self-discovery sparked by a spam advert and a shoplifted supermarket trolley. An anti-coming-of-age story with an exceptional first sentence.

Read this if you like: escalators, long-haul flights, microwave dinners, Calibri, complaining about the hand statue on top of the Wellington City Gallery, complaining about the removal of the hand statue on top of the Wellington City Gallery, 2-for-1 deals.

When We Cease to Understand the World by Benjamín Labatut (192 pages)

A breakneck history of 20th-century physics and its eccentric and possessed geniuses disguised as a novel.

Read this if you like: arguing with people you agree with, Oppenheimer, passive-aggressive cat-based thought experiments, putting the pursuit of knowledge above personal hygiene, sparkling water, consequences.

For Thy Great Pain, Have Mercy On My Little Pain by Victoria Mackenzie (176 pages)

A wry and touching portrait of the lives of two medieval women, both Christian mystics whose writings are among our most significant early English texts, and their drastically different spiritual journeys.

Read this if you like: the smell of lanolin, either avoiding or seeking attention, girl-bossing too close to the Son of God, serif fonts, stained glass, heresy, plums.

Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher (123 pages)

A not-quite-faerie, not-quite-human creature guards a mythic tower of mysterious origins until her vigil is interrupted by a well-mannered and persistent knight.

Read this if you like: saying please and thank you, beatific homicidal children, dried flowers, chilli hot chocolate, whimsy, men of honour, multi-faith conventions, declining invitations, toads. 

Leaving the Atocha Station by Ben Lerner (192 pages)

A tragicomic novel by a pretentious and painfully self-aware poet written about a pretentious and painfully self-aware poet on a literary fellowship in Madrid. As detestable as it is engrossing.

Read this if you like: poetry, hating poetry, hating that you like poetry, struggling to write poetry, heatstroke, imposter syndrome, failed tragic heroes, disillusionment, nations contending with themselves, Hieronymus Bosch.

All Systems Red by Martha Wells (160 pages)

A misanthropic cyborg that refers to itself simply as “murderbot” is forced to go on a journey of self-discovery when the research mission it is contracted to protect is attacked.

Read this if you like: Roombas with knives strapped onto them, thanking Siri just in case, whispering “When can we leave?”, long sleeves, airplane turbulence, binge-watching.

Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin (160 pages)

Desire and passion are perverted by societal and internalised homophobia in this groundbreaking novel by one of the titans of 20th-century literature, written with blistering tenderness, poetry, and painful insight. 

Read this if you like: faux velvet, fallibility, starched collars, romanticising your hangovers, absinthe, the silt at the bottom of a coffee cup, leather satchels, old televised speeches, sepia.

Ash by Louise Wallace (160 pages)

Thea, a veterinarian mother-of-two asked to work through her maternity leave, has had it up to here – and so has the volcano. An ingeniously layered, pyroclastic hymn to feminine rage.

Read this if you like: shirts that don’t need ironing, saying “cows” when you see cows, kettles that scream when they’re done, post-it note reminders, writing “as per my previous email”, too much peanut butter, reckonings.

Fup by Jim Dodge (128 pages)

You’d think it would be easy to write a sentence summary for a book this short, but you’d be wrong. All I can say is that not many books can make you cry with laughter and cry for real in so few pages.

Read this if you like: distilleries, guffaws, porcine nemeses, “quack” as onomatopoeia, “quack” as in unqualified, the old timer who’s seen it all, number 8 wire, sticking it to the man, mayhem, gravy.

The secondhand bookshops of Auckland
The secondhand bookshops of Auckland

BooksJanuary 9, 2025

Auckland’s secondhand bookshops, ranked and reviewed

The secondhand bookshops of Auckland
The secondhand bookshops of Auckland

Summer reissue: Shanti Mathias visits and ranks the crème de la crème of Auckland’s secondhand bookshops.

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From Ponsonby to Grafton to Devonport to Parnell, Auckland has some lovely secondhand bookshops, many of which are huge and deserve to be browsed for hours, embracing the way that all bookstores, but especially secondhand bookstores, can introduce you to books you’d never heard of. With much reluctance (due to a fondness for all safe harbours for books), The Spinoff has ranked Auckland’s secondhand bookshops, following rankings of secondhand bookshops in Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin. It goes without saying but this ranking is a loose guide – all the bookstores are winners in our hearts and every single one of them is worth visiting.

