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Mar 14·edited Mar 18Author

Mr. Thomas, thank you for your comment, however, election integrity has nothing to do with advertising or media. Election integrity has to do with whether final election vote tallies accurately represent the numbers of lawfully cast votes by lawful voters. I have heard of no election in America, the outcome of which was changed by an advertisement, or dissemination of media such as the kind this bill would cover. This bill seeks to outlaw things that have never, and most likely will never affect an election outcome. And it presupposes the stupidity of Georgia voters not to be able to discern when someone is pulling the wool over on them. Any effort by a PAC, political candidate or political organization that would attempt to fool voters in ways this bill outlaws would naturally backfire on the candidate they support once an opposing candidate has a chance to respond and show the falsity of the media portrayal. Conservatives do not outlaw things before they are a problem. Conservatives do not extend the hand over government preemptively. Conservatives desire smaller government. If you run as a conservative Republican, and all Republicans run that way, then you must admit HB986 is not conservative legislation.

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