7. Books on High 

Books on High suffers from what I can only describe as too many vibes. It has some new books – lots of copies of The Alchemist, a plastic-wrapped full set of all 14 Wizard of Oz books – and spiritual texts, like translations of the Qur’ran and Vietnamese monk and teacher Thích Nhất Hạnh. These are juxtaposed with a few big, expensive art books, gift shop fare like crystals and postcards, shimmery music playing, big colourful artworks that look a bit like Hilma af Klimt, and lots of old leatherbound books. Apparently they bought most of their stock from Rare Books, located next door on High St but now only open a few hours a week as the owner isn’t able to come in much. 

Some of the books are stunning, but they feel more like books that are meant to be looked at, not read. I flipped through a “ladies handbook of home treatment” with some fascinating ideas about pregnancy (lard is a good treatment for soreness) and felt reasonably sure that I was the first person who had opened it for years.

Winner in category: Most crystals

6. Jason Books

When I visited Jason Books, a university student was asking the team at the desk whether they had a copy of a book she’d just been assigned to read for a course. She seemed devastated to learn that more canny students had already bought out all the copies, and promptly trotted back up the stairs. The shop as a whole very much gives the impression of having been picked over by university students, and while there were some great inclusions, with nicely curated central tables – I especially liked the art books on display – something about the big room sunk below street level felt a bit cool, not as welcoming as others on this list. Tucked off of High St, on the other side of the Ellen Melville Centre, it was a little hard to find, and dead silent apart from the two employees idly discussing mutual friends and their social lives. 

However, the non-fiction section is very well organised – broken down even into categories like “shipwrecks” and “fishing”, and the New Zealand selection is extensive. Pricewise, the books seemed cheaper than some of the other entries; it makes sense that uni students love it. I think it would be a great shop to take visitors to the country. Hopefully they could leave with a lovely vintage copy of Landfall or Sport to remember Aotearoa by. 

Winner in category: Best New Zealand literary history

Jason Books exterior, and inside.

5. Blue Hills Second Hand Books 

In the hill suburb of Parnell, across the road from the beautiful Holy Trinity Cathedral, this bookshop is named for (I think) one of AE Housman’s Shropshire Lad poems. It’s one of the smaller bookshops on this list, and kind of charming for it. I especially liked the boxes of picture books on the floor, the perfect height for small people to pull out and examine, and the couch underneath the window, an ideal place to plop and peruse. 

There’s a decent selection of recent fiction here; I spotted heaps of excellent 2010s YA (The Bone Season! Illuminae!) as well as older faves (Noel Streatfield! T.H. White!); lots of literary fiction, like Zadie Smith, Hilary Mantel and Karen Maitland. Some of the curated boxes tucked underneath the central table reflect our national psyche: there were several boxes of rugby books which sort of astonished me at the volume of literary output generated by the sport with the prolate spheroid ball. Blue Hills was the only bookshop I visited that had vintage cookbooks separated out (as far as I could tell). It rewards interaction and browsing, as lots of books on the shelves face outwards, demanding to be picked up and examined, so you can spot what is behind them. 

Winner in category: Best smell (an intriguing, savoury mix of bread and pastry from the bakery next door combined with old books)

4. Hard to Find Books

The Dunedin edition of this iconic secondhand bookshop has already been lauded by Hera Lindsay Bird, but no one made the obvious joke: is it the bookshop that is hard to find, or the books? I’m happy to report that it is neither: Hard to Find Books is located in a lovely house on St Benedict’s Street in Eden Terrace , and it is absolutely impossible to go in there and not see some books.  

Hard to Find is a little on the cluttered side, but that’s par for the course, and the selection is great: there are the expected juicy piles of Jo Nesbo crime novels, as well as a good selection of literary fiction and classics. It wins particular awards for presentation: unlike new bookshops, secondhand bookshops try much harder to be weird and the effort is appreciated. Paranormal romance is behind a gauzy red curtain, a selection of children’s books are in a room under the stairs, and art and kitschy items like dolls and Weetbix tins hang out on the shelves and the walls. There’s a separate room for New Zealand books. Overall, the fantasy of having a house filled with books is fulfilled by a visit (as well as the fantasy of a good fantasy section – I spotted some Trudi Canavan!), it all smells delicious (except for the children’s room where there is a faint note of mice that died in the walls and a sign apologising for it) and a very high chance that you could quite literally trip over something you’d like to read. 

Winner in category: Best use of interior space

3. The Open Book

The Open Book is a charming old house set off from Ponsonby Road, a lovely change from people lining up to get into Prego or sample sales. Inside it’s possible to forget how annoying Ponsonby Road is to traverse as a pedestrian or cyclist – you want me to cross four lanes of traffic so I can get ice cream?? – and instead be absorbed in the world of books. 

It feels like a bookshop that really knows people want to linger: they’ve set up a mini coffee stand in one of the rooms at the back, and you can take your drink (and a book) to a picnic table in the back garden. Rooms are themed and categorised, and everything feels very thoughtfully presented. There’s a tidy but lovely foreign language selection and, when I visited, piano music piping through the speakers. I love the brick steps running up into the building, the blackboard signs, and the way lots of books are displayed with their covers out – it feels like a space that is very well cared for, and very invested in making it easy for you to spot something you want to read. Yes there’s lots to dislike about Ponsonby but The Open Book is not one of them. 

One cool thing about The Open Book is that when the owners bought the shop in 2016 they published a blog for several years about the process of running a bookshop and how the revenue worked. Fascinating stuff! 

Winner in category: Best place to sit and read (outside in the garden)

2. The Green Dolphin

The Green Dolphin, right between Flying Out and perennially cool streetwear brand Checks Downtown on Pitt Street feels much bigger than its single main room would suggest. I hadn’t spend much time in there before – ducking in once to avoid a rainstorm – but the vibe is definitely cosy. As well as books, there are some postcards and DVDs for sale, and a stereo on a shelf plays CDs (not for sale). Like some of the other great bookshops on this list, it has stairs, going to a somewhat less tidy room filled with art books upstairs, and you can pause to peruse self-help as you descend. 

While smaller than Hard to Find or The Open Book, a bunch of nice touches make The Green Dolphin stand out. There’s an open chest filled with kids’ books, for instance, and space to sit on the floor and read together. It’s well-lit, which makes a difference in vibes, especially if one is keen to read blurbs or the first few pages to get a sense of the book. There’s a table filled with crime novels, with a two-for-$15: a great idea for these books which are so often inhaled by their fans. I loved the selection, I loved that there were heaps of British novelists and women writers and I spent more money here than at any of the other shops I visited for this list. 

Winner in category: Tidiest tables

The art book room at the Green Dolphin.

1. Bookmark 

Bookmark is named for its owner, who is called Mark, and was a Royal Marine in a past life. Accordingly, Bookmark has an extensive collection of military books, as well as lots of military memorabilia in the wall which customers are always asking if they can buy. Bookmark was the second-to-last bookshop I visited for this ranking and is a mix of some of the best things in all the other secondhand bookshops. It has some stunning leatherbound tomes kept in a cabinet like at Books on High, the pleasant untidiness of Hard to Find Books, the interlinked rooms of The Open Book, and the excellent contemporary fiction of The Green Dolphin. I spotted a full set of Olga Tokarczuk’s Text Publishing editions – and managed to take one home with me – and the employee manning the shop in the quiet afternoon not only complimented my jumper and showed me her knitting project, she also found me her favourite leatherbound book to admire – a century old book about Dutch history, written in French. 

One very much gets the sense that Bookmark has benefitted from the collections of downsizing Devonport retirees. There’s absolutely heaps of Enid Blyton and Boys Own annuals among the more contemporary books. I have complained extensively that Devonport is just too far away to ever go to, but a visit here reminded me that actually it’s just a 10 minute ferry (a budget “Pacific cruise” as the bookstore employee told me) from the city, and browsing Bookmark for an hour is probably worth the trip alone.

Maybe it was the summery winter day, maybe it was the books outside on footpath tables, maybe it was the expansive feelings of all the spines stretching out beyond me, but Bookmark was such a delightful surprise that I’ll be getting on the ferry more often. 

Winner in category: Redeeming the North Shore

First published September 7, 2024.